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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by johnb80

  1. At the end of the day so long as YOU'RE happy with the work thats done thats all that matters. Wifeys Scorpio is now well advanced in years and I for one would NOT be happy to pay
  2. Whilst it's not desireable to have splits in pipes from the air cleaner, it's only important from this fault point of view having airleaks AFTER the MAF i.e. un metered air is getting into the engine. Regards - JB
  3. Never knew that, just shows, 35 years of experience working on cars (not professionally) and a forum like this adds to the knowledge every day :blink:
  4. Air leaks into the induction system after the MAF or sticking idle speed control valve (quite likely). Get a can of carb / throttle body cleaner and clean both the idle speed control valve and the throttle body. Regards - JB
  5. No problem, thanks for the explanation. Regards - JB
  6. Whoa, I'm not calling you a liar and if you got that impression I offer you my sincere apologies. By nature I'm a questioning sole and hence my response. You say for which climate in my opinion thats irrelevant, the engine running temperature is optimised to be right. The ability of the cooling system to cool can only be changed by size of radiator or coolant flow, i.e. hot country = bigger rad. So as I said before why would running at a lower temp improve matters, I really don't see how it can. Only my view, if you say it works then it must work but WHY? Regards - JB
  7. I find this amazing IF running at 70 deg was beneficial why wouldn't VW do that as standard? No cost involved, increase MPG etc etc it would be a marketing mans delight. Engine running temperatures are critical for correct operation, they will have been optimized by the designers and manufacturers during development. I personally don't see how running cooler will hep MPG figures, the oil will be thicker causing more drag for one. Regards - JB
  8. Isn't 'the oil can light' oil PRESSURE and not oil level? That being the case I'd be tempted to take the bulb out and get rid of the car unless it's a duff switch or a short in the wiring to the switch. Regards - JB
  9. If it's misfiring Redex ain't going to sort it for sure, don't waste your time or money. Regards - JB
  10. The static shocks you feel usually occur because of the charge generated as you slide around on the seat. As someone else suggested holding onto the metal BEFORE you exit the door makes the discharge occur through your shoes and you don't feel anything. I have to remember the above when I'm wearing a certain pair of trousers, none of my other clothes seem to cause the effect. Regards - John
  11. Most likely a coil pack. V6's are notorious for it, see many other threads on this subject. They can be fine but breakdown as the HT voltage rises i.e. when the engine is under load. Regards - JB
  12. Ask them for a loan car OR your money back, don't let them mess you about. You will also need compensation for the time you have been without your car. Regards - John
  13. IIRC the actual figure for my Galaxy which is a company car it costs me personally
  14. My Towsure bar fits as described above, easy job, no cutting or drilling. Regards - JB
  15. Has to be water pump or thermostat. Regards - JB
  16. Glad you've had a good experience with PIPEX, mine is totally the opposite hence why we're migrating the 120+ websites we host FROM Pipex TO ZEN. Pipex customer care is next to useless, accounts inaccurate and tech support took 7 days to respond to a website that had 'gone off' Regards - JB
  17. I didn't know that, I do know also that you can claim tax relief on the interest charged on a loan to buy the vehicle so thats another way to coin it back from the taxman.
  18. Mine usually starts up at less than 11.5 deg C so maybe yours is the same. Regards - JB
  19. Don't take that job, theyre ripping you off, the tax man allows you much more than that on a mileage basis. Regards - JB
  20. Have a look at zen. Not many people have heard about it but they come out top for everything on ADSL guide, have a look and compare ISP's on there, you wont better zen. PM me and I can do a deal for you if you're interested i.e. discount! Regards - John
  21. The pressure in the cooling system is the same throughout (there is a tiny isignificant difference that causes the water to flow but to all intents and purposes it's all the same). Regards - JB
  22. You want to think yourself lucky that you're not in retail now. There is absolutely no leniency towards the retailer at all. For example, you buy a nice new Plasma TV, 12 months warranty etc. It goes wrong after 3 years, you have to pay to have it fixed right? WRONG, you can go back to the retailer and get them to repair it IF it's reasonable to expect it to last longer than 3 years. The fact that it's failed at 3 years would mean it must have been defective at the time of sale and thus not fit for the purpose. How do I know? don't ask. The law is crazy and retailers that have to work on tight margins will drop like flies with this law and then where does that leave the consumer. The fact that they've tried to fix it does count in their favour very slightly but the fact they've failed and had it for such a long time wipes them out completely.
  23. Yep that works, no problem. Regards - JB
  24. I would write to the dealer principal along the lines of Due to the fact the car has spent 42 days of my 58 days ownership with you being repaired you now feel it's time to reject the vehicle on the ground of it's unfit for the purpose for which it was sold. Hopefully they will take back the troublesome one and give you a newer one as compensation. Regards - JB
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