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Everything posted by marinabrid

  1. isnt limp home a limited speed etc, she said car drove normally after re-starting.
  2. yes checked brake lights working ok at moment.
  3. hi all, 98 year 1.9 TDI 110 wife just come back from long journy and reported car just slowed to 10mph didnt cut out but wouldnt rev up. the glow plug wavy line warning light also came on. she stopped turned off and restarted. all ok for rest of journey around 40 miles. last week i reported it hiccupped in 4th around 30 mph under hard load. any suggestions could it be the maf ? many thanks
  4. hi have u a detailed method how to do the job, may cure my hiccuping car tdi thanks
  5. hi all on sale on ebay are the glow plug for the aux heater at
  6. i got the seperate ps belt. i see no instructions for tensioner changing in the tis on this engine or is it somewhere else ? is it just a quick job or more complex to change this type of tensioner ? many thanks
  7. ;) sorry to appear dumb but this aux belt tensioner. on the tis disc it gives clear instructions on removeing the thing on the pd unit injector engine but nothing on the earlier tdi afn engine. is it the same thing ? masked maurader said there be just one tensioner on the top of the belt but whats the one at the bottom with a bolt that you use to release tension ive read about on here and on the tis disc, it says remove power streering belt and relase tensioner with one bolt. just to clear up as im now getting mad... does the afn 110 tdi engine have the auto tensioner at the top and if so do ypou just remove bolts and change it when it sqweeks ? ive looked at the tis pictures on belt change and it shows a pully at the top on its own , but on the pd engine it shows the pully and 3 bolts and gives instructios how to do the job. can someone just clarify the job thanks very muchy
  8. so does the 110tdi non pd engine have the automatic tensioner at the top of the engine ? or is there another auto tensioner somewhere :wub:
  9. :wub: just been looking at the tis with regard to changing this aux belt tensioner, came accross 2 types, tdi and tdi with unit injector system. can someone please explain what that is to me and which instructions should i follow we got the 98 110 tdi afn code engine thanks
  10. dont think aux heater and windscreen are connected, when frosty i start car in driveway and put on the windscreen switch , that works and the heater fires up as well.
  11. thanks kid i shall do it.
  12. i changed the fuel filter aboot 6 months ago about 2000 miles couild water have got in by now ? what do i do ? just unscrew the drain screw for a short while ?
  13. hi all, wifes motor, tdi 110 on a 98 just had my once a month drive in it and i notice that when engine warm normal temp i put foot down at 40 mph in 4th gear no under load much and for a couple of seconds hiccups occoured. on the car that is. tried it in lower gears right up the rev range and nothing. behaved fine from then on. took it out later and tried again let it slow right down to 35 mph then floored it in 4th did this about 10 times and got :unsure: 1 hiccup then fine. could it be the start of something or is this a common thing with these, though it not happedned in 2 years. thanks all
  14. any thing will do to cross the pins, i used a bit of wire last yeaer but then i thought if out went wrong the mini fuse will blow and no further damage to wiring. i on 2nd year now with terminals bridged. a/c works fine everything ok when water hot enough booster heater turns off on its own
  15. sorry o g b e n got it right this time, obans in wales int it ? or is it iceland ? anyway i got pic if you want or go to ebay in ford car parts i put it on there for sale :)
  16. i got a oban send me your email and i post it you, i also got new for sale at a fiver
  17. hi all. if anyone wants the aux heater temp switch that fits on the wiper linkage i got a brand new for sale, part no.is a vw one 701 959 625, got it then didint use it as i prefer to leave mine with the terminls bridged. anyone interested call 01977 704771 shop hours cost new was about
  18. have you tried the parts dept at your local ford usually if you give them the reg no. they will tell you the colour name, pretend you want to buy the paint from them, then get the name and go to local shop, hopefully they have it cheaper although some colours are dealer only.
  19. eh up rodney, them blades is 28 on both sides, i went to ford and opened a box and they are bosch blades in a motorcraft box, no ford wear marker on em just a bosch logo, he wanted 21+ vat each yes each, i get some from local shop bosch twin pack both identical to ford at
  20. yes mr blatters the things fires up and seems to work ok i was just wondering about other peoples warm up ntime if the car was left idling from cold with the booster going, should it get the temp gauge up to the normal middle position on its own or does it just assist the engine in doing that when you get moving
  21. just out of curiosity to all booster heater owners, if one starts up the engine from cold on a cold frosty mornin and the booster kicks in, how long should it take for the temp gauge to move or produce heat, should it be sort of normal working temp within say 15mins of ticking over or is it desinged to assist the engine when the cars moving to get up to temp quick just trying to fathom wheather mines workin g right. the thing kicks in from cold after around 30secs running then switches off for 15 secs then jumps into life again and runs fine. thanks
  22. thats exactly what happen when i did the job, the end cover screws totally rusted over no hope without drillen em out i gave up put it back together and very strange.....the thing burst into life and been runnin a year !
  23. i gave up after an hour fiddling ! threw it awaaaaaaaaaaaay.
  24. hi all will the ac compressor or anything else be damaged if the dryer is leaking ? i spent
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