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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by greg_68

  1. Surely it is not a Ghia, it doesn't have electric rear quater lights, heated seats or climate.
  2. Wait until he overhears his missus telling his son that dad used to be able do it as well, but that was a while back now.
  3. I personally wouldn't buy a petrol with that many miles on the clock. Also says mot 03/07, will they renew that? Other than that it's pot luck with second hand cars. FFSH means nothing, funny how people think it's great if their cars got one but moan like stink that at service time they don't actually do much for the money it costs. If you go to see it check everything(especially electrical) works. Aircon Leccy windows Central locking Wipers Internal lighting. Check compartment under passenger seat for rust (water ingress into modules) If it was near a member perhaps they wouldn't mind having a first look for you, they would know what to look for and maybe take some piccies etc. Where is it? My one word of advice would be at that money, if you do buy it as soon as you start having trouble with it get rid as soon as possible as they are well known cash dispensers. Good luck.
  4. Before doing anything I would get the door card off and take the bottom window trims off (they just lift up and out). Look down into the letterbox opening where your window comes up through the top of the door. I find it hard to beleive the cable has snapped as they are quite thick. When I had problems with mine it had come off the top roller. A steel coathanger to hook it with and feed it back up and over. Got to be worth a look before depleting your bank account. Will not take more than 10 minutes.
  5. Agree with everything you say Tim. I know you are a huge fan of your car and always defend it's reliabilty. Yes it was older (although only 4 years old when I bought it and things went wrong from the start) Yes I would buy japanes given the choice but finances dictated not to be. But I still read countless posts withexactly the same issues as I had on Galaxys no more than 3-4 years old, telling me that the issues are still the same. On the Citreon site there is a completely different set of posts with no underlying major faults. I am glad you have goood luck with your car, there are good and bad in all vehicles it just seems to me the good Galaxy ones are rarer and a damn site more expensive to fix. Look how many posts are titled 'another fault on my Galaxy'
  6. Very pleased with it, I have had it about 9 months now and nothing has droped off, stopped working or failed. A time span never achieved with my previous car. I do miss it's versatility, comfort, ease of driving and extra seat. But with a young family I put reliabilty at the very top of my most wanted list. Looking at the endless stream of repetitive faults still appearing on here I don't ever see myself returning to the Galaxy which is a shame because I absolutely loved the new one I borrowed for 3 weeks last year. Good luck with yours, you never know you may get a goodun.
  7. Wolfie that's low,.......... but funny. Bruvver you are a very brave man......hope all goes well.
  8. Have to agree with Dave and Scorpion, I don't like any of the recent changes either. It is becoming too fiddly to navigate around, to the point where I just can't be bothered to come on any more whereas I used to be on here all the time. I wonder how many others have felt that way as the forum seems to be changing to a small hardcore team where it used to be a wide span of people. Other forums I belong to are not like this and any first timers must be a little bewildered by the many sections to the point where they may give up before joining(especially with the rediculous restrictions put on new members which I have never seen on any other site so why does this one have to have it) Given that the idea is to attract more new members to the site you seem to be making it harder for newbies to come on board. There seems (to me anyway) to be a distinct drop in the constant flow of new questions from new mebers and this site seems to becoming a bit of a general chit chat forum for the 'elder statesmen' on the forum. Could this be an effect of the changes. This day and age newbies have to be able to navigate, post and digest quickly othewise they lose interest and look elsewhere. I have joined dozens of forums since this one and have found this to be the hardest to use. Just my opinion but if you want the forum to grow it has to get easier not harder to use, these days surfers have the attention span of a goldfish.
  9. On the side of the knob at the top there is a little screw. Undo that and the top of the gear lever comes off. Slide the tube bit off the gear stick. Gently prise the trim with the illuminated parts up. You will then be able to see the inhibtor switch.
  10. No one has more acronyms and 'buzz' words than Ford. Our favourite at work at the moment is we have 'thought showers' in meeting instead of 'brainstorming' as this apparently is a description used in conjunction with epeleptic fits. So as not to offend anyone we now use 'thought showers'.
  11. Boy I bet those wind farms are racking up some profit today. If they all went round quick enough do you think we could take off............weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Come to think of it knowing British engineering at it's best there will a statement later saying they have had to shut them down as it is too windy or it is the wrong type of wind.
