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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by katman

  1. Hmmmm..... ....if you remove the spare wheel to fit an LPG tank.... how do you convert a Mk3 Galaxy to LPG :rolleyes: :lol:
  2. Possibly because he wants to put a child seat in the front ???
  3. When I first got my Galaxy I only had the Black Remote Key. After finding out how much another remote key was going to cost I went for the manual key and a red key which I then had to pay Ford to program into the Galaxy. The mechanic who did the work advised me to use a key to open the car on a fairly regular basis as he had worked on many Galaxys where the locks were siezed due to lack of use and people got locked out when the battery in the keyfob went flat. Having discovered that it usually took me 3 or 4 goes to hit the IR sensor I gave up on the remote keyfob and use the key all the time.
  4. Sounds a bit like my first car. It was a TRUE British Leyland Mini by the time it was finished.... Car started life as a 1961 Austin Mini Engine was replaced with one from a Morris Mini Brakes were off a Wolsey Hornet .... OK so all the bits so far are really "Mini", bit like Galaxy/Alhambra/Sharan ... then the "other leyland bits" Interior lights from a Mk2 Jag Windscreen Washer pump from a Rover 3500 Instruments from a Triumph 2000 Indicator and Wiper stalks from a Austin 1100 Fibreglass "Clubman" front from the local car accessory shop. Thas was a cool little car by the time I had finished. Was sad when I had to get rid of it :D
  5. Sounds like there is still some power getting to it. It could be that the unit has crashed in some wierd fashion and is totally confused. Can you identify which fuse feeds the system and remove it for 30 seconds or so then replace it and see if it resets itself. My Car radio once crashed in this way ans would only reset after power was totally removed.
  6. About a month after I started this thread I lost the drivers door speaker again and assumed the wire must have broken off from the connector as had been the case with some other wires when I looked the first time. I didnt think it could be the cable as only about an inch of original wire was left from where I joined the new speaker lead on. I knew it couldnt be the stereo as the tweeter on the dash was working. I was quite surprised by the outcome today...... Wiring in the boot was OK so I removed the speaker to find.... NO WIRES ON IT !!!! When I replace the cable I left slightly too much cable and didnt fix it to the existing harness with enough cable ties. It would appear that the window mechanism snagged the cable and pulled the connectors of the speaker. Have now cable tied it and checked that the window clears all the wiring. All 4 speakers now sounding good ^_^
  7. Especially when you look in the local paper every friday at the "Cases In Court" and see how little they get fined :ph34r: Bet if I got done for something I wouldnt get away that lightly!
  8. Especially when you look in the local paper every friday at the "Cases In Court" and see how little they get fined :ph34r: Bet if I got done for something I wouldnt get away that lightly!
  9. Many moons ago, when I were a lad LOL.... different parts of the country had different school holidays. When I was living in Lancashire the summer holiday started several weeks before thos in Norfolk but they also went back earlier then got a longer half term break in October. In the 60s/70s when most peoples summer holidays were taken in this country and Britain still had a manufacturing industry, the summer holiday would normally be taken during a two week shutdown of the factory where the father worked and these were in different weeks in different parts of the country. We definately used to have Leicester fortnight and Glasgow fortnight during the summer and the local newsagent would have the visitors "local" papers in the shop for the relevant fortnight.
  10. The fact that you have a noisy line will definately be affecting your ADSL performance. When the BT engineer turns up, DONT ask him/her if they want a Tea or Coffee.... DO ASK what kind of biscuits they want with their Tea or Coffee. That ALWAYS used to make me stay on site longer :o If all else fails then an email detailing your woes to ben dot verwaayen at bt dot com might attract some attention.
  11. Upload speed is good so it means the line is OK but as others have said, either the bandwidth is being throttled back or or there are too many heavy users on the system. 74k is barely better than a single ISDN line !!!! :16: :(
  12. If its only the internet that is slow and you are on ADSL as opposed to Cable then try this site http://speedtester.bt.com/
  13. Are you referring to the Isle of White.... or my neck of the woods ? Keith - Great Yarmouth :16:
  14. Stuck my Galaxy in for its MOT + Service yesterday. 110K on the clock, 11,500 since last service 13 months ago. All that I have done to it since then is top up oil, water and tyre pressures. (I dont think upgrading the sound system counts as servicing ;) ) Failed on middle section of exhaust leaking badly so they replaced that. Total for full service, middle section of exhaust and MOT was
  15. You could have saved a fortune in diesel if you had ;) :D :D
  16. What a logical idea to reduce the oil level! :D If the filter is new, you could just remove it, tip the oil out and replace... Unless you used the alternative Oil Filter Removal Tool ...... screwdriver driven through the filter :D
