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Everything posted by viperclive

  1. I had a similar problem, it turned out to be inner track rods, these are the rods that the track rod ends screw on to, they are easy to change and cost about £15 of Ebay each, an indication of the wear is that the rod should not flop up and down when disconnected, should be stiff.
  2. Had one like that four years ago, popped in some rad seal and still going strong!
  3. That's the wires between doors and pillars, common fault plenty on here on how to fix.
  4. If your problem is as bad as mine was once you look at the wires inside the rubber gaiter you will see the problem straight away, I ended up doing all four doors, cutting out wire where the insulation had perished and solder in new wire taken from inside pillars of another galaxy from Scrapyard, remembering to put two bits of heat shrink tubing on wire to cover up soldered connection.
  5. Afraid it sounds like door haters, same as the rear one wires broken, plenty on here to read about this common fault.
  6. Go 2.3 auto with LPG conversion, good proven engine but now with the economy of a dieso!
  7. Does anyone know where I can get rain deflected for the rear windows?
  8. Sounds like the rear bushes, try a big shifter and see how much movement you have around the bush.
  9. I did a visit to scrap yard and ripped out good wire from inside pillars, this gave me the right coloured wire to replace damaged.
  10. Bum! All I can suggest is to check wires to rear hatch top rhs, common problem a short there could cause all sorts of things to happen.
  11. My problem was loose battery when I bought car, it must have been sliding from side to side for ages bending wires on that cluster.
  12. I'm with silverbeast, roll restrictor bolt or rubber bush had it in restrictor, also I'd check rear wishbone bushes as they are crap design and part leaving wishbone to float about/wobble n knock, which in turn allows wheel to move forward when you accelerate and back when you take yer foot off.
  13. You can make a tool, bend a sturdy piece of wire into the shape of a long C, the two ends bend out two form two pins which you engage into plug in gator/door Pilar, now turn anticlockwise, easy.
  14. I had the same problem with front wipers and after a lot of checking it turned out to be a poor soldered wire at the connection on the battery, gave it a good squeeze with mole grips to get em moving, now re soldered.
  15. Had same problem as yourself, did the lot including struts, still had knocking noise, as a last resort changed anti roll bar bushes, noise n knocking now gone!!! Wish I'd done them first would have saved a fortune lol
  16. Ha good one, I'm with saga as I'm that age lol, some insurance companies say no but there's plenty out there that insure Lpg conversions, best thing I've ever done, got 40ltr tank instead of a spare so now carry 2 of those instant repair bottles. I got the cost of conversion back within first year and that was five yrs ago, there are gals out there converted just got to be lucky to grab one.
  17. After reading on here all the problems members have with their diesels I'm afraid I will be sticking to my mk1 2.3 LPG converted gal, with Lpg at 65p per ltr she's as economical as a diesel!
  18. The bushes may look ok but they are not locking into roll bar, also when they go hard they can cause bad clunking from the suspension.
  19. If your dropping struts I would change top rubber bushes and on completion fill cups with grease to stop corrosion
  20. I would recommend changing the ball joint at the same time to make life easier
  21. Fitted them on mine real good in the rain so as to leave the windows cracked open
  22. I had a similar problem, sorted by the AA man, it was a bad connection on a lead between starter motor working back to alternator.
  23. I had a real annoying clunk, it turned out to be roll restrictor bar bushes, although they may look ok in fact they had gone solid, easy job to change. The play on top of struts is how the car was designed, however when I changed my struts before putting top hats on I made thick rubber washed to take up play, now I have no thumping going over sleeping policemen. The wishbone bushes are designed like that which I don't like as they part to easily, I now have solid ones do should last for years, hope I've helped.
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