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Everything posted by Biscuit

  1. I've just had vredestein sportrac fitted on my Gal very quiet and good grip in wet and dry weather paid
  2. It really is an easy fix but it helps if youre a bit of a contortionist!!!!! lol Where abouts on woodhead were you? i live about 2 mins from it.
  3. Didnt this guy use to be a member on here??????
  4. I use to have the same probs with mine so i removed the throttle pedal and sensor took the sensor cover off and found out the contacts inside were covered in dirt. I cleaned it off and not had the problem since!!!!! 10 minute job to do. hope this helps.
  5. Hi Mark I'd check to see if theyve unplugged the wiring loom in the tailgate and not reconnected it
  6. I'm thinking possibly a faulty relay?????
  7. Lloyds TSB are quite good and business use is thrown in for free!
  8. Sorry Maz Didnt know youd gone!!! lol hope alls well
  9. This made my blood boil! http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Five-Year-Old-Cancer-Sufferer-Is-Recovering-After-Two-Boys-Tried-To-Set-Her-Alight-With-Aerosol-Can/Article/200908415367052
  10. A man and a woman are in a car in the middle of nowhere. Just before they are about to have sex, the woman says "I forgot to mention earlier but i'm a prostitute and charge
  11. LOL You got Hangover again G? this sounds as though it could be throttle position sensor How does the car run after you switch the engine off and back on again?
  12. Yeah and thats a recon'd/second hand one!!!! ford want
  13. if you can turn it with one finger there cant be much compression on mine it goes almost solid after a couple of turns!
  14. Hi G Yes got a price of
  15. Hi Markie yes one pipe should be considerably hotter than the other but i would check the compressor for compression to do this leave the engine turned OFF and turn the inner of the compressor if you can turn it freely you have a leak elsewhere hope this helps Biscuit
  16. Hi all !! Just had the day from hell! Was on the way to Alton towers with the wife and kids for day out and was driving along when heard a "rubbing" sound from engine bay pulled over to check it out, nothing. set off again not much power and when changed gear a puff of white smoke out of back! then car started Billowing the white smoke out so pulled into a pub car park phoned RAC took them 1 1/2 hours to get to us then told he cant tow us !!!!!!! hence another 1 1/2 for recovery truck to arrive!!!!!. asked Frauds price for turbo
  17. Woohoo won a rugby ball
  18. It reminds me of the Chrysler Grand Voyager
  19. Hi John I went through all the rigmarole of 'where is the dye?' with regards to the 'sniffer', they only ued it on the inside of the car because they didnt know about the 'common' fault with the condenser and it turned out that soon as the car went into ford they new exactly where the problem was and told the garage that the condenser needed to be replaced! not had any problems since. so if i were you i'd check it out Biscuit
  20. Hi John I had the same problem with mine. It turned out to be the condenser which has a large nut on the top left (i think) as you look at it from the front. The washer that is underneath the nut corrodes and so the gas escapes! As you say, the pressure is there when they test it but it dissppears after a few hours! Hopes this sheds some light on it for you Biscuit
  21. SIGN IN A STORE WINDOW. 'WE WOULD RATHER DO BUSINESS WITH 1000 AL QAEDA TERRORISTS THAN WITH ONE SINGLE BRITISH SOLDIER!' This sign was prominently displayed in the window of a business in CAMPBELTOWN, SCOTLAND. You are probably outraged at the thought of such an inflammatory statement. However, we are a society which holds Freedom of Speech as perhaps our greatest liberty. After all, it is ONLY A SIGN. You may say. 'What kind of business would dare to post such a sign?' Answer: A FUNERAL PARLOUR. (WHO SAID MORTICIANS HAD NO SENSE OF HUMOUR?) YOU GOTTA LOVE IT!!! = God Bless Scotland =
  22. Hi SJ welcome to the madhouse :P :lol: :P Hope you have a nice and comfortable stay!!!!
  23. Very sorry for the terminology on the first pic!!! :lol: :P
  24. hi Steve if its governed i take it that it used to be a company vehicle it could be de restricted by someone with a vagcom style system as long as they know what they're doing :rolleyes: unless its a mechanical limiter
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