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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Bigjeeze

  1. You don't have to change the damper ( assuming it has one) but depending on mileage it might be best to do so. I changed mine at the last cambelt change ( 180k) but up until that point I hadn't bothered.
  2. The rear brakes are a likely suspect. I had an annoying squeal that I nver noticed until I had the window open down small roads. After checking the rear calipers I found that the caliper was partically seized and once replaced the squeal wwent.
  3. DO a search - I changed this pipe a couple of years a go and I think I put the part number on a response to someone. Search on Bigjeeze.
  4. It was a long time ago when my MK1 had the cables go. As I recall it happened suddenly. When I looked and then felt around the selector you could tell the cable had popped off. SO you should be able to tell whether it's just the cable of the selector bolt. Good luck!
  5. Sounds like the cable problem to me but until you get a proper look you won't be sure. It might help to remove the battery tray but if you do be careful as the bolts in the base hold the gearbox mounting!
  6. Yes it is a common problem but as the top mounts and bearings have been replaced it rather counts them out. I would still check the alternator pulley as that when going appears on steering - Although I admit the raining bit does tend to thow it off a bit.
  7. Check out the aux belt tensioner - that is relatively cheap and quite likely..
  8. Have you checked the Alternator pulley? This sounds like it could be that. Do a search and check it out.
  9. Try e bay or similar - My copy has died so I need to get another myself.
  10. I had that same pipe go on mine a few years a ago - the new pipe cost
  11. In addition to the other advice here I would also check your brake light bulbs but most importantly the brake light and or the switch on the clutch ( Cruise Control) pedals. Bizzarely these can have a weird effect when faulty and of course could manifest themselves as soon as you move off or brake/.depress the clutch pedal.
  12. Hi Simon Not everyone reads all mails every day - and not ev eryone is confident that they can answer all questions. I'm sorry that yours wasn't answered. I suggest you firstly check the FAQ's you might find an answer there or you could try and obtain a copy of the Ford TIS which is a workshop manula on CD.
  13. Not sure but it does sound like there may be excesive wear on the caliper mountings - it may be that you will have to replace the caliper - or at least the mountings.
  14. I wouldn't swear to it but I think that the 115 is a PD engine which has different injectors to the 110 - also a different type of turbo. For what it's worth my 115 has 183K on the clock and stil going strong with all original engine parts!
  15. I am aware of that - I beleive the AA man was refering to the later Ford Diesel engined variants (i.e Mk3) on. Thinking back I had an Ausi A4 Tdi a while ago and that was hardly a paragon of reliablilty either so maybe the AA man was right! I have two Tdi's one a 1997 with 150k on the clock and the other 2001/2 with 182K on the clock - so the AA man probably hasn't got it right!!
  16. I just changed one on my wife's car. It is very difficult as there is very little room. I used a pattern gaiter that is significantly softer than the original which helped a lot. I am not sure I could have replaced an original one as getting it over the lip on the rack is very very tight. I do have very big hands so if you aren't a freak like me you may be ok!
  17. Might be a good idea to tell us what engine you have and any other symptoms - .
  18. Hi Steve Do a search - There is one that is sold via Halfords but I can't remember the brand. It's around
  19. I would not buy the 300mm discs. My 2001/2 115bhp Galaxy has 16" wheels but the 288mm discs. I think you will have problems with the disc fitting into the caliper.
  20. Almost certainly the aux heater not kicking in.
  21. You have fish in your brake lines? WHat you got a Galaxy or a U Boat!!;) :lol:
  22. Sorry to hear of your problems Zorgman - but I think you're right to just get on with it. There is no point in moaning overmuch as it won't go away anyway!. Don't give in keep fighting and with luck you may get better and outdo the 10 years. :rolleyes:
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