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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Biscuit

  1. Good Luck and take it easy!!
  2. Please help!!! Yesterday Booster heater threw loads of white smoke out! thought it was glow plug, checked it, it was working fine! This morning white smoke again! then cleared up but every so often smoke bellows out and i can smell diesel does anybody have any clues as to why this could be????? thanks
  3. nothing bro in law sent it to me via msn messenger think ive watched it about fifty times still makes me lmao!!
  4. You like it then? Good eh?
  5. Check this out! LMAO at this
  6. to close them try putting the key in the lock then holdi it in the "lock" position see if this works
  7. Happy Birthday Gregers :rolleyes: hope you have a gud un!!!! Biscuit
  8. Just get everything then what you dont need flog on fleabay!!!! :16:
  9. Hi Simon it looks like you need an adaptor kit for your stereo click on the link below to have a look http://www.parrot.com/documents/en/support.../pinoutford.pdf
  10. Hi Simon if youre buying a parrot kit for your car specify which stereo it is to be used with and they should/will supply the appropiate connectors
  11. :D :D :D :lol:
  12. Definitely the cruise control indicator but should only be on when the cruise control is operational. if it comes on doesnt that mean that there is a fault? as mine doesnt show when the cruise control is on
  13. Paddy finds his wife in crotchless panties. She opens her legs and asks him "Do you want to have a taste ?" He replies " F*** off, look what its done to your knickers!!!"
  14. And probably have hell of a lot more money!!!! :P
  15. Was thinking that myself, just looked in the owners manual it doesnt show it tho'
  16. Wife gets naked and asks hubby "what turns you on more, my pretty faceor my sexy body?" Hubby looks her up and down and replies "your f***in sense of humour!!!"
  17. I've got HID's in my Gal never had any problems. passed its mot last month and they werent even mentioned i made sure that they were aligned correctly when i fitted them
  18. Couldnt tell you but mines a mk2
  19. white smoke to me sounds like to much fuel being pumped into engine and not getting burnt?????
  20. Welcome 4candles Aircon regass costs any where between 40 and 60 quid!!!! just shop around (i pay 20 quid for mine to be regassed but dont tell anyone ;) )
  21. Hi Steve these are the measurments from th tailgate of my Gal Galaxy badge is 1.5 inches in from the left hand edge and 7.5 inches up from the bottom of the tailgate my TDI badge is 1.5 inches in from the right hand side and 8.5 inches up from the bottom as for my ghia badges they are on the back doors hope this helps. Biscuit
  22. ;) :lol:
  23. A woman takes a baby to the doctors concerned about its wieght Doctor asks "is he bottle or breast fed ?" Woman replies "breast fed" so doctor asks her to strip to her waist which she does he then rubs her breasts then has a quick suck on a nipple. He then tells her "this baby's underweight because you have no milk." "I know " the lady replies "i'm his granny but i'm glad i came!!".
  24. Hi Steve welcome to the asylum!!!
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