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Everything posted by johnb80

  1. It sounds to me more a mixture problem than an ignition problem. If it is mixture it will be a weak mixture thats causing it, that said, splits in pipes are a prime candidate. Is it worse when the engine is cold ? You could double check engine temps and sensors. Regards - J
  2. I'd be very tempted to check the valve timing on the bank with the low compressions. If it's out, the valves may be bent BUT setting it right and doing a compression test again is a lot easier than ripping the motor apart. I'm not convinced about head gasket / warped head etc, the pressure are all pretty much the same on that bank. Regards - J
  3. If you see me behind you in my Black Gal, move over you're driving too slow / taking up too much road. If you see me in front of you, ease off, you're going too bl@@dy fast towing a caravan :D Regards - J
  4. Are you allowed to do that ? (nobody else has before :lol: ) Regards - J
  5. What a load of drivel, the sooner these devices are banned the better in my opinion. If you're overtaking a lorry, assuming a 40 foot arctic, you're doing 20 mph over it's speed, thats 30' per second, you would therefore pass it in under 2 seconds if you stick to 50mph. Driver education is whats needed. Bring on the flames :lol: Regards - J
  6. I'd be tempted to have a new ignition switch. Unplug the switch and see if the cranking stops, if it does it's highly likely it's the switch. Regards - J
  7. Spare Wheel ?
  8. You mean bald head and toothless :D CONGRATULATIONS
  9. Well thats a nice sweeping statement - thankyou.
  10. It's not unknown for the coil packs to fail on V6's, if you look at the packs closely you might find a small hairline crack of evidence of tracking. Sometimes placing the pack in a hot oven for a while and filling any cracks with epoxy resin gives good results. You could try disconnecting the packs in turn to find out which one is causing the problem. The only other possibility is the plug on the ignition side (assuming it's not the ecu which is very unlikely). Don't run it in this condition or you'll be paying out for a new cat. Regards - John
  11. I know, it just sounds better the other way round (it was a tongue in cheek comment).
  12. You could even do the writing like on the back of flash coaches listing ALL of the features:- Climate Control DVD Heated Seats Seat Belts Ashtrays Cigarette Lighter Coin Holder Dick behind the wheel (Oops, Sorry, Got carried away :P ) Regards - J
  13. Well at least I'm consistent :P But seriously, what is the point of putting a 130 badge on a 115 ? It just makes me laugh at how shallow such people can be. Regards - J
  14. Why on earth do you want to put 130 on the back of a 115? It won't go faster, there's little difference between 115 & 130 anyway and if it's a go faster thing get the V6 badge. Seems mad to me to try and make a statement about a car which isn't true. Regards - J
  15. I find it very hard to beleive that the feeds to the coil are not protected by a fuse. All the other sensors are fed via the ECU, the ecu has a fuse in it's feed and therefore protects the sensor wiring. Regards - J
  16. Does the fuel gauge fluctuate at the same time as the temp gauge ?
  17. Absolute no contest, Tommy Cooper he was 100% funny man, not an act dead funny. I did have the pleasure of knowing hime personally and was invited to a party at his house. On his way home he called at his taylors and borrowed a fully dressed manikin out of the window. He put this in the downstairs loo leaning against the wall and all night people were going to the loo, opening the door and the saying 'oops - sorry'. After 2 hours people were cross legged! Great guy, major loss to the world. Regards - J
  18. NO, Skoda has a VW lump
  19. Thats about right, when mine failed it had 5 attempts and then wouldn't try again until it had a visit to a main stealer. Pretty sure VAG-COM can reset it so it may be possible that someone on here could lend assistance. Regards - J
  20. If it's cold outside theres no way it's going to get warm unless you're caning it to death. Regards - J
  21. Complete and utter cr@p, if the unit doesn't work you've not a chance of keeping warm inside if it's cold outside. My heater packed up last year, I did a trip on the motorway with -3 outside, freezing inside even with coats on. If you turned the heater off with the car stionary and revved the engine in the services managed to get to 90 deg, off on the motorway, heater on after 3 miles back in the cold section and no heat, complete bloody nightmare. Get it fixed you WILL need it when it's cold. Regards - J
  22. So it IMPROVED the beemer then?
  23. How on earth will you manage that :angry: You can't possibly do an unbiased view when you've got the thing can you. I'll be interested in your 'slightly' biased comments though, hope you don't get a puncture on boxing day, your 'unbiased view' will certainly change then. I have only once had to call a tyre company out on boxing day (to a company car thank god) it was just short of
  24. CAmera is way, way better than sensors (I have both), sensors are unreliable, especially in rain, camera works every time. Regards - J
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