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Everything posted by Smilge

  1. Hi and Welcome SolarB ......... enjoy the new car!
  2. I tend to agree with the above Chicken .... and like you would want to have a go as electronics are my bread and butter. I'm not happy with the circuit diagram and doesn't explain how you connect to the existing wiring particularly those connections which end in an arrow. The window and door triggers plus the central locking "lock" and "unlock" signals are a little confusing. What do the other wires on plug 12P do? I also reckon if you connect the Ignition cut off as shown it'll interfere with the existing immobiliser circuit and even damage it. I'd be very wary of introducing parallel earths particularly on the brake switch which is a safety circuit on the Galaxy.
  3. Maz the screech and the smoke are unrelated IMHO. The screech could either be the starter motor bendex gear not freeing itself once the engine is running or the aux drive belt slipping. You just had the belt changed so I would suggest removing the starter motor and cleaning it. Your smoking problem could be the glowplugs and in this weather the light should really extinguish very quickly.
  4. Paul the flashing drivers door light is showing the operation of the immobiliser and from what you describe is normal and nothing to do with your intermittent loss of power. With the car locked and the alarm enabled you should see the light flash every so often.
  5. Good aren't they!?
  6. 65 Million!!! Is that all? I win that every day! I'm now moving to Nigeria. :angry2:
  7. Welcome J and look forward to reading your future posts.
  8. Steve have you got an SDS drill? ......... tried that once on a seized caliper nut and nearly ripped the whole suspension off the car as well as my arm ..... lmao.
  9. Does the "whirring" decrease in pitch when you turn the engine off? If so then you are looking at turbo bearings. If it doesn't then I would suggest the run on pump if yours has one. Check the hose connections as Sepulchrave suggests particularly the Intercooler to turbo hoses.
  10. I think you're spot on there Turk.
  11. John ..... have you tried the RS catalogue as they're usually pretty good for plug type spares?
  12. Do a search on relay 27 or 30 IIRC ..... that buzzing sounds like a relay "chattering".
  13. Looks good! ...... just out of interest did you use the detailing clay because apparently that's the business? Still ..... doesn't look as stunning as mine after I've polished it. :lol: :lol:
  14. You need a lesson in humility, you will get it when you read the history of the world and feel the pain of the oppressed. When you can RELATE to victims of the DEVIANT ways of YOUR GODDAMN ancestors, then my "son" open your mouth. Then my "son" you Might be worth listening to. No lessons learnt there then! So I take it the oppressed migrate to this country to teach "us infidels" a lesson in humility? ........ nothing to do with being handed "free" money and improving their lives at the expense of the British Tax Payer. We're at least good enough for that arn't we?
  15. Don't think you'll find a miracle cure Mark and if the fuse has blown and unless it has an in-line fuse you can check then it sounds fried. Have a look on E-Bay for a 6000 series as you can get these at a reasonable price and can play CD's.
  16. Welcome John and glad you got it sorted.
  17. ( excluding parking in Liverpool.......amazed that the scousers still do this when over 20% of them are on disability ). Have you noticed Kev that now Liverpool is the the new City of Culture, they now leave your car on books when nicking the wheels?!
  18. I've had a few problems before with a similar problem Nik and just swapped the hard drive into another computer. Basically it wouldn't boot which was put down to the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) being totally different. Does the HD3200 work off the AGP bus Nik?
  19. Ok ... worth a try anyway. With power appearing for a nanosecond this sounds a bit like "capacitorish" and I'm wondering whether there is some sort of noise suppression circuit on the 12V accessory line. Have you actually measured the voltage on each of the sockets?
  20. Moozer I've got a feeling your problem is as simple as not having the keys in the ignition. I discovered all this when installing a sub -woofer and basically by sticking the keys in the ignition, you bring power on to a limited number of circuits. This is typically VW ish and not key to position 1 like on most other cars. So ...just push the key in the ignition and see what you get.
  21. Mine's a pint of Creme De Menthe please Maz!
  22. Agree with you there Tommie ..... I've just had to have both of my fronts repaired due to punctures and they also have to drill a 6mm hole in the tyre around the puncture to insert a "plug". I spoke to the teckie with regards to blow outs and he confirmed that in the 20 years he has worked for them, he has never had any issues whatsoever with puncture repairs. He also stated that the main cause of blowouts was underinflation and damaged or cracked sidewalls. Personally, from my experience with bike tyres I would only use the Ultraseal as a temporary measure and limit my speed until I could get the tyre repaired properly.
  23. That's a weird way of sorting it .......... I take it this will cover the cost of repair and a hire car?
  24. And a warm welcome from me to. Look forward to your posts Nuc.
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