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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by lazyb5

  1. Hi again cant stay away :D had the car a week and first thoughts are my goodness its fast and goes round corners like its on rails. Usual probs though, the drop links are knocking going to garage tomorrow to let them hear them then they can fix em. Already fed up with gear changes but i keep thinking about the extra mpg and reduced road tax. Unfortunately it doesnt stand out in the crowd and every cmax you see is also silver. So missing the old gal but thats progress i guess. ps come on Tiny everyone knows DODS is best :) and your right steve i do pop in most days to read the posts :ph34r:
  2. :) Well the day has finally come. Yesterday i part exchanged FL0 for a c max. Over the last 2 and a bit years she has never let us down and only needed moderate care aux heater, pollen filter and sticky wiper spindles come to mind she was a joy to own and good to drive. I would like to thank you all for all the help and suggestions and the invaluble FAQ section that makes this forum so good. I will still pop in occasionally but obviously my interest will be in the cmax thanks once again.
  3. Hi did mine this weekend mines a mk2, undo the bolts whilst car is on the floor. Lift one side of the car by about 4 inches ( wheel doesnt come off the ground) Pull out underguard and release the jack . Fitting is reverse but use the trolley jack to lift underguard into place whilst you bolt it up It takes longer to take off and put on the guard than to do the oil change ;)
  4. Hi, sounds like a relay problem to me,try a search for sticking relays i`m sure its on here somewhere.
  5. hello did anybody check your track rod ends both outboard and inboard? also wheelbearings? other than that i think you`ve checked most things.
  6. :( i spent ages looking for a socket big enough till i realised it may not be supposed to come off. I now use a piece of pipe to syphon the oil from the filter housing.
  7. I use an old xbox with a chip in it and it uses xbox media centre works great and reads all sorts of file types
  8. Hi yep guy at my works runs his shazza on 20% in winter then 50% in summer ...BUT its in the garage having the head gasket done i will speak to him tomorrow to see how he knew it was ok to run or if he just tried it.
  9. Hello , dead easy 3 nuts if i remember correctly 3 ebays for ya not sure which series you need. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ford-Galaxy-Drivers-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ford-galaxy-2006-on-...1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/FORD-GALAXY-OFF-SIDE...1QQcmdZViewItem Hope this helps
  10. Hi Sarah and welcome, my auto has done 88k now and just drove up Sutton bank in yorkshire 1 in 4 no probs with mine. Have you had checked the fluid level. These gearboxes are fairly intolerant of low fluid level. As you just had a new one fitted maybe they couldnt quite fill it properly or it has a minor leak ,I would think the level is the easiest place to start. Hope this helps
  11. Try googleing dyno graphs they usually show bhp and torque :D
  12. Hi JR I think Deek is right i`ve had 3 cambelts go and all needed new valves usually they bulge the stem then they dont seat right. IIRC means if I remember correctly. hope this helps
  13. never experienced it but i do try to boot it up the dualcarriage wayon the way to work. :lol:
  14. Hi Phillip, I had a look at my mates mk1 at work today, i couldnt see the run on pump either but it was dark in there less room than the mk2.
  15. hmmm i will try tomorrow night on module 9. I was just wondering if the ford diaqgnostic system wds or ids would talk to the central locking module but i cant even find a shareware version. Does anybody know how to use vagcom properly and what all the things do?
  16. Ah... i was hoping that with a new pump it would reduce the warm up cause like you i`m about 10mins before its warm. I need to do it cause it hasnt worked at all since about Nov and i just replaced the glowplug in the aux heater and i can hear it stoping and starting.
  17. at least your vagcom talks to your central locking mine wont :lol:
  18. Well despite me saying i was going to do this job a year ago i now need to do it this weekend :lol: The current cost of a new pump from Frauds is
  19. Hi all as i suspected the electric water pump is snafu just been to fords guess how much ....
  20. Has anybody used ford wds or ids, is it similar to vagcom or totally different. I only ask because some of my Gals modules do not appear on vagcom probably because they are ford units.
  21. Crikey zorgman mine takes 10 mins to warm up and i already replaced the glowplug inthe aux heater guess i need to look at the water pump. I never did change the brushes in it :16:
  22. Hi Beppe, your car only smokes because the ambient temp goes below about 11 degrees and this is when the aux heater fires up if you pull fuse 12 the car will take longer to heat up ....so Ford say never tried it myself :rolleyes: but i may need to shortly because mine is starting to smell and smoke so glowplug is on hand for a summer change when the weather here is warmer.
  23. hi all, just read this and must have been lucky i just followed the dotted lines. I cut from the back of the panel with a sharp stanley and all the way through had to score it a few times first. The bracket actually covers all the edges of the fabric on mine.
  24. crikey i`ve probably passed you what colour is yours :blink: i was at cinema today with 4 screaming kids not all mine (the noise) :lol:
  25. Hi all, blimey i didnt see that region there no its the peterborough in cambridgeshire little place called Deeping St.James.Pop in anytime if you need to use the lappy and vagcom i dont understand all of it tho only the simple things. The aux pump should run all the time but the real time you hear it is when you turn off and remove the key i think its on a 30 second timer and it circulates water to stop hot spots occuring in the head. Hope that helps
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