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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Davetheref

  1. Why not take out all of the windows as well. That would cut down wind resistance=more mpg and the added bonus of not needing air con at all. :huh: :huh: :(
  2. Mines in today for the work. They have said all done in 1 day no problem. Almost didn't though as the parts only came in late yesterday. Now, it will be interesting to see what happens as I have had nothing go wrong on my Gal since new (thats the kiss of death straight away) and it has been running ok.
  3. Blacks good, except if you live in a hard water area then its a nightmare when you wash it.
  4. I've got a Mitac Mio with Tom Tom and works fine. Never had to use the GPS extension lead supplied.
  5. Silver has got to be the most common one around now.
  6. I'm on my second Gal now and i just couldn't see myself driving a 'normal' car. I've only got 2 kids but just love the comfort and driving position. Whenever I drive my wife's Saxo I dont feel safe being that low down to the road.
  7. I've just been on at work and no problems.
  8. It seems like almost all of the insurance companies use these means to fix bodywork problems now. A lot of Ford garages use them as well and do not have a bodywork side to their garage. As far as the warranty goes, you shouldn't have a problem with Ford.
  9. [i thought Knock for Knock meant each party paid for 50% of the others damage] Nope, fraid not. It always means now that you have to look after your own damage and vice versa for the other guy/girl
  10. Trouble is with insurance companies nowadays is that if you do not have any independant witnesses, they tend to go for knock for knock and you both lose out. 2 years ago my wife had another women driver just pull out in front, and into my wife's left wing on a dual carrigeway. The other women was very sorry and admitted it was her fault etc. etc. When my wife went to claim against her the insurance said it had to be knock for knock as there were no other witnesses.
  11. Not under the clock with a red carnation by any chance :blink:
  12. I have 3 wireless networked PC's at home (mine and the 2 kids) all running AVG free and never had any problems with it. Could it have been to do with firewall problems MO4 rather than the virus protection itself ?
  13. Do you really need an alloy for a spare? My spare is only a steel and must admit that I've not been tempted to change it. :blink:
  14. Myself , I would say M1 and around over the Dartford crossing as I know the other way you can hit all of the M3 and M4 traffic. The trouble is with the M25 nowadays is you only need a small accident anywhere on it to screw up the traffic.
  15. Should be, especially if they are compatible the other way round.
  16. Whoops I meant v3 :) :P
  17. Many thanks again Muffking. It works a treat even though I got my version wrong. I have actually got TT version 5 ands the one you sent me for v4 was ok. It was the one I bought that was for V
  18. Thanks alot Muffking. I've sent an email via this site and hopefully you shoulds get it. Meant to say that I do have John Clease and Darth Vader for TT4 if you need them. Cheers Dave
  19. I thought we had had that already in the last few months :D :D
  20. I bought some voices for my Tom Tom v4 software on my PDA and then found out they only work on version 3. It was the ozzy voice I relly wanted. So if anyone out there wants to swap a version 3 for a 4 that would be much appreciated.
  21. Didn't know that MM. Do you know why as they are very easy to buy ? I bought mine on holiday in the USA from Radio Shack.
  22. I have a portable FM modulator that plugs into the headphone out socket on the DVD player and you just tune your radio into the freqency of the mod. It is a very small piece of kit that can run on batteries or the ciggy lighter. You can pick them up quite cheaply from Ebay and the like.
  23. Best way is lock the car with someone inside. Always used to work with the kids :lol: :D
  24. It says on the recall notice that all will be replaced new incuding the clutch.
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