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Everything posted by a18nkd

  1. cheers clive i think i'l have to do that cos no one seems to know the sizes/ strands of the 14 different wires i might put on here once i've got the wires for other people to use in future and thanks again
  2. just a thought is the pipe that leads to the air box from the grill ok can't think of owt else
  3. any one this wolud be a nice little job for over the x-mas hols just need the wire order'd
  4. I'm not sure about your gal but my mk1 the blower filter (cabin) is on the back right so if there is a problem with your fan matrix then the sound could come out there. The oil it is reccomended you check level every 600 mile (according to handbook) so off that i assume the car would use a little bit or lots depending on how well it's been looked after from new. The cubby hole in the dash may need removed and cleaned and oiled (wd40). The head light has two main bits inside and outside the inside will have a knuckle where the headlight adjuster sits this may have come out or been broken so it won't adjust usually after a bumpthe only thing i can suggest is to take the light off and check it may just need popping back in. usually the induction type roar is from a performance filter (k&n that sort of thing) or incorrectly fitted standard filter
  5. Hi does any one have any info on the boot wires that go from the car to the boot as i'm going to replace them due to all 14 of the wires being nipped (damaged) or cut completly i have read on here that replacing is the best option i have been to a auto shop and give them the outside diameter of each wire but they said they would need the amount of strands inside each of the cables any info would be really helpful thanks. GALAXY 1.9TDI MK1
  6. The pipe that was inside my ECU was black lengh is 85mm the outside diameter is 7mm internal diameter is 2.5mm the rubber is very flexible so would fit over the two nipples with alittle wiggle hope this helps
  7. hi richj i have a 1998 gal 1.9 tdi and had the seals go on me while i was driving (revved the knackers off my poor engine)and it cost me around £400 supplied and fitted and i don't think the mk1's turbo had variable veins they have a wastegate + acuator instead
  8. i can't remember what size the pipe was that i took off but i had a spare bit of tubing in my shed it's only about 100mm ish long as long as it fits over the nipples on either end i would guess it's fine the internal size was between 3mm and 6 mm sorry about not being precise but will let you know if i find out the exact size
  9. hi try the little pipe inside the ecu that is linked to the map sensor (mass air pressure) there is loads of posts on here on how to fix these things please keep us informed on how you get on as it sounds like it's still going into limp mode
  10. hi phil yes you do have to reconnect the MAF sensor and the air filter is replaced by using a pair of pliers move the spring clip that is next to the MAF on the pipe that goes towards the bulk head (turbo inlet) pull that out disconnect the MAF and the little pipe at the top of the filter box (right next to the bulk head) then undo the 4 clips that hold the two half's of the filter box togeather then lift the right hand side of the topfilter box and pull to the right then the top should come off change the filter then reverse these steps . The MAF is located just on the right of the air filter box if this is disconnected and the car still runs the same as when it is connected then you will probably need to clean or replace the sensor and sorry don't know anything about the bus bar hope this helps keep us updated with how you go on Alan.
  11. YES he's apologised said he'd gave the wrong part no. and has refunded the cost as i've already ordered the one off the link you gave me seat kid should be here tomorrow and thanks again
  12. cheers seat kid off to kick the arse of the auto place bloke tomorrow they even took my reg "to get the right parts"
  13. would this damage my engine as i need to take the other half to hospital for the baby scan and would need a new delivered was the old one the right one then ? and thanks again for your help
  14. Hi i just done the first service on my 1998 galaxy it has the AHU engine 1.9 diesel and the oil filter that was on it was a FRAM PH3569 but the one i received off the auto parts place was a FILTRON OP525/3 The new filter is smaller than the one that was on does this make a difference? The thread on the new filter is the same as is the rubber seal on the top but the depth is about 1 and 1/2" smaller the x-reference on the side of the box is :- - MANN/HUMMEL W830/1 - FRAM PH5833 - KNECHT/MAHLE OC262 - PURFLUX LS214 - FILTRON OP525/3 Can any one tell me if i have the right one or was the old one the right one? I have rang the place and they said that as long as the thread and seal is the same size it's ok just the different make (i.e the depth) any help would be very greatful thanks! :angry:
  15. i'm going to do this to my boot and was told the only way would be to find the wires on the inside of the car (somewhere you can get to the wires easily) then solder new wires from there route them the same way as they are now untill its in the boot it's self (again somwhere it's easy to get to the wires) and solder them there too sounds a bit of a faf on but i like things to be right and was told this would be the only way. don't know of any different route that would work.
  16. Hi all does any one know how much roughly it would cost to re spray my front bumper as the mother-in-law (grrrrrr) has scraped the corner off another car took all the old paint off doesn't look like its damaged the plastic tho when she moved it yesterday any help would be greatful colour is silver
  17. hi have you checked the little pipe inside the ECU mine was a little bit loose so i changed it and that was the cause of the loss of power there is a thread on here it is a bit fiddly to get the torqx t20 security bolt out but found it quite simple followed the thread on here explained how to do the whole thing p.s mine used to regain power once i switched ignition off and then back on too i left this till last thinking it was a hard job now i wished i'd done it earlier hope this helps
  18. let us know how it goes cos i'm going to do a service on my mk1 1.9diesel gal please
  19. hi have you changed the MAF (mass air flow) sensor next to the air box that would cause it to run lumpy just out of curiosity do you get power back if you switch the ignition off then back on? if so try the pipe that leads to the MAP (mass air pressure) inside the E.C.U behind the clocks in the dash there is a thread on here if you need it hope this helps
  20. hi where about are you? someone on here might be able to help or advise of a GOOD auto electritions near you.
  21. hi what engine is it ? mine is a 1.9 diesel and when i done my timing belt it was out ONE tooth and try as i may it wouldn't start took the cover back off found it was a tooth out reset it again then it fired first time CHECK TIMING again then go from there. i have also been told the fuel pump could be out
  22. glad that helped ?
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