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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Russats

  1. She's back in for a retest. New top mounts bearings and plates. New track rod ends New outer CV gaiters New rear shocks. New o/s side light bulb Handbrake adjusted.......
  2. So I've bought 2 new cv kits. The stretch bolt is hex by the looks of it. I hope I've got the tool to fit it
  3. These are now a permanent fixture in my tool box: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221789934068?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Thanks for that link. What stupid things they are!! Lol I can't believe you have to take all that off just to unplug the frigging mirror.
  4. It was more of a confidence thing than a time consumer. So should I replace just the boot or whole CV joint?
  5. Yes the rubber bung has worn both sides. Split gaiter? Does that mean you don't remove the shaft?
  6. On top of that.... 2 top mounts, 2 track rod ends, and rear shocks
  7. There's a website that does them for free Google it
  8. Both inner CV gaiters failed Should I change the whole shaft each side to save labour or just do the CV joints?
  9. Just changed my n/s mirror thanks for the advise. I thought the wire would pull out to unplug. Should've known it wouldn't be that simple lol I broke a few yellow clips too
  10. Are you sure, it's tucked away behind the battery area. Ridiculous to get to.
  11. Mine has started working as it should. I only have air con in the front though.
  12. They're a nightmare..... other than removing the battery I don't think there is much more you can do t make it easier. Perhaps others might have more tips.
  13. Don't they run hotter as well after LPG conversion. I don't know how much more economical they are now either as the price has crept up hasn't it? It's consumed faster too isn't it?
  14. I've always fancied a petrol Galaxy is the 2.3 enough, or is the 2.8 V6 better? Bound to be juicy right? You can get them a lot cheaper that Diesels. Is it a Ford engine?
  15. I remember removing mine not so long ago. I'm sure with it open you pull it at the bottom. It was a nightmare to get back on as well.
  16. I have wondered if the lack of anti roll bar has anything to do with it all, but if there was much of an issue with it not being there I wouldn't have thought it would get through an MOT
  17. Wanted Front anti-roll bar with fittings. My Galaxy doesn't and never has had one since I've owned it lol
  18. http://www.forum.fordmpv.com/smf2/ford-galaxy-reference-library/ford-galaxy-replacing-the-front-wheel-bearing/
  19. I believe some are like that for some reason. Both of the ones on my Alhambra were longer beyond the clamp where as my Current Galaxy they were no further than the clamp. Check out the pics on this thread and you'll see one that is longer. Almost touching the CV boot
  20. I wish I had changed both noe. Well, the replacement one had a slightly longer leg and there is about 4 inches below the clamp behind the brakes. Whereas the old one and the offside one were flush with the clamp.
  21. Well it failed last year on a broken spring the n/s. I took it to be done (both) springs and the top plate was welded to the spring for some reason. They didn't have the part in stock to replace the top plate if they were to cut it off. So I bought a used complete strut to get it through the MOT and fitted it my self.
  22. First and second pics are when the car is at ground level. Pics 3 and 4 were taken while the car was jacked up
  23. I've owned it just over a year. I'm unsure when they were replaced It sits low on that side. Yes the first pic is it with the full weight on
  24. I had to change the other strut last year as it had a broken spring and someone had welded the spring to the top plate. So I bought a used strut. Managed to get that nut undone so fingers crossed.
  25. Yes if it's overheating the fan should kick in. My Galaxy only has one, my Alhambra had 2 and when it over heated they still used to run for a few minutes after switching off. You'd be able to see them at the back of the radiator
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