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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. eeekk!!..i honestly don't know.....steve67 is the expert here as he does things like this for a living..has his own shop etc.... I know hes not on here sa often as he used to be, could try emailing him??..i know he did put his contact details on the forum..will search them out for you. Give him a call and ask for his advice..just say that from here and i told you to call him if you do.lol.
  2. Loose wireing??..Is the power actually getting to the DVD player itself??
  3. and i believe there are different types of warranty depending on what you want covered. The link was posted a while ago..will see if i can find it....in fact..they keep sending me newsletters from when i got a quote for the gal.
  4. mumof4


    Diagnostic port thingy...where ford can charge you loads a dosh to see whats wrong with it...or........you can get a vag com lead..download whatever it is you need..and do it yourself!!....think that is what it is for anyway. have a search for VAG-COM on here and it will throw up loads of info. ^_^ Price can vary with vag com..but having never purchased it, i can-not advise on it.A few peeps on here have it and can help you further. welcome to the mad house!
  5. Found a very dried up worm this morning under her bed....was not impressed at having to pick it up and get rid of it!!..used a plaggy bag. WEll...my youngest and eldest raided my tool box whilst i was mowing the garden, they used the spanners (ones with socket thingies on the other end), threaded onto cable ties as musical instruments!..who needs Blue Peter.LMAO. My kids are fine but i fell into a ruddy nettle patch round the side of the garden after the dog knocked me flying..it hurts! WE are having sausages and eggy bread for tea!!..and i aint cooking!lol.
  6. Id still have the MKII Galaxy anyday over the MKIII Frank. :P Tiny....I am gonna assume that you are called Tiny as you are a tall bloke....so i aint gonna argue with you :D..BUT!!..the MKIII is no where near as good looking as the other Galaxys!! Its an oblong box on wheels!! :rolleyes:
  7. If you had a black MKIII......was a florist...drove very slowly....don't be surprised if peeps think that your at the head of a funeral procession.. :rolleyes:
  8. Here you go sunshine.. :rolleyes: http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...&hl=renault
  9. Blimey..talk about plugging it.lol I cant go im afraid, lack of spondoolies, but i hope you have a good time. Donington park is the renault world series, ask custard cream and he will tell you all about it..there is a link floating around to get the free tickets..have to be quick though as i think you have to order them before a certain date....if your too late and want to go..i may have a spare ticket. Will get you the link.
  10. Oi garibaldi!!!!!..I don't growl!!!!!!!!!..I'm a puddy tat! :rolleyes: Welcome to the madhouse Octavia..You coming to donington park????Tickets are free!!..IIRC Jammy dodger is going...
  11. Could try warranty direct.
  12. ummm...have you checked they are all connected up???..when i took the door card off the rear passenger door, i found that the wire was not connected to the sppeaker at all hence no sound from it....could also be a naffed wire somewhere??
  13. No no no!!!!..my little beaut is the best!!..well...was my little beaut! :rolleyes: Yes, the left is a MKIII, its larrys MKIII.Mine is the MKII.Bugger..mine was the MKII rather.lol
  14. Your welcome, i cant change the Scotland one..but you can change anything in your profile which is how i added the R of I... :ph34r:
  15. Admin here..what can i do for you?? lmao
  16. welcome mm and I... what seems to be the problem????
  17. But if the wheels were the recommended ones by the manufacturer..how can they be a modification? How can wheels affect the gearbox??that i dont understand.
  18. Guess he could just take the part that was subject to a recall to be swapped if any recall work hadnt been done??
  19. Any chance of getting tetris back???and the old snake????,,i like them.lol.
  20. WElcome back Paul,Glad to see you still got the old Gal!.lol. Long story over the Gal hun....not thru choice. Anyhow..Get posting.lol
  21. Ummm..as far as im aware, you shouldnt of tried to start it with no oil or water in it. Could the fact that you tried to start it, with no oil or water, cause the head to go??
  22. They probably deserved it..... ;)
  23. Sorry guys, had to delete number 30 due to it sending the thread into a tizzy spin.
  24. well...last few days have been hectic. Youngest had her friend over for tea the other night..now she is sleeping over.I have managed to get her collection of worms back outside after catching them all...and believe me..that was the hardest thing ive had to do for a very long time!! Eldest is grounded ..though i think thats punishment for me not her!!.
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