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Everything posted by johnb80

  1. No wucking furries mate :lol:
  2. I'd agree with most of your points, it just seems to me that if a VR6 doesn't develop enough power then you've made the wrong choice of vehicle. Regards - JB
  3. The only point I was making is simply that if a lowly 115 is CAPABLE of wheel spinning, the V6 should do it with ease (if it's as good as you V6'rs claim). Taking that as read just what is the point of more power? the Gal is simply not capable of getting to down onto the road so you acheive nothing. Clearly the above simple thought process is way too complex for your single cell brain to comprehend MORON. To all the others, sorry for allowing this to get personal but this dickhead started it :D Once again a sensible discussion has deteriorated into personal remarks from a relative newbie which seems to be the way things go on here. The demise of this forum continues.
  4. There's definately no danger whatsoever of freezing the compressor, they run extremely hot (recall physics at school, compress a gas and it gets hot). It's very likely the evaporator would freeze with moist air going over it. regards - JB
  5. Good man, no problemo
  6. I'm always sceptical about these things, consider the following:- 1) It can only admit air into the manifold when the manifold pressure is less than the air pressure outside. They state it works on high performance cars such as Imprezza's and Evo's, theyre turbo'd and therefore have pressure in the manifold. 2) It supposed to make the air 'swirl' how can this be when it apparently can be connected to any pip attached to the manifold. 3) Assuming a normally aspirated petrol engine, there will be a vacuum in the inlet manifold so this unit will leak air in there. What happens to the mixture? it goes lean, what does the O2 sensor do? tells the ECU it's lean, what does the ECU do? Ramp up the fuelling where are we? Back to square 1 The very best economy measure you can do is drive around as if you don't have brakes. Every time you use the brake pedal you may as well chuck a cup full of fuel out of the window. I have never seen lab condition tests that prove these work, maybe that tells you something. Regards - JB
  7. My handbook mentions heated seats, I don't have them either. Are you sure it's standard fit on all Gals?
  8. Back to school time for you my boy. heat and quench will harden metal (with a couple of exceptions) heat and slow cool will anneal. Regards - JB
  9. Probably.... I saw a Scorpio estate full interior that he did and it came in at
  10. Halfrauds should have suitable tubing. If you search the topic on here I'm sure there are some pictures / diagrams of certain parts. Regards - John
  11. We're only having a larf ! For me, you're a most welcome member and have brought more interest and humour to the board. Regards - JB
  12. Have a look here. It's one of my ex-customers, we used to host his website. He does beautiful leather interiors for a whole range of cars including Gal's at prices that don't break the bank. I haven't spoken to him for the last 2 to 3 years so I don't know his current pricing. Regards - JB
  13. Traction control does work by reducing engine power and operating the brake on the spinning wheel. That of course only applies when TC is fitted, there's also usually a button to defeat it and a light that confirms it's operating. none of the above are on mine and I most certainly can spin the wheels with absolute ease on wet roads and with determination on dry roads. Regards - JB
  14. No traction control on my TDi Ghia. You have to be very easy on the throttle in the wet when pulling out of a side road. Regards - JB
  15. They couldn't get a word in edgeways due to a certain other female poster :D
  16. Blocked scuttle drains, leaking heater matrix or on recirculate. Regards - JB
  17. And all the nice little metal grindings attach themselves to the abs gear and knacker it up completely. NO THANKS :D
  18. I think any potential get together could get a bit volatile if we updet mumof4 :D steady chaps, go easy.
  19. My TDi at 115BHp has no problem spinning the wheels, how are you going to get all that extra power down onto the deck? WRONG VEHICLE, DON'T DO IT.
  20. Yes, no problem and not expensive to do. Now you've confirmed it's a petrol gal, 99.99% sure it will be the pipework. Regards - JB
  21. Well the ones that don't you should stand well clear of !
  22. The manufacturewrs are fine, it's the muppets they allow to service and maintain them where the problems start.
  23. IIRC a member was toying with the idea of supercharging. In my humble (boring?) view if the V6 doesn't have enough power for you, you have totally the wrong vehicle. Regards - JB
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