I had a feeing that they changed this back to how it was before and the following is all I can find in the highway code about it: Rule 262: When the 'Road Works Ahead' sign is displayed, you will need to be more watchful and look for additional signs providing more specific instructions. You MUST NOT exceed any temporary maximum speed limit. Use your mirrors and get into the correct lane for your vehicle in good time and as signs direct. Do not switch lanes to overtake queuing traffic. Do not drive through an area marked off by traffic cones. Watch out for traffic entering or leaving the works area, but do not be distracted by what is going on there. Bear in mind that the road ahead may be obstructed by the works or by slow moving or stationary traffic. Law RTRA sect 16 Suggesting if your in the closing lane then you can stay there, but you can't change into it after the sign showing it to be closed. But is is only a code, not law (unless written in red)