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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by _dg

  1. And most new houses are urinated in anything up to 100 times by the lads on site (before the wc pan goes in that is) BTW excellent CV, totally pointless information, but excellent all the same
  2. Well, actually, yes. You say you work for PSA but you buy a Ford. Your salary which keeps you and your family in mortgage payments, food and other nessesites is paid from people buying PSA cars but you use this money to buy a competitors vehicle. Hypocryte come to mind. And people working for Galaxo can't take any medicine from other manufacturers. Those at Twyfords cant' have a dump in anyone elses pan. MacDonalds staff can't eat any other food. Hypocrits the lot of them. Its a good job you don't work for Lada. I think the accepted concept is that companies who produce crap products are encouraged to produce better products elso go out of business. Thats progress for ya!
  3. I'm not sure if this comes under pirated software, but if you report such posts they may be withdrawn
  4. Ah the joys of the site! Soemtimes you paste what seems to be text and it gets converted into a link as if by magic! (Still cannot upload photos though :lol: ) If you want to upload images to a forum, but don't have web space, then you can post your image file to Here and then copy and paste the resultant link within your post.
  5. It does not work on mine. It may work on the engine, but arn't some of the internal electronics Ford parts?
  6. In situations like this, I insist on a confirmed appointment for either attending the garage, or meeting the representative. Alternatively I simply look elsewhere for the service I want. With regards to telling the insurers about a poor garage, then if you tell the girl at the call centre, then yes she may not be too concerned. If you speak or write to a senior manager then you get a better response. Then at the end of the year if you decide to swap insurers based on your experience, then write to one of the directors telling him why you swapped insurers and mention any lack of concern from the previous person you contacted. Repairers are the same as any other trade or service - only use garages personally recommended by people you know, or ones which you have confidence in. If I am spending ( or having money spent on my behalf) a few hundred
  7. Well I don't think a garage with poor customer service can be described as 'Rogues' The important thing is to lodge a complaint with the insurers so that they are aware of the problems you had. Have you contacted the insurers about this? And asked them to sort it out? I can't uinderstand how you 'can be told' by your insurers who will be doing the repairs - don't you get a choice?
  8. Remotely openable doors .... how cool is that? (Remember a few years ago when some really cool dude was arming and disarming his alarm in the pub/supermarket carpark just to make the headlights/indicators flash?) It does lack style and charisma though
  9. _dg


    When I used this on previous cars it worked well when poured into the cylinders' for de-coking, but I never noticed any difference on mpg when used as a petrol additive. I did get better performance and better starting after the clean out
  10. I popped down to Halfords and got some plates made up which, when placed in a line says "H3LL0 M7 N4M3 I5 D9 4ND 1 C4N7 4FF0RD 4 R34L 93R50N4L153D 9L4T3, 8UT W4N73D Y0U 4LL T0 7H1NK 7H4T 1 W45 R3ALL7 C00L - 1" My real number plate is below this, so its a cheap way to impress people you don't know and who will never meet you.
  11. I use a Thule one which is about 7ft long and 2.5 ft wide. This is more versatile than the squarer ones. You can reach all the stuff from one side of the car and if required a bike can go next to it
  12. http://www.speed-demon.supanet.com/glasspol.htm I have not used it though. Do a uk google on " glass polishing compound "
  13. http://www.skpang.co.uk/ for the interface and lead. There is a good previous thread on this subject, and someone explains the process very well and suppliers and software are mentioned.
  14. I notice you have a key fob remote, which causes the red light to flash. This seems to indicate that remote locking is fitted, but is either not working, or the key fob is not programmed to your car. Search the forum for 're-programming'
  15. Is yours the new or old shape? AFAIK, the new shape should have it, the old one might have it Mine came without a remote locking key, and because of the change over it would need to be connected to the diagnostic computer to determine if the electronics were in place - some older versions may have some of the newer electronics and cabling, or it may have been fitted as an option. I eventually bought a kit from www.candrenterprises.co.uk - its the only one I found that had a keycover remote unit instead of a keyring fob.
  16. Check out the post a few lines down the forum or http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/Forum/index.php?showtopic=2684
  17. If you are going to use pirated software, then download it yourself and don't line some sleazy dealers pockets. Do a google search for edonkey and emule (that's where they get it from).
  18. If you do a search, you will find mention of various options including a simple plug-in unit available from c&r enterprises, which is specifically for the galaxy/sharan Unit, loom and key cover remote for about
  19. Search the forum for previous threads on this. VAG-COM will not read any of my Galaxy codes as the pre-facelift models weren't OBD compliant and were Ford propriatary electronics. It may read your diesel engine stuff though, as this is VW made It will read the post-facelift models
  20. On the back of the rear view mirror
  21. I wonder if the Police bother to enforce this law in the same sloth-like zeal as the one which says that number plates have to be in a cetain font and should not be altered to spell 'zany' words or names? I'm not a lawyer, but I don't think there is a law that says you must have front side windows, so the loophole here is that you could potentially tint the windows to black, as long has you drove around with them down ie in marketing speak ..." black windows are for off road use or when vehicle is stationary". Obviously, my little scheme means that you should also refrain from driving when its is raining, or perhaps in winter time. I once had a car with black side windows, but got tired of people tapping the window when I was at traffic lights and asking me to sell them some drugs.
  22. I think Maplin ( www.maplin.co.uk ) have some solar chargers on special offer at the moment - and not those little poxy ones! There is a 15w one at
  23. They are standard security bolts, not only on the Galaxy, but for most cars and sold in accessory shops. They are not all the same as this would defeat the security aspect, but there would obviously be a limited amount of differs. Steady pressure should move a stubborn bolt, but a quick twist of the wheel brace can make the adapter jump and wear the edges. A bit of 'copper slip' or other anti seize paste on the threads will allow easy removal in the future. If the bolt head is worn too much, then they would have to be drilled out
  24. Have you searched these forums, as I think this has come up numerous times. AFAIK, Ford use a lot of propriatary stuff so you may not be able to interface with their controllers. Also, the Ford engines can't be accessed from Vag-Com
  25. I really can't see any point in wanting to change the external appearance - other than to try and convince everyone else that the car is newer and more expensive than it actually is. The only real benefit in the upgrade model would be in the inside - where you spend most of the time and do all the driving from. But then you are talking silly money for little gain
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