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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by paulmpaciorek

  1. ...lucky........thats <more than> lucky !!!
  2. ...well you just enjoy it while it lasts !!!!! is that roast pork I can smell ........its far better than frozen turkey !!!! :huh:
  3. ...well I knew it was too good to be true......my aux heater has worked for one week............yes but a week I will remember fondly as I basked in the mediteranean heat.....and so back to reality.............brass monkey weather this morning and the old jet didnt fire up.........TOO GOOD TO LAST !!!! :huh:
  4. ....oh and of course...do you have an in car swimming pool in the front passenger side footwell..................yeah footWELL.........!!!!?????
  5. ...Year and model ????
  6. ......well if we are going into the morality of Ebay and the fraudsters who use it to "fence" dodgy goods...............we shoukl see some Fraud dealers in the dock....if they can charge a grand for fitting a powertrain control module........thats theft.......difference is they stand in front of you and take your money off ya!!!.......and at the end of the day if that spare wheel carrier was knocked off from Fraud..........would I care ?...................I dont condone theft in anyway and those traders who sell knicked stuff on Ebay need flushing out. I shall come down off my soapbox now !!! Paul (live from speakers corner)
  7. Hi all This may be of interest to someone...lets face it...ALL of us may need it sooner or later.....lol Paul http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...4530904275&rd=1
  8. Ivor Do you have access to VAG-COM ???
  9. Mike I never got round to stripping it and is it appears to be working......so I will leave it for now !!!
  10. Hi all. We in the North -east of England are having a bit of bad weather at the mo...lots of snow and below zero temps. As I have mentioned previously my aux heater was not working.....01414 - Combustion-Air Blower (V6) 16-00 - Signal Outside Specifications ...............I was stuck in traffic ...about 1 hr 30 mins for a 10 minute journey grrrrr and the aux heater kicked in !!!! I'm not complainig...no.... but I havent cleared the code from the last time...it registered the fault the manditory 5 times.....confused.....Also I dont see any smoke coming out of the little exhaust ????Would it kick in if it wasnt able to burn the diesel and do its thing ??? I havent looked to see if Vag com brings anything up....
  11. Hi all. We in the North -east of England are having a bit of bad weather at the mo...lots of snow and below zero temps. As I have mentioned previously my aux heater was not working.....01414 - Combustion-Air Blower (V6) 16-00 - Signal Outside Specifications ...............I was stuck in traffic ...about 1 hr 30 mins for a 10 minute journey grrrrr and the aux heater kicked in !!!! I'm not complainig...no.... but I havent cleared the code from the last time...it registered the fault the manditory 5 times.....confused.....Also I dont see any smoke coming out of the little exhaust ????Would it kick in if it wasnt able to burn the diesel and do its thing ??? I havent looked to see if Vag com brings anything up....
  12. ........I didnt take my switch apart......I simply took it out (did I say SIMPLY !!!I meant I eventually took it out ) sprayed it with WD40....pushed the plunger in an out several times (oh no...according to the mentioned dealer who screwed a fellow forum member out of
  13. ......So they wanted to charge you
  14. Ivor Can you write me a bit of a review or better still paste me a link about the Tomtom sat nav system as a collegue of mine is buying a Touran and wants a sat nav system for it. Cheer mate ..and if anyone else wants to recommend a system please feel free !!!! Paul
  15. ....guess I havent got the hang of adding different coloured txt yet :o
  16. When was your last Tetnus shot? think it could be time for a top up ?
  17. Afternoon all. Have had the expected problem with the brake light switch....bulb failure light,flashing glow plug light and the implausable signal fault code. So I ventured out to remove clean and replace (until I pick up a new one)to see if it would work. Yes as described there are lots of sharp bits under there,yes I did bleed from 3 of my cuts ....all happened before the switch was removed,what a awkward job that is....anyway its working at the moment and when I get my new one I should be able to replace it in half the time The explanations on this site are spot on for the removal and replacement so I have nothing else to add to make it easier only be careful of the sharp bits cos there aint much room to avoid them. Paul
  18. SeatKid You can post pics via this site mate . http://www.imageshack.us/index.php
  19. Matt ...you need your guttering cleaning out !!! LOL
  20. and if thats not tight enough......the kids bikes are not in yet !!!! http://img141.exs.cx/img141/1006/dscf00639az.jpg http://img141.exs.cx/img141/5541/dscf00648im.jpg Looking at these pics....me thinks the car needs its annual wash.....ah maybe tommorow...maybe someday !!!
  21. Now thats close..hence the padding...I know when I've gone far enough when I bounce back lol !!!! http://img61.exs.cx/img61/1650/dscf00629ww.jpg
  22. Ah thats cheating.....if thats your garage door you must be reversing in !!!! I'm gonna take a photo.......post it soon
  23. It is manual. I got to work this morning and hid Gal is in the car park !!! I had read some posts on this site about the throttle sensor and the pedom.....whatsiname thingie !!! and I told him to have a "wiggle" about around the pedal and it is now fine . I am going to hook it up to the Vag com to see if the codes are there for an intermittent fault. Thanks again to this "marvelous" site.......more money saved !!!
  24. Hi all A work mate of mine has a 2000 Gal Tdi and it has developed a fault. I have Vag-com but I am unable to get to his house to diagnose before the local garage pick it up.......so here are the symptoms if anyone knows what may be at fault.Might be able to stop him being ripped off !!! It starts up ok......revs up once and then thats it.......it then just idles and wont rev up again until you switch it off and restart. He never noticed if there was any warning lights on........very observant NOT. Anyone else had this problem ??? It was running fine up until now...no lack of power etc.Its the first of the facelift models. Paul
  25. Mike Do you have to remove the steering wheel to change either stalk.My trip computer stalk has a mind of its own........it will only take one command after the ignition has been switched on....switch it off and you can go onto the next one ????? Also I wouldnt mind fitting cruise control but I dont fancy messin with the "old air bag" (not talkin about er indoors neither!!!!!!} Paul
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