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Everything posted by _dg

  1. I have seen these units on ebay - 2 x flip out keys like Audi ones and a receiver? But the details are minimal, and I wondered if the transceiver code was rotated or fixed so that another remote on the same frequency could not unlock your car in the car park!
  2. You have to forget the actual gear as its just a meaningless number, and change when the engine and conditions dictate. Its just pyschological trying to think that a certain speed has to mean a certain gear The rev counter may be a more useful indicator than the numbers on the gear knob. Or fit a vacuum guage to help in economical gear changes
  3. I would be more inclined to consider a replacement wife :angry:
  4. Theres a drive in near me, where the kerb below the pay window is further out that at my other haunt (McDonalds) and I am always hitting it. I may consider parking and walking in, but that defeats the point of a drive in. Not going there is out of the question. I'd rather buy new wheels :o Anyway, certain damage can be fixed, but it depends on the extent. But is it really worth it? Is it cosmetic or dangerous Perhaps just swap the spare wheel
  5. You must firstly join one of the numerous debates on the merits of diesel and V6 and which is better. Then you must have had a wet passenger footwell (this builds sympathy) and express interest in VAG-COM or a TIS disc (appeals to the tech-nerds). If you have programmed a remote key then you get brownie points, and if you have had a bad experience at a Ford dealer, or believe that the parts are overpriced, then well ... you're in! I know next to nothing about wiper motors, sorry.
  6. It depends where the creak is coming from - steering wheel, front wheels, centre of engine bay? And if its done when the wheels are turned or when the car leans during the turn
  7. Mines petrol, but with a full load I have to turn off the aircon for a bit more power going up a steep hill.
  8. I have the opposite problem The passenger footwell is as dry as a bone. I have done a search but can't find any answers to this problem. Also while checking, I noticed no problems with the MAF sensor, no smoke from the auxillary heater, I recoded a new spare key, and found out how to change the broken speaker grills. I also have a feeling that I will be able to find a lead for VAG-COM, a supplier of cheap wiperblades, and I will be happy with the next main dealer service. Any advice?
  9. No ice, but I've suffered badly this winter with internal condensation. The air con just does not cope with clearing it, and even when driving, the windows get misted up. Even when initially clear inside, it seems like the moist air is being blown in from the aircon system, as it steams up in no time when its first turned on, and then takes ages for a partial clearing of the windscreen and front windows, but it wont clear any of the rear ones I've got no internal water leaks, so may have to resort to a refill kit off ebay.
  10. Can someone just clarify if this auxillary heater that is often talked about, relates to the diesels, or is it the same auxillary heater that the petrol cars have for heating the rear load area?
  11. No need to convert, just mix veg with diesel. I've been running my pick up on it for a few months now. The Police can't/won't nick you as using is is not a crime, but avoiding duty is. You pay duty at monthly intervals, so you pay retrospectively. The Police are not really geared up for testing or dealing with this, so it is down to C&E - who are under resourced. So the chance of getting your collar felt is remote. Anyway, you can just register as a fuel producer, and at the end of the month just declare 'non used' or something like 10 litres worth. :ph34r: And the smell is lovely
  12. Remember if you run your diesels on vegetable oil, then there is a potential 40-50% saving in fuel costs :ph34r:
  13. Seems like a lot of phaffing about. Is the built in system actually any better than an after-market one? I use TomTom on a PDA and also a on phone, and accuracy and redrawing of the maps is spot on
  14. There have been similar questions posted with a good list of normal things. Apart from the usual, I would say look for signs that it has been used as a taxi. The 7 seaters are popular for taxis and subsequent clocking at sale time. Scratched doors and handles, excessively worn rear seats etc. The brakes discs are easily seen for comparison with stated mileage.
  15. I think I have mentioned it several times on here, but I have owned a number of Fords which have come low down in such surveys, and I have had no significant problems with them. And I know of many similar people with no problems too. Another consideration is that if the owner is (for want of a better phrase) clueless about cars, then any minor problem becomes a major issue for them. And if they don't know how to look after their cars, then when things go wrong its always the cars fault and not theirs. How do JD do their survey? I would have thought the best people to ask are those that actually deal with the breakdown and repairs.
  16. Mine get hot, (front more so) and its to do with the alloys conducting heat quite well. I also get more dust on the front wheels, which I presume is related to all the weight going forward during braking and causing them to work harder.
  17. I get this in summer and winter, and it is worse after using the air con. The car also gets steamed up when left parked in sun on some cooler winter days. I posted this question when I first got my car, and the answer was that it seemed to be a common issue with the air con where moisture from previous use remained in the system so that when you next used the car, some moist air initially came out of the blowers. I don't have a damp car, blocked drains or leaves etc, so I am resolved to accepting it as a design issue
  18. Of course it does. :huh: Central locking locks all doors from one lock. Non central locking means having to lock each door individually. Its quite easy to tell the difference Also the OP can't just buy a key and expect it to give him remote locking if there is no remote locking unit fitted.
  19. What is wrong with getting the mechanic, pointing to your cills and saying something like .... "Look at my cills. When I collect the car that is what they had better look like. Don't damage them, if you do then you will be paying for their repair" I make a point of telling whoever I hand my keys to of any significant chips,dents, scratches etc and asking if they would like to view the car with me to confirm its condition. I will also not collect the car when it is dark, unless there is suitable floodlit areas for me to inspect on collection.
  20. I am considering one of these flip out key fobs/remote locking units Would there be any problem in adapting my transponder key? I am really after a remote unit built into the key, rather than a fob on a chain. I have the one from C&R Enterprises, but am not happy with it as it is a fixed code and so potentially vunerable to someone on the same frequency
  21. Battery draining is typically something left on or earth leakage from a dodgy connector. Also, don't these batteries need a charge of a few days to fully charge them?
  22. Any gains are likely to be marginal, and proberly percieved (placebo effect) rather than actual. Some mates and I tried these years ago on our 'boy racers' but on their own there was no difference. To increase performance they have to be just one of a number of other modifications to get anything worth while
  23. I've done a google on biodiesel, and it seems that loads of drivers are running on veg oil! Free waste oil from the local chippy, or just cheap stuff from the supermarket I am suprised it has not been discussed here previously. I am going to give it a go in my truck. If you smell 'chip shops' that'll be me in front or just gone past. lol
  24. The point is, there will be no blockade like last time its a simple protest. Even the guys organising it say don't panic it won't be bad. Its like common sense is in even more short supply than fuel I am alright though <smugly> I have essential user status via my job and a pass for the local BP garage. But I am informed it will not come to that.
  25. Also check for a weld joint all the way around the middle of the car - you may have bought a bargain 2 for 1 deal! :(
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