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Everything posted by big_kev

  1. Welcome Adam We won't hold the fact you're a Brummie against you..... :lol:
  2. Check the one that turns with the handbrake on first.......unless they both do :lol: . Remember to chock the front wheels, both in front and behind.....(note: this does not involve Cadbury's ). Alternatively F.A.B.
  3. Jack back of car up....put handbrake on....try turning each rear wheel by hand. Should be obvious if one of them has the cable snapped or is not otherwise working. Means you only have to investigate problem on one side rather than both..... :lol: Alternatively F.A.B.
  4. It would be a hideous job to change this engine out for for a different model....it would be much better to find a replacement 2.8l V6. There are plenty of older ones of these knocking about. It would be more economical to buy a replacement similar vehicle with a decent 2.8l V6 engine and making 1 good one out of 2 bad ones. It wouldn't be possible to change the engine out for a Ford 2.0l/2.3l or a VW 1.9tdi without changing almost every item under the bonnet....including Gearbox, Radiator, etc.
  5. Nik, Click on Options, (middle right ) Display Mode....(your probably on standard )...switch to Linear+ Should clear your problem.
  6. Until after the next election .....if Labour win it will be taken back off again.
  7. They giving you grief babe ! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=110178112271
  8. I am sure you could afford the first one if you sold the veccy......still like the second one though !
  9. Mind you I would rather have this one... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=230177500367 One nice vehicle..
  10. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=130160618704
  11. Mine hits the roof on a regular basis... :lol:
  12. The whip-round is already in progress..pet.. :lol: :lol: Be realistic luv...it would take you a month to decide which colour combats went with which boots !
  13. My postie - Kate is not quite as brilliant as Gordon.....but she has a nicer bum !
  14. Burns, cuts and several bruises are the usual problems. However one of these may help.. Mk1_Exhaust.pdf MK2_Exhaust.pdf
  15. BJ...I hope you don't let the local Constabulary see this you could be in deep trouble.... 1: Sexism....you assume the officer is male...! 2: Homophobia...you assume the officer is Heterosexual...! 3: Racism...you didn't state that the criminal was white...and therefore he could be black...! 4: Nonsense...How can it be a deserted street...there are at least 5 people in it... ! The police in this country are more likely to be carrying a Radar Gun than a Glock 40.... Personnaly I think the police in this country should be equipped with handguns as standard....only the guilty have anything to fear !
  16. Does the mirror glass on the MK2's unclip the same way as the MK1's ( screwdriver up it bum ). If so removing mirror glass will give access to clips holding on painted cover.
  17. Sorry I think I started it this time.
  18. This any use http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=14401
  19. Is this useful Auto_Fluid_Top_Up.pdf
  20. Bump Thought I might resurect this one as well
  21. Bump.... Someone mentioned this recently, can't remember who it was though
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