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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by _dg

  1. Well I don't normally swear but all the idiots panic buying are a right bunch of f'ing tossers. Its 1 or 3 days at most at varying depots, as a token protest There will be no problems with supply
  2. I have read on another forum about using a mix of diesel, vegetable oil (Rapeseed) and some acetone in a diesel engine to get some good fuel economy gains, lower emissions and a quieter, freer revving engine. If the engine can run on biodeisel then this works. I'll try and find out more
  3. Just do what I do - wait for the mot, a warning light on the dash or just till the car konks out before even thinking about lifting that bonnet. And I do a six monthly visual inspection when I wash it. Its a good system :unsure:
  4. lol On a previous car I went for months with a strange burning smell from under the car, and I was convinced it was a major oil seal problem from the engine so I did not bother really looking for the problem or even looking after the car as I thought it may be a costly job and may have to get rid of the car or it would not last long. It turned out to be a black bag stuck on a silencer and melting with the heat. Was I relieved and the car got cleaned and vacumned quite regularly afterwards - and for some years after. I think even I would have noticed something like a stabiliser arm hanging off though :unsure:
  5. I don't know, but last time I had this I found it meaningless. The miles remaining would change eratically depending on speed and gear etc, so one second I would have say 20 miles left, the next 10, then 8, then 15 etc.
  6. I would do as I do and wait for the dashboard light to come on before worrying about such things. :( And then its a screw thread anti-clockwise
  7. Its so funny when the bidding goes way above the 'buy it now' price for the exact same item in a different listing. Or when you then do a quick google and find it
  8. Probably going OT, but I know of, and see more and more people only visiting bricks amd mortar shops in order to physically see products, and then going home and ordering them off the net at a major cost saving. It may mean the demise of the smaller retail outlets in the future, and only the likes of Hafords, Dixons, Currys etc will remain. It has been years since I made any significant purchase from a shop as opposed to online - in fact I recently orderd some iso cables, connections and nuts and bolts on line too - all next day delivery and no wasted time having to drive into town.
  9. So its all doom and gloom for buying off the net then? I've had no problems with internet buying in 15 years, and no problems at all with Ebuyer. Also AFAIK, Ebuyer have gone back to a telephone support line for any problems. At half the Halfords price, if something does go wrong you can always buy another :D I can't imagine that installation would be more than 10 minutes either
  10. Of all the body kits, the Ford ones seem to be the best compromise between sporty and stylish and not being too 'in your face, boy racer Saturday burn up down at the Asda carpark' - except for the rear roof spoiler which looks crap. The cost is reasonable too. Customising on a Galaxy has to be subtle, or you just look, squeeze your lips and shake your head.
  11. Can't you get any fine wire or fishing line around the back of the glass and move it up and down to break the adhesive bond?
  12. I don't know how many of the sparrows around by me have actually seen the sea. I am also not sure how many birds actually look down and purposefully fly towards a little dot of blue visible from the sky? More likely that they were aiming for a cat, in which case diesels will be less prone to this.
  13. I've said it before .... if you are going to use pirated software then get it yourself via Emule or Edonkey peer to peer. Thats where the sleazy pirates get it and then just sell it on at the high price that you see there on ebay. Oh, and yes it will work as described - but note the comments about not working on Ford engines
  14. There has been another thread on this, with I think, some links. But why can't you just replace the rubbers? (I used some Transit rubbers, BTW)
  15. Although most forces will resist sending you copies of the photos unless you plead not guilty on the NIP (notice of intended prosecution) first, you will need the photos to consider if you are guilty or not! If necessary you should insist/persist in obtaining the photo evidence before pleading. The Police are required to provide them, but some just try to avoid doing so Ask for a copy of BOTH of the photographs that were taken of you. You should also ask for the time interval between each picture - typically 0.5 of a second apart. So you can then work out if the claim is valid. Check out Association of British Drivers info and Pepipoo
  16. I was not aware of the V6 being a VW engine, I thought it was just the diesels. I would get the lead from www.skpang.co.uk I got mine from them and it was the best price at the time - better than ebay and import. He seems to know waht he is on about too
  17. Search the forum for a post from ' Yurir ' - this has lots of details. Vag-com won't work on pre-facelift ford engines, but Scan Tool may
  18. IIRC, the pre facelift models based on the Ford engines have propriatory [Ford] electronics and do not conform the the OBD-II standard.
  19. Thanks. Is that aerial one of those that look like an upside down stretched ' T'
  20. Is anyone using either a window mount, a tax disc, or internal window aerial for their mobile phone? If so which is the best performing and where is the best place to fit it? Does the front screen heater elements affect any front mounted aerial? Or is signal just as good without one? Cheers
  21. Nice to know it was not that bad, and a good response from the petrol heads! I had to laugh from the original post, as it seemed you were typing it from the hard shoulder - logging in to the forum for advice before calling the RAC or AA. lol Although these events are not funny at the time, they are good to look back on and certainly make a holiday or outing one to remember. I had a similar thing with my first car when travelling up to Blackpool with my gf on our first 'love weekend' . Not the best way to impress the ladies, but it obviously did not put her off as we're still together after all these years
  22. I do less than 5000 a year. Is there any reason why I should keep to 12 month intervals as opposed to 12,000 mile intervals?
  23. lol I was about to post that I was about to post that I was about to post that
  24. Did you complain to the Police about this non delivery of Pirated software?
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