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Everything posted by RADIOTWO

  1. Have you never seen one snap? so if he plows into another car thats OTT?? when he knows about it,
  2. Not a very good attitude You won't be saying that when one wheel goes one way and the other goes the other, and you poss go through a brick wall, or even worse hit another car ank kill the others in the car !!!!! Radiotwo
  3. Opps forgot the "U"
  4. Good thinking, not thoght of that !!
  5. No No as Mumof4 says it is getting interesting ! so please don't sell it get it resolved first, so we can all benefit from the solution ! (so I hope he does not buy it) (only joking) Hope it all goes well Radiotwo
  6. Thanks Alex I got out of the employed van driver bit some years ago, and started my own business, so don't have the problem anymore. But when I was employed I refused to pay tax as my argument was I did not have the van for my benefit, but was for the customers! and why should I pay the tax(it was only about
  7. Hi Alex I don't know if I have miss read your post, are you saying if you "go to and from work only in a van " then you won't pay any tax? I have not read about the matter, but knowing the tax side of things I cannot see this to be true. When I had a company van, the traveling to and from a place of work was classed as priviate milage and was "NOT" tax deductable, only from work to the customers ect and back to the place of work, was classed as bussiness mileage. But hey they might have had a change of heart. can you pleas confirm your statement? (you will be exempt from paying any tax at all now, ) does that mean before, or after April ? Radiotwo
  8. Greenfingers You have not said how long you run the car for each day? Radiotwo
  9. drove a sprinter van,,hated it cos it wasnt a ford :blink: :ph34r: loads of power mind you Hi Gooner So other than it not being a ford, what did you hate about it ? Radiotwo
  10. Yes but we can race the Ferraris as you put it and the one I have keep up with them, and yes I have a class 1. So what have you got against the sprinter ? Jealous ! Radiotwo
  11. Now, just to be sure, I was measuring the voltage across the two battery terminals - is that right? So with engine running I get 28.5, and with engine off I get 27. Does that not mean that with the alternator running it is putting in 1.5Volts AC? I will be delighted if you have cracked it. I am going to disconnect the alternator now, and check the battery DC voltage now and then again in the morning. If it is the same, I owe you a drink! However, I still don't understand why it seems to charge normally, and why the current drain does not show on an ammeter. :wacko: As I have said in my other post, "a little knowledge is dangerous" Dont put the meter on AC, when reading DC If you are reading 13.8V DC thats great, Your problem is down to something draining the battery. As some one has said it could be the Alternator but unlikley, go back to the Ammeter and get your reading (what ever you said "200mA") and then start taking the fuses out, and when you get a 0A, that is the circuit thay is causing the problem. Make sure you try all fuses ! Its a shame you don't want a ride up to Derbyshire, and I would check it out for you !! Just to change the tact, you mention about the fuel consumption, Yes if I do abou 60mph I can get a avarage of 30mpg, which is not bad for a 2600kg 4x4 4.2lt lump. Radiotwo
  12. Thats a load of rubbish, Greenfingers says it is reading 13.8V DC and on his AC scale (alternating current) its 28.8AC which is right. So NO PROBLEM WITH ALTERNATOR A little knowledge dangerous !!! Radiotwo
  13. Just a quick point, ref the above. The amazon is a 4.2 Lts and if I drive nicely I can get 30mpg Radiotwo
  14. Will it start in "N" every time ok? Radiotwo
  15. just to put my mind at rest why cant it be working? if I read it correctly? outside temp 7.5degrees Fahrenheit ? then its 13.6111111 degree Celsius and it's above the cut out temp? if how ever the outside temp is in Celsius then it should not be working! but! as this minimum working temp is the temp of the surface of the evaporator cooling fins this may be warmer due to the heat from the engine coolant rad than the measured ambient temp as quoted by the OP! and hence his AC was working! Wolfie I don't know what you are going on about ! where are you getting 7.5 F from ?, but as you have mentioned it, it is not 13.6111111C Ps and will you change the font size of your signature, so we can read your posts in one go, and not have to move the screen over a page. Radiotwo
  16. hi Biscuit, Will you please keep me posted on this one. My Aircon garage swear there is nothing wrong with condensor. When you say it was duff, what do you mean. was it holed somewhere. I'm loosing all the gas every 7-10 days, yet no sign of dye leaking from condensor. seems this and the compressor are the most common things to go wrong. I'm very intested to know if you loose the gas again. GalaxyBox Hi GalaxyBox there was no sign of any leakfrom the condensor (green dye) i can only presume it was a little pin prick of a hole to small enough to let the gas out but not the dye! I too was loosing every two weeks so ill be checking and let you know Hi all Merry Christmas, i trust you all had a good one. it has now been 3 weeks since the Gal had new condenser fitted just been out to check if aircon still works and it does outside temp 7.5degrees, centre vent temp 3degrees Halleujah Hi Biscuit No it cannot be working !! See post entitled "Conflicting Advice On Aircon" Radiotwo
  17. Hi W Yes I have heard you should run it all year round, and I can confirm it does help a lot as you put it as a "dehumidifier". But I don't know where you get this about the compresser will not run below 10c ! as far as I know the only reason the compresser won't run is that there is no gas in the system, there is a presure switch , but other than that temp does not come into it. You say you have just had if fixed, and when it kicks in it put a sudden load on the engine ! is there a problem with the compresser? Radiotwo
  18. Hi again Yes the charging seems fine, if the volt meter goes to 14 volts is fine(on a diffrent tact) if it goes above 14.5 then shut off the engine, as it will boil the battery. so its back to start at the begining, find out if there is a short. Radiotwo
  19. Hi Again, One thing I did not mention ! Have you checked the Alternator ? should be putting out 14.5ish volts when doing about 1500 rpm Radiotwo
  20. Not if its been on the shelf for twelve months ! And most battery manufacturers suggest a full charge before use, and that goes for Nicads etc Radiotwo
  21. Hi Greenfingers Last things first, no you cannot check for a "short" with a volt meter, you need to check with a ammeter. But we need to know a bit more about what you did when you got your new battery fitted, ie the battery was fitted did you charge it? and if so for how long?, don't for get it would take quite a lot of miles of driving to charge a battery, letting it tick over for a few mins would not charge a battery. also have you got a alarm on the car? and for that matter any other device that runs without the ignition, ie radio amp etc?. then when you have gone round the car to check if any thing has been left on like a boot light, then you need to switch every thing off, and get your ammeter, and take off the -ve lead(black) off the battery and see what current is drawn, you should get a small reading from the alarm(if you have one) and a small reading from the clock,hard to say but about 150-300mA. If you are getting any more than than the 300mA then thats when you need to start pulling fuses, so see what circuit is causing the fault. and to the Battery CA or lead acid, reading between the lines, all you read seems to be from Ford, so I guess its just so you will buy THERE batterys and not any others, as far as I know a Alternator is no diffrent for a lead or Ca battery, so that should not make any diffrence. Hope that is of some help Radiotwo
  22. Hi Big-Kev How do you make that on out then? Radiotwo
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