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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. you do realise that you have publicised your email addy to thousands of people ? :rolleyes:
  2. what is needed: The ability to swear proficiently when knuckles/hands/fingers get grazed/cut/caught up. copious amounts of tea whilst you stand back and survey what needs doing next and wonder how the hell you get to the pollen filter. A wide berth around you for when you throw spanners/pliers and whatever else you have hold of when you cant reach/undo/snap off various nuts/bolts/washers/screws etc.. But.seeing as you aint doing it.....be glad and happy that sum other poor begger is :lol:
  3. I know, i saw :lol:
  4. pics on post 48 http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...12917&st=40
  5. your welcome, and as for the ass comment,believe me, when you try fitting em, you will feel like shoving them where the sun dont shine :lol: oo, i forgot, you need to get them on at the bottom first, then push them up the sides keeping them in the slot, then when you get to the top, that is where the fun begins, for the last couple of mm, to get a tight seal, you MAY need something to hammer them home, but be careful, as you can bend the lip where the window goes up into, out of shape very easily.if this happens, use a flat baladed screwdriver and VERY gently prise it back into the right shape.
  6. old ones just pull out, wind the window down to do it.new ones will just slot back on, but im warning you..they are an ass to get back on.as the ends have to go into the door first then you have to try and get the rest of it on.I had problems with this strip.if you have a search for a thread by me on the window regulator, i think i posted pictures. i wouldnt use a rubber hammer or anything like that as it can bend out of shape very quickly and is a pain.Brute force and elbow grease is all that is needed.
  7. ahh,,those strips, they are a right pain in the@ss.I had to fit one back onto the rear passenger side.
  8. Now...i had to go google what you were on about MB as i thought you were on about something rude..imagine my relief when i found out that you were on about a fishy :lol:
  9. with my brain addled from all i have learnt today at college, can you please tell me in plain old english which strips you are on about please? cant go and see since i dont have my gal anymore.cheers hun.
  10. or from you :lol:
  11. also motorcareman sells them :huh: :lol:
  12. well my aux heater never worked the 4 yrs i had my galaxy, so i doubt disconnecting it will damage it in the long term.
  13. Hey thanks for that just found it under the fuse box and yes it is pink! It's raining here and I now have soggy socks! I'll let you know what the VAG COM says 2 mo. Aux Heater in bits at weekend I think! nowt wrong with pink :D next time hedge, put yer shoes on :lol: :huh:
  14. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...g+com+connector the thread its on. heck, i just searched again for it and youve found it :D
  15. ahh..it is on the forum as i found it the other day whilst searching, IIRC, it is near the fuse box on the drivers side, under neath i think, it is a pink coloured connector if my memory serves me right as there was a picture of it.
  16. But not how to fix em :D :) :D
  17. oh my lord..you dont clean a car like that!! going in swirls!, you go side to side in sweeps, minimises the scratching that occurs when you polish/wash a car.Always go side to side, not in circles. :D anyway, its a bloody good way at getting dents out. :)
  18. the jet engine noise from the aux heater is the normal sound it makes and shows that it is working..that is if you have one as i dont know what model of galaxy you have.
  19. careful hun, we dont advocate giving out radio codes on the forum, i know you have said via pm, and that is fine, but id rather you didnt advertise the fact that you can do it.
  20. dont beat around the bush eh BJ, just ask away :lol:
  21. id def kick up a stink over the 60 quid.did they tell you how much it would cost when they said they were going to send it away?
  22. sounds like its buring oil, as IIRC, blue smoke means its burning oil.
  23. your male..you cant help it :lol:
  24. always reinforced or extra load tyres on the gal.To do otherwise may invalidate your insurance in the event of an accident.
  25. another thing to consider, is maybe having the mrs down as the main driver, when i first was insured to drive the gal under a provisional,the insurance was 400 quid cheaper when i was down as the main driver, other wise it was above the 1k mark. ( numpty had 9 points and a claim under his belt) diamond is also part of the Admiral group.
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