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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. well stop eating all me chockys then..and put that coffee cream DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!! its mine! :(
  2. be aware that i believe it is illegal to drive with a speedo not working properly.if you can afford a nanny, then you can afford to get a better car :20: (unless you pay your nanny peanuts :()
  3. welcome, welcome, welcome :20: Insanity is not compulsary here.......but it sure as hell does help. oh that and deeeeeeeeeep pockets and long arms! :(
  4. skippy, the door cards can just slide up and off as i have done it, bugger to put back on that way though.have to give the door card a wee bit of a whack from underneath .
  5. Suits you to a T hun :unsure: Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice!!
  6. thanks hun.i have one week to pack everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yeee gads what am i doing?????????????????????????????
  7. I'm having problems. Not enough money, teenage kids who think they are right almost all of the time, nobody to love in my life ........ :16: Not enough money:- Look at your finances, and see where you can cut back.If you have the full package sky, do you really need all them channels???????. Never shop when your peckish as you will only buy more.Shop at the end of the day when reduced stuff goes on the shelves, nowt wrong with it.Brand name foods etcc..usually also package their own stuff for shop brand names.teenage kids need to learn the value of money, cut back on the pocket money if they dont do their jobs/or help in the house.Failing that..stop pocket money and make em earn by getting a paper round etcc..Only buy what you need , not what you THINK you need.Failing all the above, just flog everything and bugger off round the world and be happy, as you only live once so make the most of what you have.If you arent happy, then do something about it.Life is too short to live in a situation where all you do is wish you were elsewhere.. ;) As for the nobody to love, Hun...you have to love yourself, be happy in yourself in order for others to love you.when you are happy in yourself, you radiate an inner confidence that others become attracted to.Me, im happier than ive ever been. When i had my brush with mortality not so very long ago, i came to realise that there is no point trudging through life unhappy, and wondering why the hell i have all the bad luck in the world, as the saying goes, live as if you will die tomorrow, dream as if you will live forever.It is very true for me right now. Anyway...here endeth Aunty Maz's column for today :D
  8. you cant post in the technical section yet, but there is a trainee are that you can post technical problems, untill you are no longer a trainee.the guidelines in the trainee section explain why. welcome to the forum :16:
  9. I get this error.. Sorry, but we did not find any matches to display. Try again and broaden your search criteria. If you were searching for new posts since your last visit, it's possible that there are none to show. ... when trying to view new posts.so i have to go through each section to see all the new posts which at the mo takes up too much time as i dont have a lot of time. I pick up the keys to my new abode this morning!!..downside, is that i dont know how long i will be off line for :16:
  10. Nick, i am keeping everyone posted..by email for those who have emailed me, by pm for those who have pm me and i am also posting on the forum.I am also having problems different to others and am having to work around them. I myself, even though i am admin am limited as to what i can do, as some of the admin cp is shut off to me.Glen has been emailed, and as far as i am aware he will have to sort it. I have tried what i can, i have tried various things in my limited capacity and none of it worked. Right now, there is nothing more that i can do.
  11. RD, you should be able to view everything now.I put you in a diff cat when i first bumped you up, now its in what it should be. Your both welcome. Something happened on the 23rd Jan, i have no idea what.And i myself am still having problems.But i shall do what i can to help those who cant post etccc. Maz.
  12. Sorry hun, was busy painting and packing.I will delete your original account now.I did upgrade your new account so that you are not a trainee.I shall also try and make it that you dont show as a newbie but a member. Maz
  13. chazy, i aint even going to ask why you put a double mattress in :lol: welcome from me also, :(
  14. welcome to the forum. :lol:
  15. werent me this time... :lol:
  16. Oh gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwddddddddddddddd.. :lol:
  17. what i put was low?? how so?? ummmmmmmmm yep.the books one, it was funny..but it was the language.the C word is a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG nono. :lol:
  18. bloody hell gaz, never stopped yer before! :lol:
  19. the car is going into limp home mode.Did you do the MAF test before you put a new MAF on?? try and do it again, if the car is worse with it disconnected, then the problem isnt the MAF, it could be turbo related, have you checked the hoses for any splits/leaks or even looked to see if a hose has become disconnected?. Keep having a search of the forum useing different keywords. as for vag com, sorry..i cant help as i never used it myself.Failing that you could try a local auto electrician, they are usually a lot cheaper than fords and some independant garages have this equipment now aswell.
  20. what i put is my opinion only, others may see the funny side so i will leave it unless others say anything. yep...gotta hand it to yer..you got in there first :lol:
  21. Bad taste hun.The blokes not been dead 24 hours!!
  22. Don't work for me.Ah well. Thanks to all who have already pm me letting me know that they can't post etc..Aplogies for this. Maz
  23. there are thousands of posts on the forum in regards to which tyres may be the best/worst/ good value/over priced.
  24. reinforced or extra load tyres only.
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