I've got a very slight hesitation developing. It doesn't do it constantly, I've only noticed it while cruising and not while pulling. I had a Zaire with a similar issue and that turned out to be the MAF sensor,would this be a possible cause?
I've now rear other threads on Aux Heaters and from what I can make out that there isn't much heat going spare on the TDi and therefore you have the booster heater. It's not been below 10 degrees around here yet so I'm not entirely sure if mine works. I've not heard the noise or seen any additional smoke so far? Probably faulty, I've only owned the car since early summer.
A guy I work with just bought an Alhambra and the previous owner has fitted Galaxy wheels to it which are rubbing on the brake caliper on both front wheels when cornering.
The EGG valve has oil all over it, mainly underneath. Also the pipe coming from the top of the cam cover on the left which I think may be a breather pipe? Hopefully the pictures are attached Any idea why or how to fix it please?