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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by katman

  1. Mate of mine had a SMART car with the registration "X 70 NKA" Ex Tonka :-) Wasnt too pleased the night a group of drunken youbs decided it was a Tonka Toy and rolled it down his road though :-( Keith
  2. Ah, so I am not going mad and dont have a faulty Galaxy ....just an old one. I would much prefer that the instrument lights ONLY cam on with the Lights as I almost drove off again tonight with no lights on :-( Got much more important things to do now. SWMBO had bought me the bits for an InCar PC so I have to figure out where and how I can fit it. Unlimited choice of music for me and movies for the kids. :-) Regards Keith
  3. Just been out to check in case I am imagining it!! When the ignition is turned on, the main instrument cluster that is always lit plus the bulb inside the light switch and the mirror and window controls. When the lights are turned on the backlights on all the controls are then lit. Using the dashboard dimmer, it is possible to dim everything EXCEPT the mirror controls. The window controls dim along with everything else. I wonder if its because the LCD mileometer is more legible when lit. Keith
  4. So far I have only really found one thing that really irritates me about my Galaxy. The instrument panel lights coming on with the ignition. Having been driving for almost 30 years my routine before setting off is to glance down at the instrument panel to make sure all warning lights are off, and if it is night-time, that the speedo etc is lit thereby indicating that the lights are on. Likewise when turning the ignition off, I check that the speedo is not lit thereby confirming that my lights are off. SWMBO gets to drive the Galaxy most of the time as I trundle up and down the A12 in an old Pug 309 so I only really get to use it at weekends but so far I have managed to set off without lights on half a dozen occasions and been buzzed at when opening the door because I keep forgetting to turn them off again! Then again, perhaps it is just a sign of becoming a TOG! Now if only I could find a low mileage, extremely cheap Galaxy TDI for me the Pug would be off to the scrapyard in a flash! Keith
  5. Hi All, I tagged this onto an older thread last week but I guess no-one saw it. I have a squealing problem on my 97 2.0 Galaxy :-( Got it just over 3 months ago and occasionally noticed a squeal when it was warm but only on idle, since then it has got worse and now squeals all the time. Just been to two garages, a general garage that is about to MOT my aging Pug 309 GLD (which has reached 274000 miles and still has a bloody good engine!), and the local Ford dealer. Both said that I shouldnt leave it too long before getting it sorted. Ford dealer scared me a bit when mentioning the cost of bits especially when he mentioned the cost of a pulley assembly for the AirCon. Given that the Ford dealers labour charges are probably double that of the other garage, is this a job that can be undertaken easily by any garage or is it preferable to have a Ford dealer who has probably experienced this on many occasions and has the parts easily to hand. (Or is the dealer likely to change too many bits just because they can?). I took one look under the bonnet and cant figure out how the hell anyone can work on it when there is virtually zero space around anything!!! Any advise gratefully received. Thanks Keith
  6. I have exactly the same problem on my 97 2.0 Galaxy :-( Got it just over 3 months ago and occasionally noticed a squeal when it was warm but only on idle, since then it has got worse and now squeals all the time. Just been to two garages, a general garage that is about to MOT my aging Pug 309 GLD (which has reached 274000 miles and still has a bloody good engine!), and the local Ford dealer. Both said that I shouldnt leave it too long before getting it sorted. Ford dealer scared me a bit when mentioning the cost of bits especially when he mentioned the cost of a pulley assembly for the AirCon. Given that the Ford dealers labour charges are probably double that of the other garage, is this a job that can be undertaken easily by any garage or is it preferable to have a Ford dealer who has probably experienced this on many occasions and has the parts easily to hand. (Or is the dealer likely to change too many bits just because they can?). I took one look under the bonnet and cant figure out how the hell anyone can work on it when there is virtually zero space around anything!!! Any advise gratefully received. Thanks Keith
  7. Thanks MrT I had already thought of doing that but wanted to make sure I wasnt reinventing the wheel. Like you I have some techie goodies that I would like to keep safe and sound. Regards Keith
  8. Why is it you only notice bits you have missed after someone points them out! Boggler is on the right wavelength. When I said "Clips to seat mounts" I did of course mean that would be how it would attach to the vehicle. "SECURE" indicates that I want a lockable box and that it cant easily be removed as it would be locked in place. Remember the old "Slide Mounts" for CB radios where you could easily remove the CB when not needed, or lock it in place when you didnt want it removing. That is the sort of thing I am after only as a large box. Regards Keith
  9. Hi all, Does anyone make secure storage box that clips to the seat anchorage points? Someone at work said he thought there was a company in Manchester supplying one but I have been unable to find it by using Google. Thanks Keith
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