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Everything posted by MadBaz

  1. Your not a pain, I consider working thru the Haynes and TIS wiring diagrams (one does not correlate to the other) a challenge, I must admit though I'm a little stumped on this one though :19: , still looking and scratching head.
  2. I thought you could do that anyway with the booster, thats what I thought the four button clock was for, I'm sure there was a tsb about two button clocks fitted by mistake.
  3. Unlocking will activate lights (controlled by c/l module) but if they don't come on when doors opened (controlled by door ajar switch to ground) then fuses or relay/buzzer (it's a combined unit) is at fault. Fuses 7 & 8 (5amp) should power the relay/buzzer (H9, bottom row 3rd from left) available from VW/Frauds. If fuses are ok then replace buzzer/relay and your prob should be cured. PS I did a post on adding remote C/L HERE
  4. DLA is Disability Living Allowance, its a get out clause for some people who don't want to work and can't be arsed signing on, for the majority though its a much needed income for the difficulties they face with their disabilities.
  5. Must have been bout 97 when DVLA had a revamp
  6. 16, if claiming dla at higher rate/ 17 if not see here Or as soon as you can reach the pedals in Liverpool :wub:
  7. According to TIS it's no 35 and 20amp, it does the lighter, rear power skts and trailer skt. It should be above & slightly behind the main relay/fuseboard 5th from the left
  8. Welcome aboard :lol:
  9. Fifth Gear had these lab tested quite recently and found a 2mpg decrease, with no increase in performance.
  10. MadBaz


    Saab did that a few years back IIRC
  11. MadBaz


    Thats gone way over my head, possibly a little complex for such a trivial subject, in my humble opinion of course.
  12. MadBaz


    I use the mean, not median or modal.
  13. This was my reply and I got heavily criticised, goodness knows why ^_^ If I came across such a scenario and could not end it safely, then I would deliberatley ram driver A into the verge and call police at the earliest opportunity, when it goes to court I would claim quite rightly I was under duress and in fear for my life as well as driver C's. ending it this way almost guarantees driver A would have to explain his actions and would not get clean away and assuming the speeds involved are negligible no serious injuries should result. I would need a flippin good team of solicitors though. Last year after 6 weeks of driving, I had to make a choice: (to be honest is wasn't really a choice, it was self preservation/panic) swerve or hit, head on, the blue Audi at speed on the wrong side of the road, I swerved and ended up in the wall, the Audi never stopped, I fortunately had witnesses to his/her driving but no registration, after the friction burns from airbag and financial losses (excess, increased premium) given the same circumstance I now would not hesitate to side swipe the bleeping idiot.
  14. MadBaz


    I average 25, I've lit the fuse and I'm not sticking around for the consequenses ^_^
  15. Indeed I haven't, as the overwhelming majority of lorry drivers are very professional and do not speed and the restricters fitted no not stop them speeding. (dipping the clutch/placing in neutral/just not braking going downhill, will cause the vehicle to exceed their restrictions). Going back to the weight/mpg issue, if mpg does not increase when going uphill, then an increase in energy is not needed to overcome the effects of gravity therefore the momemtum of the vehicle would not have any external forces applied except drag/friction, therefore I could in theory attain the same momemtum with a 50cc engine. NASA are gonna be p155ed when they find out they could launch the shuttle with nothing more than a fart! Gio you talk a load of B******* and to trounce Newtonion Physics just highlights your ignorance, To nitpick and place sarcastic replies to everyones posts is not going to win friends, anyone can become a keyboard warrior and take any persona they like, I for one do not like yours.
  16. I found this on another forum and wondered what other members thoughts are Apologies for the spelling mistakes, I didn't write it. imagine this sinario Driver A is doing 40mph in a 60 limit. Driver B waits for a safe opportunity to overtake and then attempts to overtake. Driver A responds by speeding up to stop him. Driver B increases his speed ubove the limit in order to get out of the situation the other driver has deliberatly created. Driver A speeds up again in order to prevent the overtaker from getting past. Driver B slows down with the intent on falling back in behind. Driver A slows down to prevents the overtakeing driver from doing this. this behavior goes on for some time with Driver B constantly changeing speed in order to get back onto his side of the road but driver A keeps on changeing his speed in order to keep the overtaker on the wrong side of the road. eventually it gets to the point where there is a colision with a car comming the other way. at the time driver B (overtaker) has reduced his speed to almost a stop, the car comming the other way didnt stop at all dispite seeing it comming from some distance away. what is the liability of all 3 drivers? (i want some detail here) common sence would dictate that the person being overtaken is compleatly guilty because he intentionally trapped annother driver in a dangerous situation and continued to maintain this when he knew an accident was likely. the overtakeing driver would be compelatly innocent because his actions were safe until the other driver did something totally unforseeable at which time he atempted to resolve it safely (by falling back) but he had no chance of doing so. and the driver comming the other way should be liable because he did not slow down yet he had time to do so.
  18. You shouldn't be able to get anything as the 2.0l has a ford ecu which can only be read/reset by WDS and obd diagnostic connectors, Vag com will only read VW ECUs and the 2.0/2.3 (not sure about 2.8 V6) petrol galaxys don't have them.
  19. Mass (weight) plays a huge role in terms of mpg and any one who says it doesn't ought to go back to school, and as for balancing out on the downhill, speed limits aside, I'm sure sales of Andrex will quadruple when 44 tonnes of artic come past at 110mph. As for a quieter and cheaper car, Kia do something called the Sedona, I'm sure theres a forum too.
  20. Well I don't care, I don't have a garage or problems starting, and There's plenty of hills round here which make the petrol engine work hard therefore the heater is like a furnace after a very short while, I have no booster to create its own fog bank every time it gets a little nippy and I average 25 mpg whether i's hot/cold/uphill/down dale/with missus kids & dog/by my lonesome/tesco petrol/BP! ps when I get to work I leave my van idling for 20 minutes to warm up, therefore contributing to global warming and making the enviroment more pleasant for all of us!
  21. The only good thing about Royal Mail/The Post Office is the guys and gals at the sharp end, it's about time the bloody management started earning their ridiculous salaries and started to manage instead of calling in consultants and accountants to do the job for them. And as for the union, they should spend less time on the p155 and actually do some work at the sharp end, instead of trying to rally up a strike for the most minute reason (present circumstances excepted). They are a run by a dying breed of dinosaur that are in it for the same self-centered reasons as the management, the need to justify their jobs, only difference between them and management is they claim to be on your side. just an opinion ,from a former postman, of course
  22. Welcome to the madhouse.
  23. Sorry (had another senior moment) I'm thinking of Airbag clockspring, as Mk2vr6 states probably a dodgy wheel sensor/ring.
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