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Everything posted by dave_m

  1. My local tip is the same, its like twenty questions when you take stuff there, They then wonder why so many people end up flytipping (I never would by the way!!) The reason flytipping occurs is because its simply too much hassle trying to dispose of it legitimately at the local tip. If you are going there every week with a van load of rubbish then fair enough. And like you say they let in their friends with huge vans which quite clearly contain trade waste.
  2. do a search on scuttle drains there are plenty of topics explaining how to clear these.... :ph34r:
  3. Can anyone tell me how to enable the towing indicator in the dash using VAG-COM, Not sure what i need to recode to enable this, I assume it will be Module 17-Instruments. thanks in advance
  4. my turbo sometimes makes a similar noise
  5. it just lets air into the bottle
  6. i have added a pic now where it clips on, so you can check it, mine is fairly tight when its clipped on!
  7. shouldn't be too loose, it may be that the rubber bits that it clips round are missing or worn. If you lift it off the posts at the front and pull it will come out.
  8. i think this pipe is a breather for the washer bottle :rolleyes:
  9. seems to be that replacements last a lot longer than the Ford ones, The originals were changed at 40k the replacements are still going strong at 101k no knocking or play.
  10. I think the D5W Boosters on post 2000 models are different then as they do need a reset :blink: Has anyone successfully connected VAG COM to a mk1 aux heater?
  11. if the heater has had a repeated Flame Out, It will need to be reset by VAG COM or similar, just curing the fault won't solve the problem. just reset one for another forum member and VAG Com displayed five flame out errors caused by faulty glowplug and another DTC saying FUNCTION LOCKED OUT, Reset codes and heater fired up immediately
  12. 2001 MK2 galaxy, 100k, Original Clutch and I tow a caravan regularly I Think you have a good case that is worth pursuing!
  13. disconnecting MAF will not cause a light on the dash, I have heard that a flashing glowplug lamp signals a fault, but which type of faults this responds to i am not sure
  14. disconnecting the MAF will log a DTC, which will show up when ford connect Diagnostics to the car, If you do disconnect bits trying to solve problems yourself if you finally do admit defeat and then the car goes to dealer/garage let them know otherwise when they see the fault codes they assume this is what the problem is and change and charge you for uneccessary bits.
  15. don't think it has the EPC on it, I think the EPC is a different system, The CD one definately doesn't altough your dvd one may do, Let us know :-)
  16. I had an intermittent misfire problem on my tdi, Turned out to be an intermittent misfire on Cylinder 1, caused by High resistance in the Injector wiring loom. I also found this in TIS PCM = ECU TSB00101.pdf
  17. and they all lived happily ever after, THE END...........................................................................! :ph34r:
  18. I myself have been flashed by cameras on more than one occasion, however i still have a clean licence, because i assume the cameras had no film in etc I don't think many drivers can say they never break the speed limits, it is quite easy to creep a bit over the limit and not realise. just wait till they introduce a satellite based speeding detection system. then no one will have a clean licence :ph34r:
  19. VAG COM software is free, lead can be purchased from above. or you could get a cheap lead from ebay
  20. this is what you need.......... Its a 76mm Socket and can be found here....... Toolsnstuff.co.uk or if you want to get ripped off they sell them at halfrauds.
  21. if the cop was there holding the laser, they would have come after you and pulled you over and issued the ticket, You will only receive a ticket in the post if it was a mobile camera, if the cop was holding the device it probably wasn't a camera these are normally fitted in the back of a van. sounds like you had a lucky escape. I think that cameras are a good idea when used correctly. fixed cameras are a waste of time really as they only protect about 50 yds of road, the best ones are the SPECS average speed cameras as they calculate the speed over a few miles which means you have to stick to the limits over that entire distance. the new ANPR Number plate recognition systems used by the police are reducing the amount of dodgy uninsured,untaxed and NO mot drivers which can only be a good thing :wub:
  22. A list of DTC Codes can be found here DTC TABLE VW
  23. clean the screen with vinegar, this works well and is cheap.
  24. You say the problem has caused the death of two sets of tyres in 12 months, was the previous set of tyres to these replaced due to wear on the inner edge? Just want to know whether problem was there when you bought the car (accident damage?) or has the failure of a specific component caused it to happen?
  25. go for the DVD Version it apparently has more info on it than the Cd rom version. VW's Elsawin is also good in fact i find it much more comprehensive than TIS. Although it is for the sharan the majority of it covers the galaxy with the exception of certain bodywork features
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