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Everything posted by chrispb123456

  1. Hi there More vehicle details required Year, manual or auto
  2. Hi there Can I ask you whats wrong with your unit?
  3. Hi there Subframe mounting bolts loose maybe?
  4. Hi there and welcome to the site, there's a lot of knowledgeable people on here + answers to common questions are listed in the FAQ section, you can also type in the search box as it's probably been dealt with already. ;)
  5. It is but very restricted for space, you need small hands and a torch
  6. hi there Just to say my parking sensors are unaffected by the towbar. Mines only affected when trailers on, I then just cancel the beep with the button on the dash, cant help you with the proper wiring kit using the second indicator warning light, I have the buzzer for indicator warning and relay kit to protect bulb failure relay.
  7. Hi again The power supply for the heater is fuse 12 although several others are listed aswell depending on year and spec, your handbook should tell you for your car. Yes to the sensor behind coolant bottle just unplug the sensor and link the 2 wires in the plug, then when you start engine heater should fire up regardless of outside temperature. Also check the multiplug on the heater it may have been disconnected Common faults with the heater are the glow plug and soot build up
  8. Hi there Have you checked the coolant level?
  9. Hi there Is it just number 18 module you cannot connect to? do other modules connect OK. You may have a configaration problem with your Vag-Com. You can bridge the terminals of the temperature sensor (attached to wiper linkage) to check and see if your heater will run.
  10. Hi there You say you had aircon regassed? has the squeal started since that, if you switch to ECON mode does it still squeal. Was that a new auxiliary belt tensioner?
  11. Hi there Firstly don't forget the temperature range for the heater to kick in is below 10 deg. so unless you bridge the terminals of the outside temperature sensor plug you will need to wait till it gets colder, obviously you want to make sure it's going to work before it gets cold. To do this remove the bulkhead extension (scuttle plate) the temperature sensor is clipped to the wiper linkage behind battery, unplug the sensor then bridge the two terminals in the plug. Clear off any fault codes, start engine if everythings ok heater should start within 30 seconds.
  12. Hi there Mk 2 TDI's have the pump attached to the bulkhead behind the fuel filter, requires removal of the bulkhead extension plate (scuttle plate) to see clearly. The TIS manual shows it being next to the booster heater, as you have a Mk 1 your's may be there.
  13. Hi there If it's working you will hear a humming noise behind the dash when sitting in car. The pump is located on the bulkhead to the rear of the fuel filter so you will hear the humming also from under the bonnet and if you put your hand on the pump you will feel it vibrate.
  14. Hi there I would say your temp sensor is knackered
  15. Happy Birthday Greg for Friday I think we all know by now what your getting for your day all the best mate
  16. Hi there Mirez is spot on what he has told you, all I would add is change the hose clips to the jubilee type when replacing/repairing your pump :46:
  17. Hi there Whats happened is the transponder chip has fell out when you took the key apart, look very carefully where you were changing battery's you may find it on the floor/ground if you're lucky, it looks like a small piece of plastic about 10mm long 5mm wide 2mm thick same colour as fob.
  18. Hi there you could have a dodgy power relay this is quite a common fault. Washers as already said. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=8810&view=findpost&p=141306&hl=power+relay&fromsearch=1
  19. In that case i'll stick with the MK2 then :)
  20. They say it gets chilly around the dykes this time of year :) does the S Max and the Mk 3 still have the booster heater on the diesels?
  21. Hi You may find this helpfull if you havn't seen it already. My link
  22. Hi iirc the map sensor on MK1 is in the ECU behind the dash.
  23. Hi there Unlikely to be balancing at that speed, more likely to be one or more of the following, worn suspension bushes, ball joints, driveshaft/cv joints, wheel bearing or shock absorbers
  24. Hi again The run on pump and booster heater are standard on the diesel models. The pump starts a few seconds after starting engine and will continue to run all the time engine is running, and will continue to run for 5 mins approx after engine is switched off, if you listen you should hear a humming sound coming from the rear of the engine compartment. The pump is more accessible by removing the bulkhead extension plate (scuttle plate). I dont think blowing compressed air through a radiator will give as much an indication of any blockage, much better to try reverse flushing with water. Under normal circumstances circulation through the radiator doesn't occur until thermostat starts to open so any rise in water level while engine is warming up would indicate air is being forced into system as already mentioned.
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