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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

Masked Marauder

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Everything posted by Masked Marauder

  1. An appliance will work if wired like that, the neutral does eventually go to earth. Have you always used an Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker or have you been using a Residual Current Circuit Breaker?
  2. So people won't join just to buy and sell cars is the long and short of it.
  3. The real reason is that you are using IE7 and it does not dispaly IPB correctly. It is NOT the toolbar. I have no toolbar and I don't have them either.
  4. No overheat leading up to it, just the rapid coolant loss?
  5. Nah, that's bollocks. The Aux belt drives the aircon, it is either driving the pulley or it's not. Disrupted the gasses! What a load of gas!
  6. Many audio manufacturers make an adaptor to fit between the remote and the head unit. It is usually an extra though. I bought my Blaupunkt from http://www.bluespot.co.uk/ and they pre-configured the interface to the settings needed for the remote, making it a plug and play solution. Any other wiring differences are done with adaptor leads.
  7. I may have read the original post wrong but the OP was suggesting that the lugs it clips into in the wheel were broken. Is this not the case, are the lugs he sees part of the switch assembly?
  8. That is danish I think, looks like the instructions for modifying something.... http://www.translation-guide.com/free_onli...nish&to=English With the nice colour pictures in the document I am sure you can work it out.
  9. I replied to your email with the link chap, in case you did not get it it is http://www.bigtrucker.co.uk/files/20072006.3gp That is the drier housing in the picture with the green liquid, the metal top comes off and the drier cartridge pulls out. There are two seals in there and the replacement come with them included. A drier is
  10. Where was the leak from, inside the round bit? I guess not or the aircon guy would have know that! A dryer is
  11. It is either Ford or a specialist locksmith. The locksmith should be cheaper.
  12. Oggy, you do realise where yours was leaking from is the dryer and it comes with a new seal, you do not need a new condenser?
  13. or email me it (email address sent by PM) and I will host it for you on my web server.
  14. I have bought stuff off Stotty in the past, he is a good trader but his prices are a bit on the high side by todays standards. But then he does sell stuff that no-one else does too.
  15. It is done using the burning software. It still burns as tracks, but without the 2 second gap. With the latest vesrion of Nero you select the tracks and order then click burn. A box pops open, you click the "Audio" tab and tick the "no gaps between tracks" box
  16. Thats not a can of spray Martin....... ......... it is a plug!
  17. hold the button in until it changes
  18. Did you give it a good thrash on the way to the test station?
  19. Properly made bio-diesel is washed with water to take out impurities and water does not mix with oil. Also all the glycerine is removed so it does not gel as much as normal diesel does. Additives can be used for winter use if needed. All in all it is a better fuel all round.
  20. It could well be. Mine was a jangling sound when it failed. I got a new CV joint for
  21. http://www.catalogue.bosal.com/pages/exh_s...rd&model=galaxy
  22. The trouble with small leaks is that they may be big enough to let the small molecules of gas out, but not big enough to let the dye out. In addition the gas may be so dilute in the air that the sniffer may not find it. The only solution may be to strip the system down and pressure test the individual components but that is a last gasp measure. Some Indies now use a sealing product that will seal anything, but again, as your leak is so small it may not work.
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