  12. Shaun, almost certainly your tensioner. Your symptoms are exactly the same as mine even the distance I was from home was the same. New belt and tensioner about
  13. The last time I renewed mine over the phone it was about 11pm and the bloke on the other end said I was the first person he had spoken to all day that didn't have any points on his license. That is one of the benefits of living in inner city Brum, you can't build up enough speed to set the camera off.
  14. Depending on how much you need to take off, the actual door lock and handle comes out from the outer side anyway so you may not have to take the door card off if you are lucky. If the key is just turning round and round most likely common failure is the back end of the lock cylinder the tag on the casting has snapped off like mine did. If you are tight like me just swap the drivers and passenger handles over 30 minutes job done. I never used to unlock the car from passenger side anyway.
  15. This may sound a daft question but do you mean the engine or the key turns? Is it an auto...me thinking auto selector inhibitor switch......well I was right last time.
  16. Fighting the battle to let out a schoolboy snigger.....no good can't stop it.
  17. Now you can see why I think it is a bad idea if your runs are short and low mph it just drinks the stuff. My average journey is approx 7 miles to work and back and averages about 15-17 mph. That gave me approx 17mpg. Your dead right T that just ain't funny. I too was allured by the V6 but soon realised whata mistaka to maka. If Baz journey's are anything like mine what is the point of a V6. If they were motorway cruising journey's maybe there would be an argument for the V6 otherwise I don't think so.
  18. Baz, how many miles a week do you do and what sort of journeys are they? If they are short and low mph do not get a V6. The fuel bills from mine were crippling. Averaging 17mpg on a bad week, 20 on a good. You will soon get fed up of putting
  19. Adrian you must have a right dodgy copy, Casino Royale is a spy based film not a pirate one. Is there much swashbuckling and walking the plank in it, does James have a patch over one eye? Personally I'm all for it until such a time when prices come down to a more reasonble level......come to think of it that still won't be good enough. The only thing I do not have is pre dvd release films, I would rather pay the
  20. Mike, this post started off as a search for a part number. It has made this very hard to read and digest (well I think so) Could you please recap on what the original problem was and what you have checked and changed so far. p.s put the vehicle details in the post or your sig. p.p.s is it an auto.............me thinking auto gearstick switch.
  21. I had a Fiat Miriafiori that bellt went at about 40mph Towed it home retimed it put a new belt on and away we went. Damn thing, a right rust bucket but I just couldn't kill that engine no matter how hard I tried. Best of luck with yours.
  22. try auxhiliary belt or tensioner.
  23. I had thought of this on my V6 But isn't the 2.0L a Ford engine, if it was surely there would be a monster amount of work both mechanical and electrical. All the engine management system and instrument panel, wiring looms, fuel systems, fuel tank, exhausts etc. Personally I would have thought it would be uneconomical and to many risks involved. Just not worth iy.
  24. This is the article: PMSL at the first highlighted bit Wondered what the second highlighted bit had got to do with this story, as if we didn't feel soory enough for him. Soaring car crime blamed on urban mythNov 21 2006 Anna Hammond, South Wales Echo A massive surge in car crime in Cardiff has been blamed on a bizarre urban myth. More than 200 vehicles were broken into in just three nights in the city - nearly four times as many as on an average weekend. And police believe the vehicles - 95 per cent of which were Ford cars - were targeted because thieves had heard a rumour that the radios contained a chip that could pick up free satellite television. The urban myth has surfaced before in other parts of the UK. In May, Warwickshire police had to issue a warning claiming the rumour might have originated from America where some manufacturers fit radios that are capable of tuning in a radio network called Sky. Story continues ADVERTISEMENT But police and Ford have completely dismissed the idea that a microchip in UK car stereos can be put on a satellite receiver or digibox to receive free Sky television. Chief Superintendent Bob Evans said: 'It works out that we had almost four times the recorded rate of car crime. 'We have spoken to all parties concerned, including Ford and the satellite providers, and can only conclude that this is nothing more than an urban myth and the microchip cannot be used in this way.' Paul Wilson, from Ford, said: 'There is nothing in the radios that is compatible with a digibox so these people are wasting their time. 'Unfortunately customers tend to forget that there is a control panel with the radios that the owners should remove from their car and take with them.' One victim Bob Bull, of Burwell Close, Pontprennau, Cardiff, woke to find the radio had been ripped out of his Ford Focus mobility car on Sunday morning. Mr Bull, 60, who will now have to pay
  25. Sorry to hear that gooner. In what way were they not good? Buying them outside of eBay is always a bad idea, no come back. You could have got your money back otherwise
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