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Everything posted by Dally

  1. one pound coins x6 fit really well!!
  2. Mine's variable. Went to the local VW dealer who told me to go back to the Ford dealer and tell them that 1) the rheostat is dicky and 2) needs topping up with gas as there is slight vibration with the aircon on. The vibration can be felt because all the air con pipes are bolted to the body etc. The chap was an ex Mercedes air con engineer and sounded as if he knew what he was talking about. He also mentioned that the air con on Sharans was also not as robust as it should be and VW are struggling to find out where the gas is escaping from. If you have a re-gas at a VW dealer, they are inserting a dye to try and identify the area of loss. Well, lets try and convince the local Ford dealer!!!!
  3. My 2.3 returns about 260 per tank ful if using air con regularly or about 280/290 without air con - mixed driving of couse. On straight long runs at steady 80ish, I get around 320 per tank.
  4. I get a 'click click' from the centre console when my air con is on. but I have a zetec with manual A/C (ie no climate control) - any suggestions? Furthermore, I swear at times the air is just mildly cold but at others, it has that classic chill and smell of refrigerated air - any views?
  5. ...or it could just be the idler gear- couldn't it?......
  6. My 2.3 feels that way at times, but on other occassions it's fine. Ireally do think I own a schizophrenic galaxy! When I feel the power's lacking, I drive it really hard for 10 - 15 miles and it seems to sort it self out. I wonder if it has anything to do with the self learning mode of the ECU?
  7. Mines the same. Agree with your sentiments completely! Yet another design flaw.
  8. Dally


    Snap, Curly. My wifes fiesta does the same. The water is created when the warm air hits the ice cold air con condensor which is located near the heater matrix just like in a refrigerator. When this water drips off, it collects in a water resorvoir underneath it and drains out of the car through the rubber pipe that Curly has mentioned. Often due to debris that has collected and mildew from the water, blockages can occur. When this happens, the water spills into the footwells usually made worse when cornering. I have used a thin tube in the past but Curly's suggestion looks the biz.. I really do think that this design fault could be resolved by replacing the pipe with a slighter larger diameter and a more rigid one because with my wifes car, the probem was made worse by a kink in the pipe where it passes through the bodywork.
  9. It was for this reason that global closing and opening was removed as a feature operable via the remote. On latest spec galaxys it can now only be operated via the key!
  10. 1) I ran the cables down the plastic trims without removing even one screw! Just use a blunt instrument to push them between the plastic trim and the carpet. This can be a tight fit in some places but there is room. 2) The interface box has to go at the head unit end as the cables male and female plugs are fitted as such. It is a shame that a female to female ford connector is not available as this would allow you to fit the interface at the changer end. 3) Yes, as I stated, the Visteon may be fine - but do check with a variety of CD-R brands. 4) If you do decide to change the 2007, you will need to buy some adaptor cables that will enable you to by-pass the amp - this will then enable standard ISO fittings to work with the speakers. Watch out because the cables can be a bit short!
  11. Snap! Mine misses the top three inches despite several man hours trying to adjust. Also it is impossible to adjust the jet to hit the top end of the screen due to screen curvature - poorly designed I say.
  12. SaraSeahorse, This may help! I have just fitted a sony changer to my Ford 6000 standard unit. Works a dream. The reason I chose to fit a sony was that the visteon does not gaurantee CD-R playback though it is not completely ruled out. In fact on a friends standard Ford changer, some brands of my CD-rs would play and some wouldn't - so you need to understand this. For your information, the CDX T69 will definitely play CD-Rs. So will the CDX 848X but this is a 10 disc changer and will not fit in the compartment plus the standard ford units can only control 6 disc changers. So if you want a Sony - go for the T69. The below site is selling this for
  13. I have a 2.3 and find that the ECU acts as described above. When you release the accelerator, petrol continues to flow for a moment and you can then feel the sudden drop in momentum as it cuts off. I would agree that engine braking is variable but I find that it depends what gear you're droping down to - I find that the gear ratios are not that evenly spread and a gear with one of the wider ratios is not as good for engine braking.
  14. I have a similar problem as bayleaf63uk and I don't think it was sorted out in later models (I own a late 2002 model 2.3). If I adjust seat height, rake and reach of steering for optimal comfort, I cannot see the temp and petrol gauges plus the top of the speedo and rev counter are obscured. I have had to compromise between the two! By the way I'm 5' 10''.
  15. Mine did that on several occasions but allaways started to work soon after. Unfortunately, it's never done it when it's gone in to the dealers. However, it has behaved itself as of late. Don't these intermittent things just bug you - complete failure would be better, then the dealer could at least try and fix it!
  16. My 02 2.3 zetec used to pop out of gear and was difficult generally. It has almost been solved with adjustments by Ford. Just left with occasional difficulties with selection.
  17. I live in Nottingham and just purchased a second remote for my 02 2.3 zetec. I purchased the remote and a blank for about
  18. Funny this, I was thinking of taking my 02 2.3 zetec to my dealer just a few days ago. It was a warm day and I too felt that the air flow was poor and the overall cooling effect not so good. I also get vibration on the clutch pedal when I have the a/c on - maybe it's caused by the extr load on the engine?
  19. I've got a 2.3 02 model and the gearchange has been real difficult. The dealer has adjusted it on no less than 3 occasions, though better it's still crap! I agree with others that it does improve as it warms up.
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