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Everything posted by zorgman

  1. they are samish just phase 2 has facelift and a pd engine. from cold could be fluid or wrong oil in box
  2. what you need is pure e2nh on ebay
  3. can never pull in if lack of gas as pressure switch wont allow it, mines been dead for 6 yrs due to a pipe snapped off pump
  4. faulty earth on multiplug on engine
  5. you can buy the front bush seperate about
  6. hi yonks since ive been on here. right can get a cheap mint passat afn engine i know intake and ex manifols with turbo need changing is the anything else needs swapping ie alt/sump/vac pump etc or just stick it out for a transverse engine. laurie
  7. it dropped a valve while ticking over due to valve springs not seated correct
  8. its the starter causinf griesf ive just cured mine, to check, on front of engine behind pump where the water hose connects to block locate the engie temp sender it has 4 wires going into it, now then unplug the connector and try to start if its nearly instant your starter is cranking to low. 2 cures and both cheap 1 vagom change map to auto or 4-motion 2 use a relay and 4.7k resistor on pin 3 to fool ecu its cold but not for the glows it tells the ecu to inject diesel at much lower crank speed. come back when the test is done
  9. switched it all off while he was on so i didnt get abuse in my emails. try again
  10. year of car etc please
  11. on cold start up does it rattle then silence down then tick if so its the hydraulics as above, deffo dont use wd40 non wonder oil. best thing to do is buy a liter of cheap atf fluid and pour it in oil run car a day so it can attack the gunk build up then drop oil and use a good quality 10/40 semi vw 505.00 spec oil and new filter. if it doesnt work put a new set oflifters in cost approx
  12. try these links loadsa info for you read up and decide whats applicable to your fault saves a lot of time trying this and that and getting nowhere http://www.myturbodiesel.com/1000q/multi/low-power-fix-TDI.htm http://www.myturbodiesel.com/forum/f5/vnt-actuator-problem-2707/ http://www.myturbodiesel.com/forum/search.php?searchid=305328
  13. well i see that the PRAT has gone so ive came back to give out advice as best as i can, wasnt going to take tdigalaxy90 lip anymore it was him or me (still want him in a ring tho)anyhow if i offended anyone what so ever by me sticking up for myself im sorry as i believe i give advice on a mature practical got the t-shirt nature meaning ive actually done the job on my sharan or mates alhambra tdi. not done much with the petrols or pd as yet tho chassis/electrical side is all the same to me on them but i dont answer unless i'm 100% then i pop over to yanky land and check out the rabbit people out (golf)to read up to pass over on here
  14. thanks gregors. this was a good forum and used to enjoy helping people out that tried to help themselves but you always get one that spoils it for others. i dont just ask i research first or use the 6years of knowledge ive acquired owning my sharan to the point its a very very rare day i ask as haynes, tis,search button then faqs then google at last stop ask . what i dont do is ask how to do it then dis person giving an answer saying there wrong. to the point now i rarely come on here as i despair for the older members like myself who have to live with the likes of tdigalaxy. come on mods do something about this bloke like all the other forums im on and ban his ip as we just dont need the likes of him.
  15. hey look at my posts then look at yours i answer questions you ask stupid ones, with your limited knowledge on the scrapper you got best take it to scrapyard. gregors knows what he is doing i know what im doing you know nowt ptoven by the facts of the mundane questions you ask, ill sit back and wait for the belt to go as you will damage it trying to penny pinch
  16. you reckon give it a go then and make yourself out a diy mechanic as the belt runs across the water pump so impossible to remove pump, if your so sure why the hell you ask then tell people there wrong. im going to slag you off as much as i can as you deffo are the most moronic person on here. 99% of your posts ask for help. to be honest mods ban this idiot and his ip to let proper posts be answered any body out there want there input here if it can be done with belt in place on a non pd engine of 1z mark
  17. now if you read up you find that you have to take the cambelt off to change water pump, whats the point of asking then when you get the info you moan the answers wrong. you must be the biggest waster on here, if i was a mod id have barred you by now for asking so many daft questions, buy a book or download one for free if you can fathom out how to do it without asking about that as well heres a clue www.google.com
  18. erm methinks you need to grow some brains ive got more intelligence in one of my balls than your whole brain, i mean come on are you that thick that you think you can change bearings in a water pump. buy a book instead of asking stupid questions as your a parasite that cant think things thru or a total moron
  19. my god is this the stupidest question thats being asked. you really need to read more and use the search button as all ive seen coming from you are a barrage of repeat questions asking the most basic things. why not buy a workshop manual and read up
  20. alt pulley tensioner shaft, ive never had one go rather the bolt comes slack at end so put a larger dia washer on and new m6 bolt
  21. u talking about the small silver one right on top if so its timing belt idler fixed solid next down big black one is auto tensioner for alt belt
  22. take the sensor off and see if it fires up this'll prove where the fault lies
  23. Did you find out what was wrong? mine dosnt work at all now just messed up nd dint i no about it in the winter, dont cut in when below 5.c or abything as i fink the mk1 galaxy cut in at 5.c nd the mk2 cut in at 10.c, eh what the hell is being said here. please drop the stupid txt type and type english what you where taught in school
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