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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by tiny

  1. Just so you know, this is the one (and the only one :D ) quote from your posts that I am taking out of context...... "it grew to over 8 inches long over sunday night"
  2. Amazes me how people can't be arsed to look at a policy but can be arsed to post on here suggesting someone might be committing fraud and furthermore suggest abuse of admin rights. I think this said person owes mumof4 a serious apology. Regards - J If anything has been taken "out of context" it is my post which was simply pointing out that it may not be advisable to post such things without clarifying that the screen was damaged AFTER the purchase. Especially because of the fact that it has already been mentioned that the car had a damaged screen when purchased. Perhaps it would have been sensible to state why you had your screen replaced, when everyone that pays any attention to this forum would be aware of the fact the screen was already damaged. MO4 there is no way I took your quote out of context, you wrote it and I copied exactly what was written, there can be no confusion about that fact. Anybody, well intentioned OR OTHERWISE reading through your posts on this car, could of very easily been put under the impression that something untoward was going on. I was simply making you aware of this fact. It would be naive to believe that everyone who reads this forum does so for the common good and without malice. There was NO ACCUSATION, that is why the first line of my post was written as a question. My post was intended to be helpful, and at NO POINT did I say that anyone was abusing their admin rights, and deleting a thread or post is not abuse, it has been done before. SO GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT JOHN. I owe NOBODY an apology, if I did i would be the first to admit it.
  3. "All in all, it cost me 70 quid excess.better than the 200 odd quid if i was paying myself!" Your not openly admitting to carrying out an insurance fraud are you? I was under the impression that the cover was for accidental damage to the screen whilst the car was under your ownership, whereas your screen was damaged when you bought the car. Im not 100% on this mind (and cant be arsed to look for my policy booklet!) but if I am correct then you might have to use your admin priveledges to make this thread dissapear.
  4. The moral of the story is- " If God had intended us to drag our homes around with us, we'd all have been born feckin' tortoises!" Im sure your Mk3 is a mighty fine car, the problem is with the caravan! And if you dont believe me just ask Jeremy Clarkson..............
  5. Theres nowt as thick as a kwik-fit fitter (except perhaps some of their customers (members of this forum excluded!)) Go back for a refund of the difference between the quote and the invoice, tell them a quotes a quote NOT an estimate and that your uncles, cousins, nephews, inbred daughter probably knows more about brakes than they do if they believe your pads needed to be replaced at such thicknesses! Then, say to yourself, "lesson learned, I wont go back to kwik-con-fit again!"
  6. I see "3" or "Three" or whatever the mobile network is called have an offer of 2.8mbs via a USB wireless dongle modem for
  7. Lol, thanks, a week of nightshifts are putting paid to any celebrations though. Roll on the weekend!
  8. I think thats what people are trying to help you to do! I hope you've looked to see if there are any decent disco forums, coz you'll be spending plenty of time there!
  9. Hmm, gutless motor? Its a 113bhp 170nm motor from a twincam sierra, its not gutless, you've just got to take into consideration the fact that its trying to lug around 1650kg dry and easily over 2300kg fully laden. The secondary airpump issue is very common with the 2.0 petrols, certainly a good start point. Does it spin on a cold start up? You should be able to hear the pump for 1-2 mins from cold.
  10. If the sherpa was no good, try this ebay 160210241849
  11. Well done in deciding against a serena, Slooooooooooow, infact I think it was awarded the title of slowest accelerating mpv or some such title by the motoring press. Anyhow its a van with seats not a car! Sintra? There is a very good reason why the sintra was only on the market for 3 years, it was sh1te! Actually a GM Voyager or something, made for the US market and rebadged for the unsuspecting UK public. Why are you prepared to look at the sharan or alhambra but say you dont want a mk1 Gal'? They Mk1 probably represents the best value for money as the sharans do command better residuals (slightly) due to elitist badge worshipers :) and the seat was a later release. The only major difference in those cars being the 2.0/2.3 petrols being ford units in the Gal and the 1.8/2.0 shalambra having VAG motors. Of course if your doing 200 miles pw for school, then there's little point in looking at petrol MPV's because you'll be crying all the way to the petrol station! Lool, I think this ticks all your boxes ebay 300206402410
  12. Disco owners will flame me for this, but why on earth do you want one of those? The early ones were rubbish to drive, had dubious build quality and were expensive to fix when they went wrong. They are just about fit for dragging horseboxes around, not IMO a practical or desirable family car. We had an R plate at my previous employers and even though the build quality was improved over earlier examples I still couldn't recommend on as a daily runabout. They weren't any good until the TD5 came out and thats way out of the price range your looking at.
