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Everything posted by Davetheref

  1. Yep I had one fitted for a year and have only taken it off after reading all the blurb on here about it damaging engines etc in the long term. I do miss it though as it really did make a difference in the power and the mpg readings as well. It did also make a lot more smoke and I really noticed it until the engine warmed up. Still not decided about the mpg though as since I've taken it off, it seems to me a tank of diesel lasts longer than with it on even though the reding showed better mpg's. I am very, very tempted to re-fit it but am still not 100% sure it isn't doing any long term damage.
  2. Try changing out of third gear :blink: :D Seriously though, my overall average is about 47 mpg in a 130 ps diesel. On my journey to the train every day (17 miles each way) I try to keep to around 55mph. Around town I never really check.
  3. I've just bought an Itrip Auto. Great piece of kit.
  4. 2 Sierras 2 Mondeos 1 Escort 1 Fiesta 2 Galaxys 8 in total
  5. MM, dont forget to stick the names on so we know who we're looking at. :blink: :lol:
  6. I had all mine changed 2 weeks ago on my 1.9 TDI and total cost was
  7. Gregers The best place for info on how to do absolutley anything on your PDA is http://www.pocketgpsworld.com/. I've got answers in the past to all of my PDA queries as I can never remember how do things on them from one day to the next. Dave
  8. Aren't you going to name and shame them as well ??
  9. I have the Mitac Mio 168 as well. Best bit of kit I've ever bought. I have it loaded with the Ozzy voice as well.
  10. "what sarcasm???i wasnt being sarcastic.was trying to think at the time how to post an image" Sorry MO4. Bit belated I know but I must have been having a bad day then. :D
  11. Got all 4 wheels\brakes changed for
  12. Thanks guys. I'm still not convinced yet that I could do these myself as I havn't got a 7mm allen key or a G clamp and also I get a bit worried when I hear you have to open a bleed nipple (dont remember having to do that on other cars in the past). I guess the other problem is knowing what size pads I need exactly as it doesn't sound like a standard size for all. I will ring round for fitting prices at Kwik Fit and the like first (Ford would charge the earth).
  13. Iknow the topic has been covered before but I am just wondering if it is easy enough to change the brake pads on a mark 2? I have a TIS for the Gal and have changed brake pads in the past on 'lesser' cars and so, am fairly competent but I am just worried it would be one of those things I start and cannot finnish by not having the correct tools etc. My brake pad warning light has ust come on after 31000 miles and so dont know if its front or rear r both but should expect the worse and go for a complete change. Any thoghts people? thanks
  14. Look! Come on quinten. Are you buying this or not ??? If not I will. What a bargain !!! :D :D :D
  15. My brake pad warning light lit up the other day and then disapeared on the next trip. I guess that means i will have to get mine changed. Does anyone know what the warning light relates to i.e. front or rear pads or both. I was also thinkinf of going to Kwik Fit or something like it to get them changed.
  16. I always take a digital picture, with date and time on, before it goes to Ford for whatever. I know it doesn't help you much now but there are lots of posts on this in the past about what your options are if any.
  17. Surely, that bloke cant be this stupid :wacko: :wacko: And dont call me surely!! :(
  18. Thanks Mo4 but sarcasm does not become you. :blink: :D I just seemed to remember it was a bit of a process last time I tried and didn't realise it was that easy. Well, all being well, this is me and my brood at my 25th wedding anniversary bash.
  19. I know its been asked before, but how do you post an image? :blink:
  20. And, has he replied yet?? :blink:
  21. Maybe we should have a sarcasm thread all its own. ;) ;)
  22. I have noticed a tendancy on Ebay lately of people selling items for a very low 'Buy it now' price and then hiking up the postage costs. I guess this is to save Ebay charges as they only charge commision on the sale price and nor the postage.
  23. I forgot to add Greg that I have had no problems at all with my 2 Gal's either. Maybe I've just been lucky.
  24. I'm going the whole hog and am about to try Vista. Microsoft are now doing free downloads of the beta version. Only recommendation, do not use it on your main machine if poss as it is beta and there could be driver issues..
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