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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

El Dingo

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Everything posted by El Dingo

  1. Oooh! It's all wet... Oh damn, I spilt my tea! :)
  2. IIRC there are 'unmoveable' bits, but they're in green... Hmmm. (I quite like red lumps. Are they swollen? :) )
  3. Have a look at Nik's excellent FAQ for transmission oil change instructions. :)
  4. Yep, that's what happens as you get older. Insomnia and, er, um, what was that other thing?
  5. It's worth noting that, depending on the vehicle, cam belts sometimes drive other ancilliaries - such as a diesel injector pump or a water pump, and there will also be a tensioner pulley and maybe a guide and/or idler pulley(s). If you want to be keep the initial cost down you could just change the belt, but, for example, a siezed water pump or idler pulley could wreck the belt and then possibly the engine. It's always worth asking just what the garage is replacing when getting a quote. :wacko:
  6. There we were at 3:30am Thursday morning in this bar in Dublin. :18: I fell asleep on the 'plane home almost as soon as I sat down in my seat, and woke up when they served tea and snacks (don't remember take off!). Fell asleep again yesterday evening watching TV... up at 7am... couldn't sleep any longer. I'm going to sleep well tonight. ^_^ Normally I do wake up at about 5am, but can normally doze off again after I've put the world to rights in my head.
  7. Now that's a good ambition! :)
  8. So true - it's only a car...
  9. thats due to the length of his name! lenghten yours to fill the box and it should do the same Proof that size really does matter after all. :D
  10. Perhaps it broke because it warped? Or maybe the headlights were on high beam me up Scotty? Is your registration NCC 1701 by any chance? Don't let it Phaser.. er I mean phase yer! :(
  11. Me too. I'll bet that when the cars left the factory the plastic was nice and stretchy, and over time the stuff gets brittle.
  12. Good thinking, and from your reply I assume that you've tried this? As yours is a diesel, I believe it's an electronic system (not vacuum like the Ford engined jobbies). So you might have a sticky or worn out switch under the brake or clutch pedal?
  13. New discs can warp! I know this from an old Audi - and it doesn't take a year, just a few weeks... Maybe you're right - cheapo steel. :(
  14. This sounds like the switch might be worn out. Have you tried a quick squirt of contact cleaner? (Now don't tell Ron I suggested this...). I have seen these switches fail on other VAG cars, leading to replacement of the stalk assembly.
  15. Evo, thanks for the Chili advice. I'll try it! (But not the fresh chillies, as they don't 'agree' with me ^_^ )
  16. Ha ha ha ha! Love the mouse! C'mon Mof4 - how can anyone actually type drunk! An amazing skill. B)
  17. Had a little alcohol already. Also had an expensive day - four new tyres. In the end, I didn't change the wheels as planned, partly due to finances, but partly because SWMBO had a blowout, and the car needs to be roadworthy for work. Those Dunlops might not have been worn out, but on close inspection were perished. 2004 tyres too - only three years old! We fitted Cooper - so far a bit quieter than the Dunlops, and a bit cheaper, even so - *wallet Ouch!*.
  18. I can never get Chili quite right... We cook the hell outa da onions (usually in ghee) until golden but not burnt, add mince beef - cook 'till brown, add red wine and simmer until the wine has nearly all evaporated, add chopped tinned tomatoes, chili powder, cumin seeds, water if necessary, season to taste. Last of all add kidney beans. It's nice, just a bit lacking in 'bite' somehow. Any advice evo?
  19. Maybe a softer bolt yields a bit and doesn't snap? :P Good point, Tiny. Do you remember the story about the Wartburg - when they were first imported into the UK, legend has it that the wheel bolts were manufactured from mild steel, rather than the high-tensile variety... I don't know if this is true, but it would be both hilarious and frightening.
  20. Good tip and a useful site but as you say please only use this as a reference to get an idea. These guys are buying on behalf of car supermarkets and you can bet they will never agree with your assessment of the cars condition. when I sell a car I usually research the ads such as Auto Trader, eBay, ex & mart etc, compare to the dealers and then pitch my price at the lower end always for a quick sale. I always get a better price that a px offer and usually sell in a couple of weeks. I just ran a couple of checks on the two vehicles I currently have and I reckon these guys are undervaluing by at least 20% probably more. This is true. This is how they make a profit.
  21. I think you'll be just fine at 10:00am on a Saturday in late July... Mind you, the caravan might not prove so popular! :lol: The worst time (IMHO) is 4pm on a Friday. For really good fun try the Arc de Triomphe (with or without trailer) - it just defies logic (or at least defies logic if you learnt to drive in Blighty).
  22. He means 'Fuse 28, If I Remember Correctly'. :lol: Do you have an Owners Manual - it's all explained in there... page 180 in mine. Basically, the fuse box is behind the cover below and to the right of the steering wheel. Fuse 28 is bottom row, second from the left - it should be 3A. (Thanx Mumof4!)
  23. Come on moderators! You should let acombe know that jokes are supposed to go in 'Fun, Games and Joke' (just the one, then). Maybe the one joke slot was already taken? I think BJ hogs the one joke slot...
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