Just got the check brake pad warning and I've had the tyres off to check the condition of discs and pads Front discs are 25mm thick with the pads ranging from 8-10 between metal back plate and disc Back discs 8.3 and 8.35 mm thick with an average of 3mm left on the pads, now AFAIK the front discs need to be changed at about 20mm thick and the backs at 8mm Does anybody know what the original thickness of the discs are, I know the fronts have been changed once at about 40K (car has now done 85k) the backs have never been changed (at least since 20k when we bought the car) Given loads of dosh I would get the rear discs changed with the pads I wonder how much wear there is left on them - surface is fine they are just getting a bit thin but I wont have time to change them for a few months (2-3k)