  17. He also called you "mate" LOL I thought the inside of my Galaxy was blue but I guess it is really grey !!!!
  18. Do you still have any Esso garages left ??? I always used to use Esso. we had 8 Esso Garages within 10 miles but now we have none. 2 are Total, 1 is Jet, 5 have been demolished. In addition, another 4 or 5 garages of different brands have also been demolished. It seems the supermarkets have driven most of them out of business :D
  19. Likewise with schools..... Why is it you cant take your child out of school for one day without permission as it is an unauthorised absence (unless you ring and tell them the child is sick) yet 4 or more snowflakes and they shut the school forcing one of the parents to take a day off work to look after the child. I can NEVER remember MY schools being shut because of the snow yet my daughters schools have been closed on a dozen or more days because of bad weather. All the kids live less than a mile from school but I know that several of the teachers live 20 miles away so they probably think "its snowing...I cant be arsed to drive.... lets shut the school" You cant take your child out of school for a holiday during term time as "there education would suffer" but surely that depends on the type of holiday. A week on the beach in Benedorm probably wont teach them much but a holiday visiting places of interest is quite likely to teach them quite a bit. Agree totally about the appointments. My doctor NEVER runs on time. I had the second appointment one da, it was 30 minutes late when he finally called me in. You cant tell me that the first person was in there for 40 minutes!!!! And I dont think I have ever got my full 10 minutes anyway !!!! Last night I had to take Amber to the hospital A&E department as she fell off her bike. We arrived at 8:10 and got seen at 10:15, by the time we had been to X-ray and back to A&E for a bandage we left at 11:15
  20. You must have better drivers there than we have here !!! Mirror signal move has now become move. My daughters school is in the centre of town and whilst there is a car park only 30m away, it is either full, or for 3 days of the week closed as it is also used as the market place and is covered in stalls. The road in front of the school is a cul-de-sac and with vehicles lining either side there is just enough room for a vehicle to pass down the center of the road with about a foot on each side. EVERY DAY there are parent who drive down the centre of the road at 30mph, you hear some of them change into third or fourth gear FFS!!!! Its the same at the local college where my son goes to nursery. The entrance to the carpark is only wide enough for a single vehicle and is a blind tuning at both ends yet people still instist on swinging into the entrance at high speed. It took 4 attempts for me to get out of the car park the other day due to vehicles driving into the road with aother one tight up their a*** Why dont people have any common sense anymore. If it is a cul-de-sac or a car park then there is a very finite limit to the vehicles that can get in there....if you dont let vehicles out then you aint gonna get in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont know if it because modern vehicles accellerate so quickly or because the majority of drivers seem to be total d*ckheads but they roar round residential streets at ludicrous speeds :rolleyes: :lol: The roads in my town are quite narrow and unless I am one one of the main roads then my Galaxy often doesnt get out of second gear. GGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
  21. I was very surprised when I saw the Glasgow attack on TV this morning. Not surprised that an attack happened, but the timing and location. We are just 6 days away from the second anniversary of the London bombings and I thought the ones in London were to focus attention on the capital so that on the 7th it would be almost totally locked down at which point they would hit one of the other big cities Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edingburgh or Cardiff. I now wonder if they are planning on hitting several large cities "on the day" Terrorism isnt like a normal war because for the most part you dont know exactly who or where the enemy are or when they will strike next. I just hope that all their efforts are thwarted without serious injury to innocent people.
  22. I had a Vectra as a hire car a few years ago. Cant remember the exact model but it was bigger than a 1.6 Performance was exellent but I found it a real pig to fill with fuel. On the way home I was taking it reasonalby gently as I was assessing its fuel economy as I needed to buy a car. The average MPG it was reporting was quite respectable (cant remember the figure but quite good for a big engine) and I was stuck behind a tractor. I saw an opportunity to overtake and floored it to pass the tractor and trailer. I swear the instananeous Miles Per Gallon changed to Gallons per Mile as it poured fuel into the engine. The average MPG dropped to 8mpg and took about 20 miles to get anywhere near normal. Based on the hassle I had filling it up I decided that it could probaly use fuel quicker than you could fill it up, and I didnt like the door mirrors. Terrible visibility. Other than that it semed fine but I doubt one would have been as reliable as the PUG 309 GLD that I did 280K in @ 54mpg
  23. I get the feeling that tomorrow MO4 shall be known as MFOAH Mother_F***er_Of_All_Headaches
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