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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Dally

  1. Jim Don't waste time - get your car booked in now. I had various problems with my autobox. After numerous attempts and changing solenoids and reprogramming autobox ecu, the problems were finally sorted with a new box. The total cost was near 3 grand - so don't waste time. I still have the odd hickup here and there such as holding onto a gear too long. I sometimes think this is a result of using too many electronics. The box is supposed to be very intelligent and gauge your driving characteristics and change accordingly - this works fairly well but does give the odd hickup but I tend to slip it into tiptronic, change up and then put it back in drive.
  2. This topic is of interest to me also. I have two small kids (10 & 8). But when my sister in laws family visit us from the usa we have this problem because they are four also. They are due to visit again this summer and a temporary solution for three weeks would be great - somthing like a bench type seat in the back like the Previa.
  3. Ivor What makes this conundrum worse is that Ford now owns Volvo - but still no heated front windscreens in Volvos!
  4. JToh My Galaxy is booked in for monday next week for the drivers side wind noise problem. They've already had two goes at it and even replaced the door mirror once. I let it go but the damn thing irritated me so much a couple of weeks ago on atrip to birmingham that I had it booked in again. It may be a design fault but I know that my 2002 model 2.3 never did it before I changed it!
  5. Was at a local ford dealer earlier today. I stand corrected - I saw a facelifted galaxy with the curved wipers. Obviously the swith to using the straight thin types that cost
  6. Thanks Ivor. I might just give Blaupunkt a call as you suggest. Hope they can help.
  7. The rubbish was temporarily relocated to the passenger seat for the photo shoot. Don't worry, it's all back there now!!
  8. Ivor I only ask this question because the radio controls on the multifunction wheel are bog standard. The wheel must have some sought of connector at the other end to fit into the sat nav unit - it would be great if this could be harnessed for use with a stalk. I don't want to change the standard sat nav unit because it works fine and secondly can't afford to. Might try and get a ford stalk from a breakers yard and see what can be done.
  9. iainkirk I'm not sure that the trip computer on setting 2 works that way - this is what's in the manual about memory 2:- "Displays the average data for several journeys. The data is reset once one of the following criteria is met: 100 hours elapsed, 10,000 miles or kn driven, or 220 gallons (1,000 litres) of fuel used. New calculations start from zero". A bit stupid isn't it if it can't handle more than just over 4 days worth of data! Or have i misunderstood something?
  10. Can a stalk of some sought be fitted retrospectively? Many Ford cars have these with standard 5000, 6000 etc units. I have the factory sat nav - but if this can be controlled via the multifunction wheel, then why not and add on?
  11. Thanks SA - why coudn't ford explain that in the handbook?
  12. I have a 2003 CD version of TIS and a DVD 2003 Version also. I can't see any differences but the files on the DVD do add up to a few more megabytes than the CD version.
  13. Guys, I'm desperate to know what this EPC light is for that resides in the cluster of V6's. Ford customer services had no clue and told me to call their technical helpline at
  14. I thought that the curved wipers (as described by Ivor) were a spec on the pre facelifted Galaxy. My 2002 2.3 that I just Px'd and my current 2003 V6 have the straight flexxy rubber types as described by SA. I have yet to see a facelifted Galaxy with the old curved wipers but all pre facelifted seem to have the curved type. I made a mistake by buying some curved Bosch ones of Ebay for about
  15. It's for keeping your pound coins in!! The notches are cut outs that allow you to grab the coins and pull them out - go on and give it a try.
  16. Hey do any of you guys know what the EPC light in the cluster is for on the V6? The manual says: - This light should extinguish when the engine has been started - if not then there's something wrong! Yes, but what is it for?
  17. Ivor They are from the new brochure! The new brochure is virtually identical to the old - I think with many of the shots they have just superimposed the new changes onto the old photos. According to the brochure photos and details, the ghia has 5000 unit - cassette with cd changer as fred says. The ghia is a better package then before with all the trim changes (apart from interior- ughh) it has aut dimming mirror now, dual aircon and second remote key. Brochure says that you get electric rear vent windows too but I do not understand how if they are giving dual aircon - unless they have re-routed the vent pipes! The V6 is obviously appears to be less value for money with just esp & heated seats on top of the normal ghias (plus that fabulous but parched V6 motor).
  18. Can't say about the gear change - only that my 2.3 zetec linkage had to be adjusted several times by Ford beacause it kept popping out of gear and my V6 had to have a new autobox! The washer jet is a design flaw period. I spent several hours on a saturday pm last summer trying to get it to squirt beyond half way up, but anynoe who has tried will have discovered that the curvature of the rear screen is such that this is not possible. Adjustment beyond halfway will mean squirting in air! Bizaare fish - leave it alone because it's a bugger to get back to where it was - half the screen is better than none! The indicators are definitely supposed to behave that way now - I checked it out with Ford - as stated earlier, these are the new rules governing minimum indicator blinking. My 2003 Galaxy does this, the ford C-max courtesy I had did this, A friends 2003 model C class does this as does a friends 2003 model X5.
  19. Ivor But your rear passengers can be watchers!!
  20. Ridway The main difference between the F1 version is that the tiptronic gate is actually on the selector shaft on the Galaxy where on the f1's (and road ferrari's etc) it's on paddles linked to the steering wheel. It does work well but, as I said in an earlier post, it does not give you complete free will! It will not allow you to select up until the auto gearbox control unit thinks it is right to do so plus it changes down for you too when you slow down. I find it most useful when in auto, the box is holding on to a lower gear but the mpg reading on the dash falls and falls and you want to change up - just slip the selector lever in to the tiptronic gate and go up a gear! The box is actually very intelligent and now that mines been replaced with a new one, it really does alter the gear changing characteristics according to your style. I find that I rarely have to use kickdown because the box senses your driving stye and changes accordingly. On the new 2004 Mondeos, the selector for the tiptronic has been moved to +/- switches on either side of the steering wheel.
  21. Swings and roundabouts - What the V6 loses in mpg, it makes up for in other areas! Yes it does! Yes it does! Yes it does! Yes it does! Yes it does! Yes it does! Yes it does! - The therapy's working!
  22. Sounds good this sports suspension pack. Don't get me wrong. The v6 is not shy at all, it does the business in terms of drivability - you really can push it some. There's this notorious bend on the the A52 coming in from Spondon (Derby) to Nottingham - could just do this comfortably with non of the kids puking at about 70ish in my si. Managed to push 80ish in the V6 Galaxy the other day (with some to spare I think)! It's the V6 ride quality that stinks!!
  23. SA Yeah, I was referring to my old 2.3 on the body roll - the V6 tempts you far too much to push to the limits, reassured further by the esp. SA - does your sports suspension effect ride quality and cause the jittery jolt shaking inside the cabin though?
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