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Everything posted by mk2vr6

  1. that I find difficult to believe! just reading half your posts makes me want to swear so I cant imagine actually standing infront of you would help matters!
  2. And what do you know ! apparently everything!
  3. that was even better! did you get someone in to do it for you?
  4. wow that was clever editting! you can hardly tell it's been done!
  5. tbh I cant be bothered to asked
  6. It doesnt have a super charger, you may have more luck looking here http://mk2vr6.com/board/index.php
  8. As a copper in Kent ................ trust me ....... those are words you dont hear very often!
  9. and stop the left foot braking! that doesnt help on a TDI especially if you still have your foot on the throttle!
  10. and yet you post sections of it and links to web sites with downloadable sections of it....go figure that one?
  11. ha ha ..... a seemingly funny reply? maybe one of your funniest jokes yet? and yet you dont actually answer the question why is that?
  12. why is it worse to know his sexual orientation than his race or colour?
  13. just pop into your local halfords.... etc and pick up a set of iso adaptor leads and save yourself the hassle of a cut'n'shut job! so much easier and tidier and dont forget to pick up the power supply adaptor for the aerial amp while your there ;)
  14. yep especially with the VR6 lump in it :19: but then again the 2.7 CRD just eats the miles and still gives the same MPG as the VR :19:
  15. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARMAN-KARDON-DRIVE-...1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. yep <_< only a fake though ;)
  17. that will be me soon enough :D cata launched ;)
  18. So very true! worse than a crack habit they say! I've cut it back to two accounts now and will play them both out till end game then quit, some people just take it too personal!
  19. fully adjustable coilovers on the front end and adjustable spring mounts on the rear with uprated shocks and springs! possible no good for towing but hey you asked :wacko:
  20. how come its always the TDI whiners that kick off about the price of fuel? they always start the threads about their high mpg figures but never actually prove them, or shoot each other down about their wildy high claims! and they are the first ones to moan about the lack of BHP and start the threads on chipping yet kick off about the snake oil claims about better mpg that are supposedly available after chipping ........ jeeze! it just goes to prove what a bunch of grumpy old men you actually are.........
  21. nice place, I'm told by those sad individuals that play golf! thats it a nice course ^_^ just watch out for the locals though! they belong to the safety camera team :wacko: a bunch of sad muppets playing pretend policemen let loose with a radar guns :) they normally hang around the village entrances and near the T junction in the village, just give them a polite one finger wave and tell em I sent you :wacko: also anyone getting off the M1 at J15a look out for the gatso on the A43 - Blisworth/Tiffield junction it's fairly well hidden behind a bloody great road sign! and whatch the bridges and laybys/gateways all regular haunts for the mobile units :wacko:
  22. The 5 speed slush box already has a cooler fitted http://www.kenlowe.com/oil-coolers/automatic/howto.html
  23. mind at the first sign of trouble you with it you'll have to ring the help line and chat to some clueless under paid tech support guy in Hyderabad
  24. depending on what part you actually want to remove? the ignition switch unclips from the rear or the housing and to remove the lock barrel you drill a 4 mm hole in the correct spot insert the key and turn it, then stick a screw driver in the hole to release the latching pin and pull it out, Galaxy's dont have sheer bolts! the ignition switch houseing is a push fit job! to remove it you need to remove the steering wheel, clock spring etc from the steering column then drift it off
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