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Everything posted by viperclive

  1. Plenty on Ebay about 30/40 ISH but if it's just the rear bush that's gone then 10/15 ish if you have bearing press. Easy job if you want pointers just ask did mine yesterday.
  2. A little bit of info guys, air bag warning light is not a mot failure yet, advisory still. That's from my bro who is a garage owner and mot tester.
  3. Hi Steve, I did both of mine a few months ago, I soaked the top nuts with wd40 for days, also heated the nuts up with a blow lamp a few times and then again with wd40, I used a swan neck ring spanner, good Allen key with extension tube to get the leverage and it worked, if you want an in depth explanation of the rest then just ask. Good luck.
  4. If you do find it when it's back together and working, a little drop of super glue will prevent it falling apart again, this has happened to me too many times in the past and made me look a right Plonker with the AA man!
  5. Cheers for that will let you know how I got on!
  6. Or better still remove burnt section and replace with wire from scrapyard, it can be done to save her!
  7. Yep another one is under the bonnet, I would visit the breakers yard and locate another fuse panel and cut out with as much wire as possible, take a while to do but possible, good luck.
  8. I had a similar problem, no start so called out AA, spent ages trying to get her to go only to find no transponder in key! Wife had been in car by back door and key fell apart, she put it back together but did not see transponder in grass, like looking for a needle in a haystack, the damn thing is now glued in with a spot of Superglue!
  9. Got a 2.3 lpg conversion on mine, cost a tad for the conversion but got that back in the first year, well worth looking in to if you buy her.
  10. You can replace the inner arm, they cost 12.50 from Ebay and are easy to do, but don't forget the tracking afterwards. Clive
  11. I know this may sound daft but I had a similar problem and that was real bad noise from front wheel at slow speed, it turned out to be loose wheel nuts! The previous owner must have ran around for a while and buggered up studs, nuts and holes in wheel, I had to change all as the lug nuts kept coming loose. It sounds like you've covered all other options, good luck.
  12. I sure would like to see a pic with the 19" wheels on as I'm looking at getting a set for my gal. Clive
  13. Hi I had the same problem, called out the AA as it was raining, lol and it was a crap connection from the alternator, once cleaned up and tightened all was fine. Clive
  14. Hi there, just done the very same job on my girl as I lost the rear wiper and locking, also curtesy lights, I found broken wires in loom between door and car, also the insulation on the rest looked shot. My solution was a visit to the scrap yard, found a galaxy, cut wires at door to body point, then on the inside of pillar go as far back as possible and again cut, that then gives you at least 3' of good cable the same colour code as yours, now its a simple job of cutting yours in the rear pillar and in the rear door, thus putting the connectors in a position away from stress (leave some extra wire so they are not so tight). You can either solder them together with heat shrink to cover bare joint or like I did use in line crimp connectors staggered along the loom, good luck its easy, I then investigated all doors and did repairs there as well! Clive
  15. Same here at shell in Titchfield 79.9 they take the p..s lol
  16. Cheers for that, is that the unit centre in front of ash tray?
  17. Easy just dis con the drop link, undue the clamp pride out old n replace with new, I found a little washing up liquid on bush helped.
  18. Cheers for your reply I didn't think it worked when stationary, looks like I need to delve into my dash somewhere, if you do find it please let me know.
  19. Had the same problem, I did the whole hog n replaced both struts, inner n outer track rods, both ball joints and drop links, also both wish bones, guess what still rattled on bumps! So changed the last two bits, yup the anti roll bar bushes problem now solved!!!! At least I now know alls well up front lol
  20. Convert to lpg it's brills, 70p per ltr my 2.3 manual can do 200 miles on a tank, that's 38ltrs at a cost of 26 quid
  21. If you don't have a spring compressor kit you can't do it yourself, just done both of mine.
  22. Just done both of mine, before re- fitting I noticed that the rear bolt was a very slack fit through the wishbone bush, so I had to make an insert/sleeve to stop future rattles.
  23. On my 97 2.3 ghia X each window has a relay, has yours? If so do they click on and off with engine running?
  24. Get a section from scrap yard, the bit that's on the inside down the rear piller, then the colors coding is the same, easy .com
  25. I tell the kids that they are cameras and they download to my phone so I can see if they are mucking about when I'm not there, IT WORKS lol ok central locking infra red sensors which have never worked in my 97ghia x any ideas?
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