  13. Interesting quarter light stickers in a couple of those cars, seen them before somewhere but can't quite put my finger on where. Oh now I remember its the........lol, naughty, naughty
  14. actually, i have now held a full licence for 2 years and exactly 5 days. I passed on the 10th march 2006. In milaege terms? she was on 98 thousand when i bought her and passed her MOT the day i picked her up, she is now on 109 thousand and not due an MOT till the beginning of June i believe. i estimate, she will be on, between 111k and 112k when she is next due an MOT. I drive 220 miles a week doing school runs.Hence why i am looking for a diesel. Ahh, but those tyres didn't get like that overnight, six days ago they would have been just as dangerous! Imagine what it'd be like if you got six points, 1 year 364 days after passing your test. I'd be gutted, lol. I wasn't having a go at you though, far from it, I was just thinking about a point that hadn't been covered in previous posts (the six point 2 year thing). Congratulations on reaching the 2 year milestone unscathed BTW! What was the tracking like? Was it a simple adjustment job or is there something more sinister afoot? I had a S plate escort that i drove into the back of a van with on a dual carriageway. When I got it back from the repairers (Nationwide Crash Repair centre - Named and shamed) the car had such a pull to the left that I had sore arms after a 15 mile drive! They had sent it back with a buckled lower control arm. Thats the sort of damage that could occur from clipping a curb, or more likely a pothole with the freezing-wet-freezing-wet-freezing weather we had a few weeks ago. If a steering component is bent, the tracking may still cause a problem.
  15. For what its worth, an illegal tyre carries a 3 point endorsement, as you had 2 bald ones that would be six points and IIRC you havent been passed your test 2 years yet, that would mean a ban (hitting six points before 24 months as a full license holder) and probable retest! (thats based on the reasoning that im sure you were a provisional driver when i joined in april 2006) All the more reason to be carefull! How long is it (in mileage terms) since your last MOT?
  16. The Ford Master cylinder for a 2.0 petrol was discontinued in IIRC 99 and replaced by a later type (4 ports IPO 2 on the earlier model) Ford do a retrofit kit that includes blanking plugs for the later type to revert it to a 2 port variant. The ford kit is about
  17. Lol, i bet no one thought this topic would get 3+ pages!
  18. lool, wonder if he's a forum member? or perhaps.....ahh never mind.
  19. First i've heard, and if it was a problem, it would have been on here by now!
  20. I cant help with changing the box, but it will probably go along these lines. 1. Remorgage house and buy replacement Auto' gearbox. 2. Fit gearbox. 3. Enjoy! Seriously though, the amount of these that go wrong, there is bound to be someone on here who can help. Good luck!
  21. If you have a reputable motor factors in the area, go there and buy whatever brand they stock. As these suppliers are where the trade buys (independant garages etc), then you can be assured that the quality will be more than adequate because after all, if a garage bought and fitted rubbish components they would not stay in business for long. The same could be said of the factors themselves. The price should also be competitive but remember to ask for discount, they always have a margin! I have always bought from factors without any worries whatsoever, in fact I dont believe I have ever bought OE brake components! I dont believe there is any benefits as far as longevity is concerned either, my Mk3 modeo went through its original motorcraft rears in 15k . But buy sensibly from trustworthy sources. Only buy from ebay if you recognise the branding.
  22. However the perfect woman does exist............
  23. lol, and to think i imagined you driving miles to go to the wrong shop, ah well had a giggle anyways.
  24. Ebay, the number one place for selling sh1te to idiots! Stick em on, you'll probably find it difficult to sell a door glass though, hard to post! Solenoid should sell, research what else it fits and include the info in your title, make it more saleable. Ive still got one kicking round that came with my door. make sure the tint is the same in both doors before you get rid of the glass! you dont want to end up with one odd window!
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