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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by a18nkd

  1. turbos are normally exchange units the europarts one has a
  2. yes for fluid to come out there then the bearing/seal on gearbox will probably have gone or a hole in the bell housing it's self and to tell the differance then take the dipstick out smell it if the oil smells the same as the fluid = engine oil if it smells like cats wee ish it's gearbox oil and are you sure it's not brake/clutch fluid as i think the clutch is hydraulic and uses the brake fluid?? hope it helps
  3. hi i used a open ended spanner to get to the said bolt was a bit fiddly but got it and watch out for the coolant sounds stupid but mine seemed to trickle out then a big gush covered my face and didn't taste very nice either mine is a 1998 galaxy hope it helps
  4. hi baz i have a galaxy mk1 1998 and am after a vag com lead if i send a SAE down with a couple of quid to you would you? send it back with vag com please and what you after
  5. i was told to replace the water pump as when the new tention of the belt is on it sometimes causes the bearings in the water pump to leak couple of weeks later the you will have the cost of putting a new one in again might as well do it while you have access to it
  6. just had a re-con turbo fitted to my mk1 galaxy and for a garrett 454083-0002 turbo from TURBO SOLUTIONS at darlington they quoted me
  7. The last car i had that done a similar thing it turned out to be a bearing had completly collapsed sent a shaft out of alignement broke a tooth and spat the tooth throu the side of the gear box was cheaper and easier to put a second hand gear box in than get this one fixed. are you sure it was gearbox oil on the floor (did it smell like cat wee) is any other bolts loose/broken pics would help make is easier to help you
  8. hi i just replaced my pipes from the turbo on my mk1 galaxy 1.9 tdi and i used a internal diameter of 3.5mm but there is a different size hose on the very top as you look at the engine it goes from the n75 valve to a disk like bit on the air intake manifold i don't have the size of this (i used 3 mtrs of cotton over braided hose to do this)
  9. hi all just to let every one know the final cost was
  10. Hi does any one have an idea on how much it would cost to have my 1998 galaxy's turbo replaced the engine is AHU which i thing it's a garratt turbo but have no idea of how much it would cost to replace as when i was driving back home today it started to smoke a little then got to the point there was clouds of smoke behind me and when i came to a round about and put the clutch down the car revved it's knackers off and i had to put it in 5th gear and release the clutch to stall it i managed to get it home taking it slowly back then i got under the car pulled the intake pipe off the turbo put my finger inside and found oil (not a good sign probably why the car revved it's self) i try'd to move the turbo shaft it seemed ok except it didn't spin as freely as it did befre hand when i checked a few weeks ago as i have had problems with the car going into limp mode (loss of turbo power)any help would be very helpful i live in the washington, tyne and wear area if any know a good garage that doesn't cost the earth please help.
  11. cheers chrispb any info will help i have got a haynes now to help and what are your thaughts on a vag cable off e-bay are they any good or not thanks again
  12. The HID kit i have just put on mine also had this metal thing your on about i have a 6000k hi/low beam kit (whitch means it just tilts the bulb to get the hi/low beam) the only thing i can suggest is that you make sure that the bulb is in correctly and the metal cap i think is there for the beam pattern as mine seem ok and i have the metal bit too
  13. hi anyone i need to do my timing belt and don't have enough money to get a garage to do it for me so i'm going to do it i have previously done a timing chain on my 2001 almera i had before the galaxy this took a couple of days,Is it very hard to do and do i need a special locking tool(s) to lock the engine or does someone know of other items i can use as locking tool(s)thanks for any help
  14. hi my 1998 mk1 galaxy does the same i only baught it a few weeks ago and is first galaxy but mine usually runs about 2 or 3 mm into the 'norm' never been half way even sat in traffic just had diagnostics on (for the turbo problem)and it did not show anything to do with coolant/temp sensors i just thaught that this is what it ran at so if this is wrong then i would also be looking for a solution any help would be very grateful thanks
  15. hi bigjeeze do you know where i can get a copy of the ford TIS as all the information i can get will help me lots thanks
  16. thanks this is exactly what i'm after
  17. hi all does any one know what is needed for the 150,000 mile service as i've not long baught the car it looks like the diesel filter is quite new the same as the oil filter i can not tell you anything else as there was no service history with the car any help would be very helpful thanks
  18. the strange button is for the rear (seperate) heater turn on the ignition press that button then go in the back turn the fan to 1, 2 and 3 and you should hear the heater kick in
  19. hi my mk1 galaxy is coming up to 150,000 miles and i was wondering what it'll need for it's service i do not know the previous service details as i've only baught it a couple 0f months ago i looked at the oil filter and that is as clean as a new one also the diesel filter is as new too that is all i can tell you i have baught a timing kit (i.e belt idler pully and tensioner pully)cos don't know when it was changed last best be safe than sorry any help will be most welcome
  20. thanks will have a look later on tonight thanks
  21. thanks again does anyone know where the ECU is so i can trace this pipe thanks again(still waiting for haynes manual to be delivered)
  22. thanks for the relply's will give it a try and let you know what happens
  23. hi the way it says for my mk1 galaxy is- lock the car make sure it's all locked and windows closed then turn the key in the drivers door to open(clock wise)3 times pausing when the key is as far as it would go then the led on the drivers dood will illuminate take the key out press and hold the open button on the fob while doing this press the close button 3 times then let go of all the buttons wait a little while (30 secs ish) then try your remote it should reprogram the fob hope this helps it's worth a try as it doesn't cost anything don't know if it'll work on the mk2 tho
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