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Everything posted by cyborg

  1. Made this years ago for reference try 2nd layer fuse box relay 30 :lol:
  2. Hi, use a blow torch and melt it a bit or use a small drill bit drill top & bottom but not middle of sensor, then you must get rid of all metal filling residue before fitting new sensor-magnet...
  3. The throttle motor controls the idle speed by opening and closing there is no other iacv module to look for . The position sensor of the idle speed control motor returns the position of the motor to the control unit..i think the chap who sold you car may be on right track ,What you may have to do is reset your throttle by disconnecting battery for 15 mins then reconnect and turn key to on but don't start you should hear a buzz from throttle.(can be done on vagcom if you have) Now if thats all ok and you still have problem you will need to check air hose from manifold to brake servo there are three rubber pipes that off shoot from that pipe all to do with idle mixture etc.. one hose goes to ECU one to EGR solenoid of the top of my head i cant remember what 3rd is for but check all pipes are connected and not split....
  4. Found your problem!, you've upset your car and shes thrown a wobbly ! :angry2::lol::angry2:
  5. hi there , A few tips for you The abs & traction control reading's are read from a sensor & reluctor ring on each wheel so have a look and see if a ring is broken on the 24v vr6 there prone to water in coil packs so undo and check each one when a coil fails in particular 1 and 6 they can cause a massive misfire couple that with a worn drive shaft the ecu(computer)goes bonkers and you will get all sorts of weird stuff fortunately the engine is best in range and bullet proof .
  6. Hi there. just a couple of tips for you If you coil light on dash lights and goes out its not relay 109 that's your problem, as you have suggested the lights work and dash light goes out . I would check your wires going to starter motor in particular the starter solenoid.
  7. hi there, First off if it happens again disconnect the maf so it goes to default programme and see if it starts if it does you have answer if doesn't . ,Check If the vacum hose is connected if regulator has failed if not try replaceing the fuel pressure regulator on end of fuel rail WARNING not sure how savey you are. so should you replace regulator ensure you disconnect battery ,do in a well ventilated area and warn general public not to come near when messing with highly flamible combustables. happy new year cyborg.
  8. Hi zorgman. Irrc the bearing should be put in Upsidedown if its put right way up then its possible to have poor movement hope that make sense.
  9. Hi Arpi, The easy way is get to take the number off your old one if you turn it over the numbers are there ,Are you sure its the cause anyway ? try disconnecting see if it runs better on factory map.
  10. The cars a classic well 'n' reg are at 15 years in time might regret change of wheels :) horses for courses though :D
  11. Dont worry car isnt worthless :) VW Audi Seat No 30 Relay For Cars Using Digifant - Part No 165 906 381 The part is made by hella although its a ford car the relay is made by vw I assure you this is the correct part number as happened to have a 2.0 on drive to obtain part plenty availible on ebay or go into local vw garage they always have in stock comen fault
  12. Hi there , There's a 10mm vacumm pipe going to the servo from the manifold, off that theres some rubber hoses which perish over time check them for leaks ,whistle sound
  13. blubs think led one's are availble too DASH CAR AUTO BULBS 12V 1.2W
  14. Impressive 'Mirez MIREZ sorry you are no longer my leader .. All hail Johnson the new king Oh my goodness , Totally like wow Insert 'Jaw dropping on floor gif' King Johnson Any chance of a complete idiots guide on how to shopping list etc cheers cyborg
  15. pictures of process please ,thanks
  16. hi here's what i normally check sorry no diagrams other than haynes Spark, put a old plug on end of ht lead see if you have spark to see if its coil related Compression, is the engine actually spinning ie starter engaging ? Try a compression check Fuel, unplug fuel line that goes to injectors line stick in can have someone turn over car see if petrol comes out Sods law ,,Be wary of something thing daft ,unpluged throttle,broken ignition switch,Blown fuse,starter wire croded no earth.fuel relay... If you google ford scorpio theres an excellent section on the zetec 2.3
  17. If a cell on your battery has gone you may get similar problems Try jump starting or borrow a known good battery.
  18. Happy birthday Maz last seen with in a chip shop with Elvis
  19. Hi what engine do you have ? If its vr6 and you've disconnected carb to clean try disconnecting pos + neg to battery for a minute or 2 then reconnect turn key to on but don't start this should reset carb you will hear it buzz .
  20. 3Good evening, Been watching this thread popcorn in hand better than tv <_< "On the advise note it states as written, Front ( NS & OS ), Macpherson strut has slight movement at the upper attachment ( 2.5.A.1c )." Now on a normal mot on a type 4 suspension the tester would follow ; Inspect as follows: 1.Grasp the top of each front wheel and rock it vigorously in and out to check for play: a. in the upper and lower suspension ball joints and wishbone bearings b. at MacPherson strut: sliding bushes and glands upper support bearings 2.Grasp each front wheel at 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock, and shake vigorously to determine the condition of the outer ball joints and track control arm inner bushes. 3.Examine the condition of the bonding between the metal and flexible material in the MacPherson strut upper support bearing, if visible. However on a galaxy... The upper mount support bearing isn't visable so the tester will move the strut as he would any other type 4 suspension and it will seem excessive however there are extra notes from vosa with they may not have read concerning the galaxy upper mount's.So in essence it is possible your cars ok
  21. Access the airbag module and just clear the codes - assuming you've replaced everything correctly the light will then go out. Check the controller part number first as vagcom can kill some airbag controllers (there are detailed details on their website) Good Airbag & Vagcom guidelines ALWAYS be outside car when making ecu adjustments remember there live devices.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqMAHqA65XI&feature=player_detailpage
  22. The Thermostat breakdown can be found here press this
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