I had a Picasso before my 2 galaxy's. I got it just when they first came out. It was ok but I was never 100% happy with it. The driver seat never felt comfortable and i always seemed to be moving around in the seat on long journeys (maybe it was my piles lol). The car itself was, well, just ok again. Never had any mechanical problems and everything worked ok but there is no comparison betwen the ride and comfort factor of a Galaxy and I hope you dont miss it too much. That is half the trouble with having a Gal. Where do you go to get something as comfortable and a great ride after they are gone as I'm not sure about the new ones yet.
I used mine, that I did get from Ebay, on the wifes Saxo the other day. It does do exactly what it says on thr tin (or in this case, box). So much easier than in the past and cleaner.
Never had any problems yet with Paypal (maybe I'm just lucky) and I've been using it for 3 years. I sold a lot of computer kit and have even got my money back through them when I've had a dodgy seller.
It still looks a lot better than climbing under your car with a tray to catch the old oil. The times I've done that in the past and got it everywhere except where it was meant to go. :D
Bugger it. why did you have to show that after I bought from Ebay, spoilt my day :D :D Anyway, my excuse is I wanted to use paypal and get my feedback up :(
Just bought one as well as I need to service the wife's Saxo and at least I wont have to get the sump plug off now. Only one left on Ebay now and its on an auction. Cant use the 'buy it now option.
Whenever I put my foot down on the gas, I used to get a bit of high revving before it actually pulled away. Dont get that at all now. As soon as I put the gas on, instant response.
MO4 Have you defragged your hard disk recently and if you havn't I would suggest doing it as that can sometimes cure a multitude of machine crashing problems.
I have a run down the A10 to Cheshunt every morning. I have tried all different speeds to get the optium and I have found around 55ish to be best but I only have a manual TDI
Got it back and all appears ok ,touch wood. The clutch does feel a lot sharper now and I stalled it twice on the way home but at least no strange noises the garage said they heard.
Knew it was too good to be true. Went to pick up the Gal and they said they need to keep it for another day as there is a noise now coming form underneath and they need to investigate. At least they gave me a car to use now (would not in the first instance).