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Everything posted by adrianf.

  1. Hi Gregers, i had the alternator pulley go on the Gal i used to own but had no strange noises with it. First thing i noticed was the PAS was juddery at tick over One post on here i found to be usefull was to to see if the blades inside the alternator turned in both directions as they should with a good pulley. The info is in that link you found somewhere
  2. Well im sure this has been a big help to your question <_<
  3. We did have a B & B on Loch Ness but dont remember the name of it Went into the Nessie musium but didnt se her tho :wub:
  4. Yes the aux heater seems to be working fine to day thanks for asking Couldnt agree more about Scotland. Its a fantastic place Not that bothered about Edinburgh/Glasgow etc as i find a city is a city wherever it is but once north of there and into the highlands its another world. Went touring Scotland a few years ago and had some bed & breakfasts in amazing places and even drove to John O Groats just to say we done it. Scotland aint Scotland unless its wet & foggy
  5. Yes the Forest of Dean has got it bad AGAIN. My mum & dad live there and were on there way down to me today when the road they were traveling on the A48 was completely closed off due to flood waters coming off the fields on both sides. They then turned around and headed for home and when they got there they now have loads of snow. We had a good bit of snow here today also. Listening to the radio north Bristol has it really bad. The M5 northbound is shut due to flood water and ive just spoke to friends 0n the phone and its taken them 2 hours to travel 2 miles . Think ill just open another beer and think of all those poor people trying to get home eh
  6. I know weve had a lot of rain in the last couple of days but i didnt think it was that much. Ive just done the school run which i do every day. Where we live is out in the sticks and i have to use some busy but narrow country lanes to get to the school which is only about 3 miles from home. There are about three places that are prone to a bit of flooding but ive never seen it like today. I was in two minds as to whether i should go through or not but took it very steady whilst riding the clutch in 1st gear to keep a few more revs going and made it through ok. Got to the school and noticed the aux heater was making a sort of gurgling noise. Oh great i thought but left it running for 10 mins and all seems to be well. Loads of mums and dads didnt make it to school on time due to roads being flooded including the M5. On the return trip it was even worse with about 6 cars broke down and even a Porsche had ended up in a field with his hazzards going. :rolleyes: Drove through the village and more cars broke down with floods in place ive never seen before. Listening to the local radio there are reports of tail backs on the M5 of about 5 miles due to it being flooded. Is it just us or has anyone else had problems in their area.
  7. Thats about right :rolleyes:
  8. The beauty of the paper filter in the PD engine is you can see anything stuck to it and it is on the top half of the engine. That means that there is no need to remove the sump plug, you just suck the oil out using an extractor. They are a good tool to have, especially when Mr Main Dealer mechanic overfills the engine. A Pela DIY one is about
  9. It would have to be pink wouldnt it :D
  10. Let us know how you got on. As i said in an earlier post its pretty straight foward. Also have to drop the engine tray/shield to gain access to the sump plug but its only held on with about six 10mm nuts.
  11. Well it does say it meets 505.01 but it is very cheap as you say. I have a motor world not far from me and will have a look in the morning if i get time
  12. Not sure about that one. I dont think i would fancy trying it myself but ley us know if you do and what the outcome is. Trying phoning a couple of the mobile ding companies that are about nowadays. You never know it may be cheaper than you think
  13. Hi blagger. Good choice of car by the way Oil change is easy. The oil filter is changed from on top once you remove the cover on the top of the engine. Its a paper filter inside a black round cylinder looking fitment. PLEASE PLEASE make sure you get the correct oil. Its a VW engine and they dont like any old oil. IIRC it 505.01 spec and can cost anything from about
  14. The load index DOES NOT indicate a reinforced/extra load tyre, the gal must have a minimum load rating of 95 + reinforced/extra load. See i told you i was right I WAS wrong :lol:
  15. Whether the impact caused it or not the one thing we all seem to agree on is the insurance company aint gonna pay for it.
  16. Correct me if im wrong but it looks like the sizes you gave for 195 tyres are re inforced. Isnt it the load index number (97/99 etc) that determines if its a heavy load tyre. I may be wrong here but thats what i thought it meant.
  17. Hmm i thought of that but with her being only 18 & Swedish im not sure ill save anything. Sorry got a bit caried away there i think She hardly ever drives the Ally so not sure i would want to put her down as main driver, anyway ive got much more NCD than she has. The paperwork should be in the post today so will give it a good going over but when i spoke to them on the phone yesterday they read it all back to me and it was spot on Adrian.
  18. I did but they were still about
  19. No idea about the pulley as i had mine changed for me, but when i changed the tensioner im a big believer in the saying "tight is tight" so didnt have the torque settings for it. I think in some cases you can get away with it, its not like your torquing a cylinder head down. Ill now get shot down in flames for not doing it by the book but never had any problems over the years.
  20. Thats fair enough but why should the SAME company offer me the same policy
  21. Had my insurance renewal through the other day and the cheeky buggers want over
  22. Your into that sort of thing are you Maz.
  23. i hope i didnt confuse anyone with regard to the blade. I forgot that mine is probably different being the VW "flip" style blade so i was able to buy just the blade. Nic, which is pats & which is gems you talk about. When i bought the Ally i only had one key (remote) and no other key at all, I bought a new remote with blade and have programed it to unlock the car but not start it. Am i correct to say that a dealer has to do this for me or can i do it myself. Ive read through tons of posts but still not sure ive found the answers im looking for. Sorry to hijack the subject guys. Adrian.
  24. Buy a blade (ebay is cheap most of the time) and then get it cut. I had mine cut at Timpsons for about
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