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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumble_bee

  1. Thanks for persevering through the onslaught linx, am looking to do the same on my sharan, but will probably go for the canbus ones just to be safe
  2. I was in the Middle-East for a few years, Where fuel is so cheap that it would be criminal to drive anything less than 4L. But hey my driver had a galaxy !! :o
  3. Hellloooooo I've been away, I'm back. Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo
  4. nicholas I had 2 gals, both had the same problem, one was a 98 the other a 99. The entire mechanism I am referring to is the linkage + motor + wiper blades. I believe if you were to buy the WHOLE thing, you could replace the existing set up. Mo4 knows the wiper system inside out she might be able to verify. What you can't do (from memory) is use a wiper motor from a different era system in the same mechanism. 1stly if you are able to get a sharan or alhambra complete mechanism of any era, change it as they are complete in themselves. 2ndly on my 98 galaxy, I replaced the wiper motor from a 96 alhambra, no problem. Nicholas I know how stressful it can be when the wipers are on the blink and the clouds are threatening to shed their load. Good luck.
  5. nicholas the 1999s are in the middle of the wiper fiasco, there was a version prior to and immediately after the regular 1999 models. your best bet is breakers on fleabay who arent actually advertising the wiper motor just that they are breaking, have a look at your motor and match it up on fleabay... A couple of years ago I picked up the whole mechanism for
  6. THE LORD CURSES THEIR DEPRAVITY !!! :unsure: BigJ, just because you're engaged in an inter-racial relationship, doesnt stop you from spouting narrow minded and racist views... infact if the last 20 years of purported anti-racism are anything to go by, you're just using that as your shield. "My best friend is Black, My Wife is Brown, My Girlfriend is Yellow.... " yeh like that is justification for prejudicial talk...! Addressing the Nationalism: Britain took the f**kin P*ss for 200 years, if you ask me (which I'm sure you won't) Its high time the immigrants came over and drove YOUR beloved country to ruin. !!! Keep it up you non-english speaking Beggars... Except for you goddamn immigrant doctors.. you can get lost. British Religion ? Don't make me laugh. this one needs its own thread. British Education ? Rofl, you already have me in hysterics.. please.. .. oh sorry I didnt realise this is the FUN, Games and Joke section... You need a lesson in humility, you will get it when you read the history of the world and feel the pain of the oppressed. When you can RELATE to victims of the DEVIANT ways of YOUR GODDAMN ancestors, then my "son" open your mouth. Then my "son" you Might be worth listening to.
  7. sorry I didnt mean racist BS, now that you've explained your point of view with a more appropriate analogy instead of relating yourselves to human beings and the immigrants to lower life forms... I see now that infact you are spouting Narrow Minded Racist BS.
  8. I'm thinking of taking the 22" KAHN alloys off the ML and selling them seperately as I have the originals as well, The tyres are in good cond and have loads of life left.... The alloys have minor scuffing.. nothing horrendous, and nothing that
  9. sounds like racist BS to me.
  10. hey y'all, no sorry maz, It started to take over my life... had to give it up
  11. hello, yet again it seems... I'm coming back to a gal soon.. been around the block since I sold my last one... I can tell you this.. merc ML's aint all that..... I just cant stand the price of Gals with leather though... oh and HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you golden oldies..
  12. only in america
  13. merci buckets
  14. shock and awe.. remember that ? the bombing of baghdad ? that was terrorism, that was murder. lets censor that first...
  15. hamilton... :(
  16. to give you an idea.. there are some customers who are prepared to pay
  17. btw I call the point that they back off... the point of submission.. lol.. its an old theory .. I have more of it floating around in the back of my mind.. if it garners any interest.. I'll dig up some more of it.
  18. tbh, whoever wrote that scenario - is at fault.. I know you tried to excuse the spelling, but it was atrocious !!! I have a theory regarding similar (but not exactly the same behaviour) but its more subconcious than intended as the above situation was... but this is as good a place to share it.. driving at night as I regularly do, I'll have my cruise on at say 75.. and will be approaching someone doing about 65.. (this is motorway btw).. as I try to overtake in the faster lane.. I'll notice I'm passing him slower and slower.. until a point is reached where the chap is doing about 1-2mph less than me.. I will at this point still be in cruise... This is the interesting bit.... MOST of the overtakees will back off once my car is 1/2 a car length ahead of them... I hypothesise, that barring external obstacles, ppl subconsciously view being overtaken as a position of weakness, and through reflex are trying to compensate for this perceived humiliation by speeding up. In some circumstances the chap being overtaken will speed up so much that I can comfortably slot in behind him.. cruise still engaged.. only for him to start slowing down again .. I assume ... unaware of his speed variance...
  19. supaguard is just polish... if you get it done and they dont know about it.. there's no harm imo. they give you an extra bottle to apply every month anyway.. so you can do that after the job is done. also any major work is usually contracted out anyway. dunstable ford use Fieldhouse and Husbands.. if they arent too far for you. out of interest can you post pics of the damage ?
  20. if it was a factory order it will be a minimum of 12 weeks, also the 2.0tdci is on extra delay from ford at present. have you got your order form ?
  21. dave what are you getting on your mpgs... my 1.9tdi 130 auto.. isnt giving me better than 35mpg.. altho that is for a 5 mile trip to work and back everyday.
  22. I agree with el dingo.. local papers do well.. I found it hard to sell my last 2 gals...( 1 went on autotrader and the other on ebay ) so I'm even less help... in the end I sold my 2.3 1999 Ghia 85k miles on autotrader for
  23. ok I know this is a little weird cause I work for this company.. but what the hey.. 2003 53 1.9tdi 115 PS 60k miles
  24. ok that had me on the floor... at midnight... I'm expecting her upstairs to have a go at me about the commotion... excellent stuff
  25. good thinking mo4.. big kev.... I'm still trying to attain the level of used car salesman... at present I'm just a wannabe... this is btw the first place I've worked at where "uni boy" is a derorgatory term... lol.. one of the senior sales guys told me to go home and practice saying "innit"
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