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Everything posted by big_kev

  1. Assuming that you have Automatic Climate Control (rather than manual ) then it sounds about right. Usual part number quoted is 1J0-907-521 . I think you have another one (to hell with the rear seat passengers comfort) in the rear heater assembly. It should look like this Hedgehog There are black and red ones available ( no difference between them ).
  2. Manny Happy returns.....you young rascal
  3. Took you over 5 minutes Hun, you're slacking :D
  4. Cod war :D
  5. Wear your earmuffs !
  6. Many Happy returns BJ......you still alive then ?
  7. ALSO HERE...
  8. I don't think its the Turbo either, most likely MAF ( could be relay possibly).
  9. Is there an abbreviation for that Hun...... :) p.s. nice to know you are ok, thought you might have had an accident in Fat Lucy.
  10. wondered why we never saw your name in there then. :rolleyes: Been playing under an alias "nobody" I seem to be doing ok ;)
  11. I think its a new feature of the arcade ! If your score is pitifully low ( sort of junior wimp level ) it doesn't bother with it. :16:
  12. It sound like an earthing problem ( lack of ). Check the earth connections for the dash.
  13. ^_^ :o :D
  14. Where did it all go wrong.... The Good Old Days We were once the rulers of the largest empire the world has ever seen. Nanby Panby bloody dogooders.....that's what caused it. :D I think we should rebuild the empire again......ok a few hundred million people will die ( mostly foriegners, so they don't really matter ! ). ^_^ However eventually we ( The British and our Commonwealth allies, of all creeds & colours ) will be happy again. :D OOOPs! Did I say that out loud :o
  15. try side steps
  16. As a general rule bigger is better :lol:
  17. It has the wrong battery fitted thats for the petrol version. That's my opinion others may disagree. You need at least an 85AH
  18. Assuming you get the gearbox and flywheel fitted its got to be worth at least
  19. Prefer the term "kiddie killer" myself , its more accurate !
  20. that's ok, at your age these things happen :rolleyes:
  21. I wish I had mains gas to complain about ! Out in the sticks burning Kerosene....<40p per litre at the moment was >60p in August . Mind you I may start running it 50/50 in the gal :rolleyes:
  22. You could try the link below ( only if you are a complete twit :rolleyes: ) Mot Due Did someone say thanks ?
  23. Only
  24. I would suggest doing a search there are several postings on this. try HERE for starters. Hopefully someone else will give you more exact info.
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