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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by mumof4

  1. Kids spotted a rainbow so thought id take a couple of pics..Didnt use the flash.The sky really is that odd colour at the mo.
  2. ooooooo..the pain in my heart!!...the Amount of wax i put on her today..wouldnt need the petrol ;) ..bugger..that came out wrong!
  3. No worries hun..good luck with it all!!.Let us know how you progress.
  4. this im afraid i cannot advise..i can only guess.. if it were me..id take the barrel out and see whats going on...as to how.....i dont know..again if it were me..id be screaming on here for help...and just taking things apart on the door till i got to what i needed to..Plus id be taking pics so i knew how it all went back together. all my opinion only and i take no reponsability if you break summit. ;)
  5. Depends which melon you get....good tip for you.. smell the melon and if it smells sweet..it is ripe......doesnt apply to water melons though.lol
  6. ;) ..Believe me..if the lads on here try that...they would be sooooooooo in trouble!! Besides..none of us girlies have yet filled their car up with the wrong fuel..unlike a couple of the lads on here. so they cant say owt really.;) ;)
  7. Welcome Nick, Do hope that you get it sorted out.Be a lot cheaper if you can fix the prob yourself as fraud will ask you to take out a mortgage if you go to them!.lol
  8. You do indeed..,, It does..not often that im right ;) ooo...and a smiley.....
  9. Oh my word...i was right!!??..he will have to remove the door card??...woooooohhhhhhooooooooo!!...do i get a gold star??pretty please????..
  10. Oil pressure sender.....had mine changed... cost just under a tenner from frauds.As Sparky says, check the wiring.If all ok, its the cheapest option to try first.
  11. Right..ummm..if it is a MKII..i think you are going to need to take the door card off..(look in the FAQs)...i think something is jamming it in regards to letting it go back upright. Time to dismantle me thinks!!Youve got a few hours till the sun sets!. Oho..sparkys here,,he may be able to help you.
  12. Hmmm...something could be jamming the door lock though... What sequence/how many times does the led light flash??when the hazards flash..how many times do they flash?? as hazards and led are lock/unlock/immobiliser...but they do have a sequence which is why i ask. The only way you will get the remote fob off the key is to take it apart insitu..but you really need to get that key out.May be something simple!. soooo....am i right in thinking that door does not open??or does it??
  13. 2000/2001 now..you can either...call a locksmith out....( check your insurance policy here..may cover it)..or..if you can get into the car its take the lock out...or...you can wait for someone with more knowledge than me to help!. In the mean time..hmm..do you have another key?????..trying to remember if the passenger door has a lock...if it does..could try unlocking/locking via that door???
  14. WEll ive never heard of a gal seizing the key in regards to the immobiliser....can you actually get into the car itself??Have you tried squirting some wd40 in it?? what galaxy have you got?
  15. This one?? Ive got this one..
  16. OOOOOOOO..nasty!! ^_^ I like this one..
  17. Appologies Klark....Didnt view this thread so never saw this question. Yes you did have to have a certain number of posts to view attachments/pictures.. Glad you are getting the problem sorted out..and if you have any luck with getting your spends back from the main dealers..then please let us know..Would be great if you did.lol. I do believe someone on here took their door off completely..but i cant remember who at the mo....Unless you are meaning just the door card off??..
  18. You calling wolfie Riff Raff kev?? ^_^
  19. How accurate is that calculator??..as i went on it based on my last wage chits when i was a trainee manager a few years ago..according to that calculator..i paid 33 quid a month less NI and 21 quid less tax than i should have done...
  20. No oil???id wonder why there was no oil in it!!..either a leak or just neglecting to check it every now and then...reminds me..must check mine......
  21. You cheeky bugger ^_^
  22. Not coming then wolfie??
  23. Yes i know she aint a gal..but anyway... Im looking at getting a decal for my veccy something that will be me.. Now ive been having a gander on ebay and there are loads to choose from. Knowing what im like...what would you suggest i have?? Ive seen paw prints, rabbits..wolfs..dragons..butterflies...tasmanian devil..betty boo etc.... what sort of decal do you think would suit me and my wee veccy?? I just want something to personalise her. all suggestions welcome ^_^
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