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Everything posted by NikpV

  1. IMO these ultra high figures are nothing but marketing spin - there is no guarantee that the latency and throughput of your isp will be up to the job, especially when you share your node with a bunch of internet download hogs. Thats why I am considering carefully - out of the 4 or 5 I thought I might go with - most fall down on these points, the only problem I came across with demon is the bandwidth use when ppl access your home pages - I almost got put on a restricted server after I got a new camera (nikon d50) and posted some pics - had a couple of days of 120Mb access and they went gaga. Thats what I'm trying to find out :huh:
  2. cheers - I may have been done but I can't find the docs - we are moving house sometime in the next millenia and SWMBO has been packing :huh:
  3. there appears to be at least 2 sets of electrical connections (3 with headlight washers) to the resevoir
  4. Me - I said - Grey !! accoding to paperwork but more like an beige/oyster colour - very popular round here ps certainly not any of those colours
  5. I thought the front and rear washers were separate pumps so it may not have a tee since its only one pipe. (even with headlight washers - again separate pump
  6. I though it was on the service schedule but I can't find handbook atm (missus has started packing - only 6 weeks to go :D :P ) I as wondering whether it has been changed or missed :D
  7. out of interest I wonder what its design life is ??
  8. from the chat on demon service it looks like that demon may be changing the terms of service when they introduce adsl max and introducing caps so it looks like that changing ISP is likely when we move - Zen looks good apparently they don't block ports or perform any traffic shaping. Although I reckon I would rarely exceed zens cap over a year it would just be my luck that I would on the odd month :D which is why I am reluctant to go with a service with capped usage. Generally been happy with demon over the years but CS has deteriorated ofver the last 5 or so unlike there accounts department which has been diabolical and completely incompetent since THUS took over - apparently it was just diabolical before. :P
  9. Upstanding How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or you have rarely left the house
  10. cheers - I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and buy one - rotate through until I find the one thats dodgy :D Any body bought one from Fords ??
  11. note this one is a drivers side seat :D
  12. yes I've had all three types apart they appear identical except 1) seat belt buckle bolted on other side 2) base cowl cut out for buckle 3) seat tilt mechanism for the back 4) seat release mechanism (tilts whole seat) bar is handed but you can still release using the strap underneath ~Ive had a detailed look and can't see any reason why they can't be converted - even to center seat (on a MKII with the roof mounted seat belt - the belt angle is the same) PS cheers for the othe seat :)
  13. remove Bottom hose from radiator :)
  14. Grey - according to ford - 4 on our estate the same colour
  15. Since posting originally they have been working fine - but today all of a sudden - I'm getting the high pitched beep again - twice - every other time since they've worked fine - any idea what can cause this - would a fault have been stored ?
  16. When changing the MAF the other day I noticed that the belt was crazed a little on the outside - I've not noticed it before - car has 66k on the clock and FFsh everything has been done AFAIK should this be a concern?
  17. how about get the corner up and direct a hairdryer into the gap - may soften or make the plastic more elastic :blink: :lol: ;) :D
  18. :lol: ;) was sniped and the price went too high for second hand (year old) - would have cost about
  19. umm is it only me tht can't see it ??? if you are having trouble adding a pic see here
  20. working fine atm - mumo4 burning my screen !
  21. I assumed it was GMT :blink:
  22. I remember when driving on L plates lots of people would overtake, tailgate etc in situations where they problably wouldn't otherwise, it seems an expectation of some folk that learner drivers should not be on the road, like all drivers you get the whole spectrum oif abilities. I would also have to say that I've seen some driving instructors (assuming so due to driving school car one occupant) do some pretty dodgy things (no offence intended Matt - no tarring with same brush). Having lived in London for years and close to work ever since I had no reason to drive and I did my test only about 6 years ago - 100% theory 1 minor practical since then they have introduced the hazard perception part - I can think of many current drivers who would struggle much more under the current test regime :(
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