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Everything posted by Mirez

  1. Full Ghia Elegance Interior in Flannel Gray. This is a complete setup comprising: 2x Front Seats, each fully heated and with inbuilt headrest screens 5x Rear Seats 4x Door Cards 2x Tailgate Side Panels Plus all relevent fixtures and fittings in extreamly good condition. Some light marks to tailgate panels but no rips tears marks or burns on any seat! Collection from BA13 - Westbury, Wiltshire only - obviously really! Sensible offers before ebay :unsure:
  2. Sorry to hear of your accident but glad you are ok! Ring the guys insurance company with the claim number and they'll have a few places locally that they prefer - you can then take a trip to them and decide who to use - you don't have to use the ones they recommend but its normally slightly quicker if you do. When you take it in they'll come and inspect the damage before making a quote, make sure you show them both sides of the car - you will probably get that inclusively done at the same time as its only a dent and paint damage which they'll be able to just whack on the bill as it wont be itemised :)
  3. They look like leather, feel like leather, smell like leather and if you remove the covers (yes I have already done it lol - just to see if the pads from the heated seats could be swapped) they have the black leather symbol on them. So I think they are moocow related and dolphin friendly. :)
  4. Well I'm back and yes it did all fit in, no room at all left over though! Paid
  5. Well I'm leaving now, 4 to 1 so WITHOUT trailer - you lot better be right... :lol:
  6. Anyone ever transported a whole galaxy interior before? I'm picking up a leather set tomororow - thats all 5 rear seats, both front seats, all door cards, boot side panels and tailgate panel. I'm taking mine down with nothing in but the front seats, will it all go without damage or should I take a trailer?
  7. You can copy them but you need to disable any CRC checking, basically the nav disks have bad sectors WRITTEN deliberately on the discs which is half of the anti copy software - most burners like nero read the bad sectors as bad and wont burn them (check the logs) so you need to ensure you have burning software that is literal clones, warts an all, capable.
  8. Both together will cause the ecu to effectively put the car in a temporary limp home mode, its a VW thing and happens on all - including my 08 golf so its not a mechanical issue but purely software. Being in neutral, turning off traction or turning off ESP will have no effect, the only solution is to right foot brake or ensure you dont depress both pedels at the same time, even slightly.
  9. They don't and they arn't that cheap either but its from a 05 plate 12K car so it should be super mint ;) I'll enquire no problems mate, will let you know on my return as its 140 miles from me :D
  10. Sounds very much like its leaking.... probably from the condensor receiver/dryer canister. There are hundreds of threads on the forums if you search but thats the jist of it and yup the symbols flashing indicates an error ;)
  11. You cant download copies, believe me I have searched high and low but you can buy them online - Travelpilot DX disks are the ones you want and they are on ebay for
  12. I gave mine away with my wheels last night otherwise they would be on the way to you by now. I'm going to pick up a leather interior on saturday from a scrapyard so could enquire then if you wish, not sure what they'd charge mind!
  13. You do, its behind the foam shield and clipped to the door to stop it vibrating.
  14. Just to check you have removed the assembly from the car for testing or is it still fitted? If its the latter and you are using the car's electrics to test the motor - have you checked the fuse hasn't blown for the circuit when the wipers first stuck? I know thats probably a silly question but occationally it can be overlooked! I'm still a little curious though, how free are the wipers when not connected to the motor? They should be really easy to move, when connected to the motor you shouldn't be able to move them by hand at all. If you are trying to move the motor itself by hand then forget it, you deffo wont be able to do that!!! I'm still also a little skeptical of a complete motor failure, have you checked to see if there is voltage to the motor?
  15. There is a connector in the door, not far down from the top as the wing mirror wiring is only about 10inches at most. There is no connector inside the mirror itself, any new mirror will come with wiring and a multiplug to connect to the one I just mentioned. If you decide to cut it off for tonight, make sure you cut each wire seperately - dont hack through the loom in one go and then fully insulate each wire from the others and the bodywork.
  16. To those having difficulty removing the old bolts, don't forget that there are forces acting on this joint at any position other then dead level. Therefore if you jack one side or are parked on any kind of incline the anti roll bar will be working and putting pressure on these joints so its best to undo them with the car level and still on its wheels rather then any kind of jack / stands.
  17. Low pressure (and high really as its one unit) is drivers side, just in front of the wheel. Its outside of the engine undershield but covered by the bumpers lower shield, you should be able to look up through the gap between the engine shield and bumper and see a chrome coloured pipe with an electrical lump on it and thats your puppy. As for this issue, if quicktfit say there is no pressure then, assuming they are correct, the pipes from the compressor shouldn't be getting hot - fullstop. The system won't allow the compressor to run with low pressure so the clutch wont engage and the compressor won't be working. I have to say I'm on the side of leak, or leakS. I suspect reading the codes will give you a low pressure error, and I'll be happy to say its probably the condensor/dryer unit. ;)
  18. Just a follow up really as I hate threads that just twindle away without a resolution. I replaced the lower arms and lower ball joints today as a final effort before sending to Ford. Parts from a Motor Factors (Kevin Cooper - Plymouth) came to
  19. Anyone able to offer any further advice? I think I may reluctantly take this to ford tomorrow - at least my local dealer is one of the good few!
  20. Front or rear? Rears a doddle, fronts easy enough if you can get the strut bolt undone.
  21. Ok Cool, I *could* be the first in the UK then? :angry: I'm still waiting for it to arrive but I'm liking the idea more and more, it has the volt and oil temp extra gauges but the alhambra one also has a digital clock and range function on the trip - so I see the benefits as those 4 plus full size fis, which means nav instructions and audio data displayed up in the cluster. I can't see any of these functions (except nav/audio) requiring any extra wiring either as, in theory, the signals are all present at the galaxy cluster. I'll report back in due time :)
  22. Do you get it when you turn off the aircon after its been running? Or if the aircon is off and you start the car you still get it? If its the later it could be the suggestions above, if its the former then its more likely bacteria/general foust! in the ducting - in fairness this is reasonably normal for cars with aircon - those stone cold vents are left to heat up quickly once the journey is over, leading to condensation forming in the ducts - damp dark ducts are just right for mould and foust and thats all it generally is - it should go away reasonably quickly after you first notice the smell but you can get chemical sprays to fix it - another tip is to try and turn aircon off about a mile before you get home and blow some warmer air out - if you have the discipline!
  23. Well we'll see if that happens! To be fair, the main reason I went for them was that the ford ones were "minging" with the laquer pealing and I needed new tyres - tyres alone were the best part of
  24. Fantastic news, glad my info helped! Like I said it was this pipe that had perished on mine so might be the cause of a few others. Its very difficult to follow though so you have my sympathys on that one, I could see the first perished bit and so just replaced the whole thing, it wasn't until it was out that I could see the state of it! Anywho glad its working!
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