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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by NikpV

  1. booster heater = aux heater some petrol have heater - usually cold countries no extra power supply needs to be below about 10c and coolant below 75 to come on don't know about sharan extra button though :ph34r: :16: :16: sorry bit busy atm
  2. Four hours on aux heater - wow hope you had fun
  3. Agree - spray on the wd40 every day for a week then get some leverage on them
  4. oops sorry 3.5bullet I was editing my original above while you posted starting problems from the faq
  5. While I can't immediately suggest anything it would probably help those who can if you can give some details of the car - see my signature check the faq 12th from bottom
  6. I certainly don't want to contradict you, however, I've been a member here since 2003 and I can't recall many problems - perhaps I'm just having a senior moment here
  7. neat poll - bit of a coincidence - I was looking at the thread 'Roll call' while you were posting it - I've bumped the thread so you can see/add to it since we have loads of new members recently old gits roll call
  8. Wow look what I turned up - wonder how many of these are true still galaxy etc owners well apart from me that is :ph34r:
  9. and you could try putting 'aux heater' into the search - returns at least 600+ hits (if you ask for posts) if you want to know a bit more :ph34r:
  10. They're surely not arguing over it are they ??
  11. Thats pretty good - a few more and it could become an honorary TDi :16: without the smoke as well :16: Ps many thanks for the sensor - you've no idea how much earache you've saved me both in the car and especially at home :D :D :D oops shes coming :ph34r:
  12. try the first item in the FAQ
  13. go and look under your car just in front of your nearside back wheel :16: :(
  14. Isn't that fraud on the part of the broker?
  15. why doesn't nero work, how are you extracting the files from the nero image, what burning software are you using and how much of the dvd is it taking up , does it burn and not read, does it not burn? some answers may help sort out why - what the problem is.
  16. No problem - glad the site has been useful - btw it was somebody else's post! worth putting your car details in your signature line * See here * cheers
  17. have a look in the faq about 13th item down FAQ what car/model have you got ?
  18. thats what I thought from the pictures - would be a shame since I like the solidness of the seating in the gal (even though its a bit heavy to shift about)
  19. review on the seats is disappointing - does anyone know if the new gal is going to get the same type of seats ?
  20. out of interest - what model ??? mkI or mk II
  21. Bump Cheers everyone that has - makes it much easier, now for the rest of you :16:
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